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Jack Sayan

MR Bierer
US. History II
5 September 2019
Reconstruction Paper

Reconstruction was mainly focused on the black community through 1865-1877. This

was an inspiration for black men to join congress and be set free as slaves and live a normal

American live. I think that Reconstruction was needed in this time because black people were

being miss treated and this gave them a boost, in their community by returning to there families

that were separated from slave trades, also it boosted the black religion and intended churches

were founded in the south.

Reconstruction had a huge effect on the black community because many positive things

came out of the reconstruction era such as new black churches and getting their rights in the

15th amendment. I think after the civil war was the best time for the black people because it set

them free from the shackles of slavery. I think this was a rise in the reconstruction because

black people could do some things that they couldn't when they were slaves. Also, I think that at

the end of the reconstruction things started to change and the black community fell off the top

and racism overcame them.

Works Cited

Henry Gates JR, L. (2019). ​​. [online] Time. Available at: [Accessed 11 Sep. 2019].

Foner, E. (2019). ​Opinion | Why Reconstruction Matters​. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Sep.

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