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Purpose/Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this research study is to investigate the effective catalyst for producing bioethanol
from corn-based additive.In this study researchers focus on the catalyst;such as, alphaamylase,
glucoamylase, and sodium hydroxide ( serves as a chemicals that help to expedites the process of
hydrolysis).Also, this study conducted to minimize the possibilities of having food crisis because of the
used of first generation bioethanol feedstocks in producing bioethanol.Researchers pursued to
undertake this kind of study to enhance the knowledge of every individuals when it comes with the
alternative way of producing and using bioethanol.Additionally, there are a lot of purposes and reasons
why does researcher manage to conduct this study.

First; in order to be effective, researchers investigate the chemicals that they are going to use.In that
case the catalyst are being tested weither it is accelerating or slackening the hydrolysis process.

Second, researchers trying to globalized the best catalyst and the best way of producing bioethanol from
corn-based additive.

Third, researchers would like to inform everyone about the first to third generation bioethanol
feedstocks in bioethanol production.When individuals already aware the differences of these generations
they might ensure to limit the consumptions of food as additives in bioethanol production.Also, these
generation may help them to understand the concept of producing bioethanol.

Fourth; this study is very essential to the goverment, that is why researchers would like to continue this
research because this may lead for the country's innovations.

Fifth;researchers chose to conduct this study to inform everyone regarding the result of this
experimental research, that may help to reduce the pollution because of the less carbondioxide produce
by fuels from tracks engines.

Lastly; the main purpose of this study is to produced bioethanol from corn additive with the catalyst of
alphaamylase,glucoamylase, and sodium hydroxide; then convert this bioethanol into fuel and use it to
power the invented robot(which is the main reason of conducting this investigatory project).By the end
of ths study, researchers are hoping to manipulate the robot through powering by alternative
fuel.Also,through this study;researchers may contribute helps to mother Earth by reducing CO2 emission
in the atmosphere that cause the greenhouse gases.

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