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Recognize the meaning of one’s life

 Meaning of life
 Various perspectives of human limitations


 (add kayo pic ni Socrates ha)

 469 bc
 Knowing oneself is a condition to solve the present problem

Expository Method

 Answers direct or implied questions

 Fills the void ignorance with information
 Analogy
 Illustration

Socratic Method

 Asses by questions the character of students

 Set him problems, exhort him to reduce each problem
 Criticize the solutions

Ironic Process

 A process that serves the learner to seek for knowledge by ridding the mind of prejudices and
then by humbly accepting his ignorance.

Maieutic Process

 Employed after the first process has cleared the mind of the learner of ignorance, and then
draws the truth out of the learner’s mind
 Through dialog or conversation
 Considers, examines, compares, and studies the similarities and dissimilarities


 Virtuous life
o Virtue is not learned but rather it is merely an awakening of good deeds that lay
dormant in our mind and heart.
o Knowing what is in the mind and heart is achieved through self-knowledge
 Knowledge is not only theoretical or speculative

Practical Knowledge

 Knowing the rules of right living, and applying it

 True knowledge means wisdom, which turns into virtue

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