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Cruel? Aunt May... This is a kindness. This is an act of love. Love and glory
everlasting. A true blessing, standing right here in front of you. The kind you
pray for in church and you never get it. And you just have to figure that God
moves in mysterious ways and get used to disappointment. Not this time. This
time he answered your prayers. And I'm here to share that blessing. To share it
with you.
-- Poison (Peter Parker) src

This incarnation of Spider-Man likely possessed the same history as his Earth-616
counterpart up to his second battle with Morlun. Cocooned under the Brooklyn Bridge,
Spider-Man was offered the chance to be reborn by the embodiment of his spider-
powers, but vehemently rejected his inner spider's offer and killed it by ripping off its
head -- leaving his metamorphosis and resurrection incomplete. The Venom symbiote
sensed what was happening and left Mac Gargan to seek out Peter Parker in his cocoon.
Peter's consciousness fought the symbiote for several months, but after a long mental
struggle the symbiote destroyed what was left of his psyche and took him over, filling
the gap left by his incomplete metamorphosis.

The new creature broke into Stark Tower and confronted Aunt May and Mary Jane, and
tried to reassure them everything would be okay. The symbiote-possessed Peter
believed his creation to be an act of love, a miracle beyond anything one could ever ask
for in church; his intention was to "share his gift" with Mary Jane, bonding her to a new
symbiote spawn. After Mary Jane referred to him as Venom, the symbiote-possessed
Peter denounced Venom as a loser that never realized his full potential and renamed
himself "Poison." Wolverine attempted to fight him but was soon defeated. Luke Cage
did the same, but Poison produced a stinger from his wrist that pierced Luke's skin on
his shoulder, rendering him helpless on the floor.

Poison again offered Mary Jane his power, but she spurned him and said she would
rather be dead. This did not faze Poison, as he stated he could reanimate her corpse with
a symbiote to be just like him, though she would be a mindless creature "without the
pesky feminine impulses getting in the way." Mary Jane agreed to being bonded to the
symbiote's spawn in exchange for Poison sparing Luke Cage and Wolverine, but
promising that she would make his live a living hell. Poison had second thoughts and
Mary Jane convinced him to leave. Poison eventually unearthed the body of Gwen
Stacy and resurrected her with a symbiote, turning her into a Carnage-like creature.[1]

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