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RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL ea ‘ANAL SPHINCTERS AND ANAL CANAL ‘A. Lovator an in right haf of hamisected polis. ‘Tre subcutaneous foes ofthe extemal ana sphincter and averhing skin are reflected wih forces. The pubococaygeus muscle is cut to reveal the ana canal, to which itis, n art, tached B.Puborecas. ‘The innermost part of the pubocoodygeus muscle, the puborectal, forms a U-shaped muscular “sing” around the anorectal junction, which maintains the anorectal (perineal flexure. Pelvis and Perineum RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL Regn of ana can TB cotsnar sane Dh teaiecen cutaneous zone Lent a en. Dea ‘oor ee pert Fatsf eterna al al phn =e wn poets a ste Fate ©. Wott we me freon re mesial mca Aral arn stenaeta vers gens nera onal spice steal ew ‘eral atl space ea ‘ANAL SPHINCTERS AND ANAL CANAL (CONTINUED) (6. Eeral an inal anal sprinters. + The pectn is a smooth area of hails statiied ephetum that les "The inemal ana sphincor is a hckening ofthe inet, crclar muscular between the anal vas super and the inferior border ofthe inter coat of te anal cana anal sphincter interior + Te exermal anal sphincter has thee often instinct continuous zones: + The paca ines an fregulr ne at the base of the anal ves where oop, spertal, and subcutaneous; he deen partintrmingles wth the the infstinl mucosa is coninuous wih the pete; this incates the puborcials muscle postr. Junction of the superior part of tho anal canal (Srvod from ombryonic + The longitudinal muscle layer ofthe rectum separates the intemal and _inagul andthe inferior par ofthe anal canal derived from the anal it exeral anal sphincters and terminates inthe subcutaneous tissue ard _(proclodaum),Imevain i sera proxmalt the ne and somatic dis shin around the anus. tally Imphaticdanage i othe parerecal nodes proximal and to the D. Foals ofthe anal canal superficial inguinal nodes distal. ‘+ The anal columns are 5 to 10 vertcal folds of mucosa separated by anal ‘iusas and valves; they contan portions ofthe rectal venaus plexus RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL ight angie ranches RECTUM, ANAL CANAL, AND NEUROVASCULAR STRUCTURES OF POSTERIOR PELVIS ‘Tho pov is coronal bisected antrior tothe ractum and nal canal The suparir gluteal ater often pasos posteriay between the anterior rami of LS and St, andthe infra luteal artery between S2 and $3. EBD) scurstune oF rectum ‘A. Arterial and venous crainage. ‘The continuation ofthe inferior mesenteric rary, the superior rectal artery, supplies the proximal part of rectum, «Right and left middle rectal ates, usualy arising from the ifriorvesical (male) or uterine (ema) arteries, supply the midale and interior parts of the rectum, * Inferior rectal rere, ang fom the intemal pudendal arteries, supply the anorectal junction andthe anal canal ‘Tho rocial venous plows surrounds tho distal rectum and anal canal and consists ofan intemal rectal plows deep tothe epithelium ofthe anal Pelvis and Perineum RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL {70 ‘Sper wctan era oes deals tambo or mete BB erase Dy ter ae ‘pee ep is DD sox Dh recs > isnt owt yon a 8 e a canal and an extemal cal plows external tothe muscular coats ofthe wall ofthe anal canal * The superior rectal vein drains into the portal system, andthe mile and inferior veins drain into te systemic system; thus, this isan impor ‘ant area of portacaval anastomosis see information on Hemorrhoids wth Fig. 3.30), B. Lymphatic cranage. * The superior mile, and inferior rectal wens dain the rectum and anal canal; there are anastomoses between the plenuses formed by all three | RECTUM AND ANAL CANAL simate mone (ESD) venvarion oF rectum ano ANAL CANAL ‘The lumbar and pec spinal nerves and hypogastic pleses have been reacted lateral for cary.

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