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Solution of globalization guide: DANIEL ENRIQUE ALGECIRA ALDANA

1. What is globalization?

Is a process that want integrate the societies and economies around all the world in the different countries.

2. How new is globalization?

The Globalization is a recent process that experienced nations after the end of the second world war to evite
new wars with raised of the (organizational national united) ONU that wanted united all nations around the
earth and resolve the problems through dialog. In same way, this process was beneficed that the increase of the
evolution technological and invention of the Internet that changed the form of live our lives.

3. What has led to increased globalization?

The technology is the variable most important that an impacted the process the integration of the nations and
their markets, societies and cultures.

4. What are some positive effects of globalization?

One example of the globalization is in the increase of the incomes of the people around different countries and
impact in the economic developed that many nations have experimented in last years.

5. When the people trade, how do both side benefit?

Both parts obtain a benefit, when the consumer satisfice a necessity and the seller received an income for sell a

6. What are some negative effects of globalization?

One problem of the various effect that produce the globalization is usually when the national business doesn’t
can adaptably their conditions for participate in the international market.

7. What roles do the IMF, World Bank, WTO play in the Globalization?

The international Monetary Fund are responsible of the safeguard the international finance system supporting
different countries with the benefits of the globalization and help to reduce the risk of entrance in this process.
The World Bank is an organization that usually help nations undeveloped to get a better economic condition
with different methods to financing. The World Trade Organization is an international organization responsibly
of break the commercial barriers that create different nations around the world that impeded the free
international commerce.

8. What are some effects of the multinational businesses?

The multinational businesses are business that usually only get resources for only their benefit that produces
damages in the environment of the country that welcomes them.

9. What are some of the issues involved with outsourcing jobs?

10. What is the future of the globalization?

The future of the globalization is uncertain for many economics given to say this process is unstoppable and that
only we can view the evolution and the impact our life.

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