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Nurse (wulan): good morning,may I help you?

Patient(Desi) : yes

Nurse (wulan) : what is your full name?

Patient(desi) : Nadin Amara

Nurse(wulan) : can you spell it?

Patient(desi) : N-A-D-I-N A-M-A-R-A

Nurse (wulan) : what is your date of birthday?

Patient(desi) : my birthday is 29 october 1998

Nurse (wulan) : what is your address?

Patient(desi) : my address in jakarta

Nurse (wulan) : what is your mobile phone number?

Patient ( desi) : 0823166603

Nurse(wulan) : who is your next of kin?

Patient(desi) : she is wanda

Nurse(wulan) : what is her relationship to you?

Patient(desi) : she is my mother

Nurse (wulan) : how do you feel it today?

Patient(desi) : i have burning in my hand

Nurse(wulan) : do you have a reddish?

Patient(desi) : yes i have

Nurse(wulan) : do you have another symtoms?

Patient(desi) : yes i have

Nurse (wulan) : what are you symtoms?

Patient(desi) : i have alergy

Nurse (wulan) : what did you ate yesterday?

Patient(desi) : i ate seafood

Nurse (wulan) : how long have you feel it?

Patient( desi) : i have feel it for three days

Nurse (wulan) : you can meet dr.winshon?

Patient(desi) : when can i meet dr.winshon

Nurse (wulan): ok,he come on monday at 08.00 o'clock am,you can wait here?

Patient (desi): ok, i can wait in here,thank you.

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