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CAM Work Breakdown 
Joshua ​ - Electronic Table/Outside Fixed Media 
● Live processing of outside instruments 
● Ambient sound pad for outside 
● Watery samples for playback at the end of the piece 

Jamie​ - Outside Fixed Media/Vocalist or Speakers 

● Muffled Vocal Samples from various audio sources, fixed media 
● Create matching text that inside performers to use as warnings (real 
estate, documentary, etc)  

Zulfiia​ - Flood zone Improv, coordinating tourist (video and photo) 

● Create a way for performers in Floodzone to improvise using aleatoric 
sheet music that can be memorized (or any idea that might be better) , 
usually just one page that can be memorized   
● Organize tourist and performer attire 

Heather​ - Sponge Exchange flautist improv, other ideas your wrote 

● Create a way for performers in Sponge Exchange to improvise using 
aleatoric sheet music that can be memorized (or any idea that might be 
better) - usually just one page that can be memorized   
● Work in the other ideas you mentioned (maybe we can get it written 
down at the meeting) 

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