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LDR 804 Topic 4 Discussions GCU

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LDR 804 Topic 4 Discussions GCU
LDR 804 Topic 4 DQ 1

Modern society gives preference to the inclusive style of leadership and the traits that are
associated with it. Are there situations where inclusive leadership would not benefit an
organization? If so, what leadership styles may prove more effective in those situations? If not, why
not? Support your response.

LDR 804 Topic 4 DQ 2

One characteristic of inclusive leadership is respect for diverse cultural preferences and beliefs. To
what extent should this govern the style and behavior of the inclusive leader? Why? Is there a point
at which diversity and culture wield too much influence and yield ambiguity and diminished
productivity as a result? If so, where is that point and why? If not, why not?

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