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G.R. No.


VALENTIN TIO doing business under the name and style of OMI ENTERPRISES, petitioner,

In 1985, Presidential Dedree No. 1987 entitled “An Act Creating the Videogram Regulatory
Board” was enacted which gave broad powers to the Videogram Regulatory Board to regulate and
supervise the videogram industry. The said law sought to minimize the economic effects of piracy. There
was a need to regulate the sale of videograms as it has adverse effects to the movie industry. The
proliferation of videograms has significantly lessened the revenue being acquired from the movie industry,
and that such loss may be recovered if videograms are to be taxed. Section 10 of the PD imposes a 30%
tax on the gross receipts payable to the LGUs.
A month after the promulgation of the abovementioned decree, Presidential Decree No. 1994
amended the National Internal Revenue Code providing for an annual tax on processed video-tape
cassette and a sales tax on blank video tapes.
In 1986, Valentin Tio assailed the said PD as he averred that it is unconstitutional alleging that
Section 10 thereof, which imposed the 30% tax on gross receipts, is a rider and is not germane to the
subject matter of the law.
Petitioner alleges that the taxes are excessive and confiscatory, there is over-regulation of the
industry, undue delegation of authority and there is no legal or factual basis for the exercise of
Presidential decree.

ISSUE: Whether or not PD No. 1987 is a valid exercise of the taxing power of the State.



Taxation has been made the implement of the state's police power. The levy of the 30% tax is for
a public purpose. It was imposed primarily to answer the need for regulating the video industry,
particularly because of the rampant film piracy, the flagrant violation of intellectual property rights, and the
proliferation of pornographic video tapes. And while it was also an objective of the DECREE to protect the
movie industry, the tax remains a valid imposition.

Section 10 of P.D. No. 1987 is allied and germane to, and is reasonably necessary for the
accomplishment of, the general object of the law, which is the regulation of the video industry through the
Videogram Regulatory Board as expressed in its title. The tax provision is not inconsistent with, nor
foreign to that general subject and title. As a tool for regulation it is simply one of the regulatory and
control mechanisms scattered throughout the decree.

Tax does not cease to be valid merely because it regulates, discourages, or even definitely deters
the activities taxed. The power to impose taxes is a sovereign right and it is inherent in the power to tax
that a state be free to select the subjects of taxation. The tax imposed by the decree is not only a
regulatory but also a revenue measure. The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the motive
which impelled the legislature to impose the tax was to favor one industry over another.

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