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Learning the Craft of Organizational Research

Article  in  The Academy of Management Review · October 1983

DOI: 10.5465/AMR.1983.4284649


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Richard L. Daft
Vanderbilt University


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Learning the Craft of Organizational Research

Richard L. Daft

The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 4. (Oct., 1983), pp. 539-546.

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Mon Dec 11 21 :47:14 2006
oAcademy of Management Revtew, 1983. Vol. 8, No. 4, 539-546.

Learning the Craft of Organizational Research

Texas A&M University

This essay proposes that scholarly research is a craft and that significant
research outcomes are associated with the mastery of craft elements in the
research process. A tentative framework of the research craft is proposed,
which includes error and surprise, storytelling, research poetry, nonlinear
decision making, common sense, firsthand knowledge, and research

What research techniques can be used to obtain senses to interpret organization phenomena are
significant new knowledge about organizations? necessary for discovering new knowledge.
Many of us would answer by referring to what has A few of us would suggest yet a third answer. This
become known as the natural science model of answer would not make the distinction between
research (Behling, 1980; Popper, 1964). In organiza- natural science and qualitative research techniques
tion textbooks (Behling, 1980) the natural science as separate avenues to significant research outcomes.
model typically is associated with good research and Organizations are complex, multidimensional en-
is exemplified by precise definition, objective data tities. A range of techniques can be adopted to pur-
collection, systematic procedures, and replicable find- sue effectively a range of research topics (Daft, 1980).
ings. A milestone in the use of systematic procedures Indeed, qualitative and quantitative approaches can
in organization studies was Campbell and Stanley's be used side by side, as in the natural sciences. The
(1963) work on experimental design. The natural qualitative method of "direct observation" (Mintz-
science model is sometimes called quantitative berg, 1979) is similar to watching cell matter under
research (Morgan & Smircich, 1980). This approach an electron microscope or sending Voyager I1 out for
assumes that social reality is a concrete, measurable a first hand look at Saturn. The qualitative notion
phenomenon. Advocates of this approach stress the of "organizational stimulation" (Salancik, 1979) is
importance of reliability, validity, and accurate similar to feeding large doses of artificial sweeteners
measurement before research outcomes can contri-
to mice or treating cell cultures with chemicals to
bute to knowledge.
observe the response. Perhaps at a superficial level,
Others of us would answer that significant new
research in the natural and social sciences seems to
knowledge about organizations is the result of
call for different approaches. But in many ways
qualitative procedures. Qualitative research is con-
cerned with the meaning rather than the measurement research in these fields is similar. In his address to
of organizational phenomena. Qualitative research the American Psychological Association, Oppenhei-
techniques were highlighted in a special issue of the mer (1956) proposed that we are all in this together,
Administrative Science Quarterly (Van Maanen, facing similar problems, suffering the same human
1979). Organizations are assumed to be enormously limitations, trying to probe into the apparent ran-
complex social systems that cannot be studied effec- domness of a vastly complicated physical and social
tively with the same techniques that are used to study world to see patterns and make sense of it.
physical or biological systems (Daft & Wiginton, What techniques can be used to obtain significant
1979; Pondy & Mitroff, 1979). Qualitative research new knowledge about organizations? Those who do
procedures assume that organization realities are not not answer in quantitative or qualitative terms would
concrete, but are the projection of human imagina- argue that significant new knowledge is the outcome
tion (Morgan & Smircich, 1980). Those who prefer of something deeper. Research involves basic at-
qualitative research techniques argue that direct in- titudes and ways of thinking. Research is a craft. Like
volvement in organizations and the use of human other crafts, activities are not analyzable (Perrow,
1967). Cause-effect relationships are not clear. Unex- anticipation and removal of uncertainties that could
pected problems appear. Procedures are not available upset the research blueprint. The research challenge
to describe each aspect of research activity. The learn- is to plan the work so that it comes out as predicted.
ing of craft skills may take years of trial and error. The problem, of course, is that this approach
Through practice one learns how to ask research assumes that investigators know a substantial amount
questions, how to conduct research projects, and about the phenomenon under investigation. Knowl-
what to strive for when writing a research paper. edge beforehand makes for clean, tidy, hypothesis
Significant research, then, is the outcome of a way testing research, but the knowledge return typically
of thinking that can be called craftsmanship. will be small. If we have a good idea about what the
The dilemma for the field of organization studies research answer will be, if we understand the
is that the technical, methodological aspects of the phenomenon well enough to predict and control what
research process are taught to aspring scholars in happens, why bother to ask the question? If we are
graduate school. A professor once told several stu- to acquire knowledge that is really new, then we d o
dents, "You will need at least 5 years to outgrow the not know the answer in advance. The significant
effect of your dissertations." At the time the students discoveries, the good science, require us to go beyond
could not appreciate the meaning behind what the the safe certainty of precision in design.
professor said. They were captivated by the power Lewis Thomas (1974) said that good basic research
of newly discovered research methods. Elegant and needs a high degree of uncertainty at the outset,
sophisticated techniques went into the design of otherwise the investigator has not chosen an impor-
dissertations. What was there to outgrow? tant problem. One should start with incomplete facts,
What many of us discover after graduate school with ambiguity, and plan experiments on the basis
is that research techniques taught in graduate school of probability, even bare hunch, rather than certain-
are not enough. Only the formal side of the research ty. Then look for surprise. Quality of work is
process can be transmitted effectively through text- measured by intensity of surprise. The greater the
books and the classroom. One cannot learn to per- astonishment, the greater the knew knowledge about
form significant research by following a textbook the world.
anymore than one can learn to be a good writer by Those of us in organizational behavior and theory
studying the rules of grammar. In one sense, signifi- often seem to have it backward. Books on research
cant research requires new learning beyond what is design, courses on research methodology, and com-
learned in graduate school. As a craft, research is in- ments from journal referees lead me to believe that
teresting, exciting and satisfying. The challenge for many investigators desire absence of surprise in their
researchers is to get beyond sheer techniques, whether research. Hard logic and previous evidence should
quantitative or qualitative, and to interject the craft justify every step. A journal referee once insisted,
attitude into the research process. The purpose of this "You can't use that hypothesis because there is no
paper is to explore more fully those elements that previous evidence to support it." A successful pro-
make up the craft part of the research process. ject is believed to be one in which everything comes
out as predicted.
The Research Craft The myth that successful research comes out as
predicted, probably more than anything else, restricts
Sketched below are seven elements that form a ten- the discovery of knowledge in our discipline. Reviews
tative framework of research craftsmanship. Each of landmark studies in the behavioral and organiza-
element is briefly explained and contrasted with the tional sciences indicated that they tended to be loosly
formal, prescriptive approach to research that is fre- done (Daft & Wiginton, 1979; MacKensie & House,
quently taught in graduate school. 1978). The significant studies often approached the
problem as an open-ended question to be answered
Build in Plenty of Room for Error and Surprise
rather than as an hypothesis to be tested (Lundberg,
Training for the study of organizations, as most 1976).
scholars experience it, reflects a rather traditional ap- The notion of building uncertainty into research
proach to scientific analysis. One learns about scien- has been a big discovery for me. It is okay t o ask
tific rigor, experimental control, planning, and the research questions without the answer in advance. In
one sense, all scientific progress is due to errors and insight and understanding about the earth's history.
deviations. New knowledge is a surprise; it changes Geologists make up stories and continue to revise and
how we see things. If experiments are perfectly elaborate the stories with subsequent research pro-
designed and the results come out as expected, then jects. In much the same way, craftsmen in organiza-
they probably are a waste of time. We must take tion research use data to tell stories about the
chances, we must make mistakes, to be good behavior and processes within organizations.
Design Research as a Poem, Not as a Novel
Research Is Storytelling The logic of research, as I learned it, was to reach
Graduate school teaches that research procedures out for more variables whenever possible.
include designing a project, collecting data, counting Multivariate analysis was one key to success, and still
things up, looking for relationships, testing hypo- seems to be. Most review papers recommend that fu-
theses, and reporting the findings in a journal arti- ture studies incorporate additional variables as the
cle. These steps certainly are necessary in an empirical path to uncovering true relationships and greater
science. understanding. Journal referees eajoy pointing out
The craft side of research is not like this at all. Re- how operationalization of additional variables would
search is storytelling. The scientific method is more make a study better, perhaps even publishable. To
like guess work, the making up and revising of the extent that variables represent characters in a
stories. Storytelling means explaining what the data story, then the approach often recommended would
mean, using data to describe how organizations result in a novel, with many characters, a complex
work. Stories are theories. Theory need not be for- plot and almost infinite relationships.
mal or complex. Theories simply explain why. The I no longer accept this approach. Poetry seems to
"why" is important, and researchers should be have greater applicability to organizational research.
creative and ruthless in pursuit of it (Weick, 1974). Poetry means a research design that includes only a
The why, not the data, is the contribution to knowl- few, perhaps two, three, or four variables. But they
edge. must hang together in a meaning unit, a coherent
Data collection and analysis are integral parts of framework of sorts, that explains some aspect of
the research process, but they are intermediate points organizations. A research poem also must have
between an initial hunch and the final story about depth. The meaning unit must take a deep slice into
the organizational world. Data do not stand alone. organizations and convey a rich conceptualization to
So many papers miss this essential point of research. others.
Data are treated like so many playing cards t o be These two ingredients-a few variables that form
shuffled, reshuffled, and dealt around. Research a coherent whole and depth of meaning-constitute
often is viewed as if it is naming the game and an ideal research framework. Most of the significant
calculating the probability of each hand. Emphasis ideas in our field are poems. Theory X and Theory
on method and calculation misses what the data Y is a poem. So is the notion of differentiation and
represent. Human behavior and processes in orga- integration. For me, Perrow's dimensions of task
nization are what we care about. The data alone are analyzability and variety constitute a poem.
not enough, no matter how sophisticated the techni- Organizations in Action (Thompson, 1974) is a book
ques for collection and analysis. of poetry. Thompson (1967) expressed several impor-
Geologists, for example, are storytellers (McPhee, tant models in simple two-variable contingency
1981). They take observations from outcroppings, tables.
roadcuts, tunnels, maps, and drillings. These are The thread common to all of these concepts is sim-
geological datapoints, which are collected and ana- plicity in the sense of only a couple of key variables,
lyzed rigorously. But geologists do not report only but the ideas hang together in a unit to explain some
the data. They use the data to construct wonderful dimension of organization. The ideas have depth.
stories about geological history. They describe the ap- Differentiation and integration summarize a cluster
pearance of lakes and oceans, the wearing down of of behaviors that may be found in organizations. The
mountains, and the ecological systems of animals and concepts have layers of meaning that enable one to
plants that inhabited the earth. These stories provide understand a complex notion in a single thought,
much like a metaphor. The concepts have roots that original decision to undertake a project resulted from
run deep into organizations. the simultaneous convergence of several events, such
Human organizations are enormously complex, so as the discovery of a new research technique, the
how is it possible to understand them with simple availability of a research site, and the appearance of
models? Two reasons. First, good research doesn't a new idea. The investigator spontaneously grabbed
try to answer all questions about an issue. It doesn't the opportunity. The Campbell et al. interviews also
pretend to. The best research provides an utterly im- found that when research decisions were rational and
perfect model of organization reality. One goal of linear, the research findings tended to be less signifi-
research is simply to understand a tiny piece of cant. Research undertaken as a logical next step tend-
organizational reality. The insights provided by a ed to produce outcomes that were routine and dull.
simple model can be used to raise new questions for Another side to the decision making process con-
future research. Second, Simon (1981) argued that cerns intuition and feelings. If the rational research
one does not have to measure system complexity to model can be characterized as left-brain activity, then
model it. Everything in organizations may be related many research decisions are made in the nonlinear
to everything else (Boulding, 1956; Pondy & Mitroff, area of the right brain. The Campbell et al. (1982)
1979), but a model of two or three key variables can study found that investigators cared about their
still be accurate. The model provides a basis for a research. They felt passion for their studies. In-
deeper story. A hundred variables may be involved, vestigators couldn't explain it, but the significant
but substantial insights about organization relation- studies felt good from the beginning. Mitroff (1972)
ships can be uncovered from an assessment of a few reported that research objectivity among the scien-
key dimensions. tists he studied was a myth. Scientists are not free
Writing poetry in organizational research is ex- of bias, opinions, or convictions. They care deeply
tremely difficult. Successful poems can be the result about their work and have a stake in the outcome
of genius or of chance. This does not imply that every (Watson, 1968).
study should be limited to a small number of vari- Another nonlinear attribute by which a research
ables, only that we should not expect a large number project can be judged is beauty. Kaplan proposed
of variables to produce great insights. We can strive that esthetic quality is one way of validating a theory.
for simplicity in our research. Simple means fun- "A scientist sometimes needs the courage, not only
damental, not trivial. The addition of variables of his convictions, but also of his esthetic sen-
should not substitute for careful thinking about sibilities" (1964, p. 319). Mintzberg (1982) wrote that
organizations or for searching out key dimensions. if an idea is not beautiful, then perhaps it will not
be useful either. The decision to undertake a study
Research Decisions Are Not Linear is based on a symmetrical hanging togetherness that
If any activity should be characterized by rational, pleases the beholder. The right brain has an impor-
logical decision processes, certainly it would be em- tant role in the craft side of the research process.
pirical research. The rational model begins with a Significant research is not a logical next step, is not
carefully formulated research problem based on a the outcome of a strategic plan, is not calculable. The
thorough literature review. Next, the research design best time to undertake a research project is when the
and methods are chosen. Some sort of triangulation investigator suddenly realizes, "What a lovely idea!"
may be possible. Data are collected and analyzed, and
the results are used to support or confirm specific Relate Ideas to Common Sense
hypotheses. We have all heard or used the argument that
The craft decision process is much more random research ideas are on the frontier of organizational
and messy. After evaluating research decision pro- knowledge. The concepts may not make sense to
cesses, Martin (1982) proposed that the garbage can those not involved with the research, especially
model serves as a better description of a random, managers. The evaluation of research findings must
chancy process. Campbell, Daft, and Hulin (1982), be objective. One learns to distrust gut reactions and
based on a retrospective interviews with prominent other indicators of common sense. As scientists we
organizational scholars, discovered that most signifi- expect to seek a higher proof.
cant research did not follow the rational model. The Perhaps there is some truth to this idea because
the common sense of laymen and scientists may dif- replication will make acceptable an idea that does not
fer (Davis, 1971). On the other hand, I have gradually square with experience. Even if the organization real-
come to realize that common sense-of both the in- ity studied is hard and objective, we are not. We can-
vestigator and his colleagues-is the best test, the not obtain knowledge independent of our own judg-
ultimate test, of our theories. I am beginning to ment and social construction. (Morgan & Smircich,
understand what Oppenheimer meant when he said, 1980).
"Science is the adaptation of common sense" (1958, The notion of differentiation and integration in
p. 129). Scientists simply look for aspects of ex- organizations is an example of concepts that are
perience not visible in daily life by using instruments useful to experience although they are not provable
such as telescopes or questionnaires. Oppenheimer in objective fashion (Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967). The
went on to say, "We come from common sense, we scientific measurement of these concepts has been
work for a long time, and we give back to common challenged (Tosi, Aldag, & Storey, 1973), yet the
sense refined, original and strange notions that enrich ideas continue to flourish because they are useful and
what we know. We come to new things in science acceptable to students and managers of organiza-
with what we already know" (1958, p. 129). C. tions. These ideas make sense at a deeper, nonstatis-
Wright Mills (1955) found it essential to integrate tical level.
what he was doing intellectually with what he was
Learn About Organizations Firsthand
doing as a person. T o trust one's own experience,
Mills said, is the mark of a mature scholar. In a sense, This idea seems so obvious, but it is not stressed
one cannot deal with new scholarly findings except in many Ph.D. programs. Organizations are so rich
on the basis of the familiar and old fashioned. that anyone who actually observes them, who goes
One way to embrace common sense is to use out for a look around, will find sufficient puzzle-
analogy and metaphor in scientific descriptions. Huff ments to last for a productive career. For some
(1980) writes that metaphor makes the strange reason, direct contact with organizations, firsthand
familiar and it allows recognition and learning that learning, is not given high value. Collecting data is
links an idea to previous experience. Metaphor and stressed, and so are running correlations and report-
analogy provide a vehicle for relating new ideas to ing statistical coefficients. As a reviewer of papers,
what is already known. Without this linkage the new it becomes painfully clear that many authors have
idea has little value, little impact, and provides no never seen or witnessed the phenomenona about
means to elaborate on previous experience. which they write. Authors cannot give an example
Other fields, especially the natural sciences, make to illustrate a point. They have an enormously dif-
use of analogies (Dreistadt, 1968). Analogies are not ficult time thinking beneath the correlation coeffi-
perfect representations in any sense, but they pro- cients to discuss what the coefficients represent in
vide a basis to make the new familiar. Oppenheimer terms of organizational activities and processes.
(1956) argued that one cannot be surprised at a Authors typically report very thin descriptions of a
discovery unless one has a view of how it ought to large number of relationships, never touching the
be. A recent paper argued that biological metaphors why of the correlations, dealing only with the fact
of organizations are inadequate (Keeley, 1980). Of that variable Y is related to variable Z, as if that con-
course they are inadequate, all analogies are. But stituted everything.
biological and other types of analogies still help in The difficulty that many authors have developing
communicating the essence of new ideas. interesting and insightful theories about organization
The final point about common sense concerns the probably is explained by the lack of experience with
notion of proof. Ultimate proof of an idea or theory organizations. G. R. Grice admonished his students
is its acceptability to common sense. An important who were trying to understand animal learning: "No
test of validity is liking an idea, feeling right about matter how much research money you may have, or
it, being able to use it to throw light on a previously how many assistants you may hire, always handle
hidden aspect of organization. Objective proof your own rat" (Hackman, 1982). If those of us in
seldom will exist somewhere outside one's self that organization studies would handle our own rats, the
will demonstrate correctiveness or validity. No supply of important research problems and new
statistical test will d o this for us; no amount of theoretical insights could be quickly increased.
Organization studies is an empirical science. Mintz- without realizing that there is another game to be
berg's strategy of direct research on managers (1973) played. There are fewer players at the other table,
and decision making (Mintzberg, Raisinghani, & but a serious research game is being played out right
Theoret, 1976) illustrates how powerful first hand now in organization and management theory. There
knowledge can be. If we look, really look, at our sub- are many colleagues who count the content of a paper
ject of study, we cannot help but see things that will first and publication second. Among these scholars,
inform us about organizations. Staying in one's of- an unpublished working paper will have impact if it
fice and mailing out questionnaires may have the ap- adds to the developing knowledge base. A working
pearance of research, but often it reduces the oppor- paper can influence the thinking and research of
tunity to learn about organizations. others. Formal publication is anticlimactic. In-
One of the unexpected discoveries from interviews dividuals can be known by their ideas, not by the
with leading scholars by Campbell et al. (1982) was number of publications.
the importance of real world contacts. Significant I cannot specify the boundaries of this research
studies often began through direct contact with orientation or identify very precisely the players, only
organizations-perhaps a training session with that the game is played, and that I have experienced
managers, a consulting job, or a puzzlement en- the thrill of sitting at the table. The concern for con-
counter during field interviews. On the other hand, tent is a welcome haven from the publication wars,
studies that turned out to be less significant were not and far more productive. The machine gun fire of
originated in organizations. These studies originated referee criticism is replaced by positive words of en-
in a more academic fashion, from one's university couragement and support. The bombshells of jour-
office, perhaps based on a journal article and the nal rejection are replaced by collegial advice, intellec-
perceived opportunity to make a small modification tual exchange, and a desire to get to the truth. Inter-
that would yield a quick publication. changes with senior scholars that did not have
Armchair theorizing and other forms of noncon- publication as the ultimate goal had a profound im-
tact with the organization also can be helpful, pact on my intellectual development. Publication is
especially if they probe into organizational ideas in a fact of life for all of us. We all feel the pressure.
a speculative way and provide a fresh perspective to But there is tremendous support within our discipline
guide empirical research. But even armchair theories for high quality empirical and theoretical work. We
have to be informed by contact with organizations do not have to do mindless research if we choose not
somewhere along the way. Contact either in the form to, and publication will take care of itself.
of visits and observations or perhaps through descrip-
tive case analyses provides the intellectual raw Conclusion
material for useful theory.
What research techniques can be used to achieve
Many Colleagues in Our Discipline Really Care about significant new knowledge about organizations? The
Quality Research and New Knowledge answer proposed here is that formal research tech-
The need to publish papers becomes apparent to niques-quantitative and/or qualitative-as taught
most of us during graduate training. Many, many in graduate school are not sufficient. Significant
people in our field seem preoccupied with the idea research grows out of experience and mastery of the
of publication. They do whatever is necessary to have attitude and frame of mind that make up the research
a paper published. They will send it to any conference craft. The research craft is enhanced by respect for
or seminar or journal to get publication credit. In error and surprise, storytelling, research poetry, emo-
the worst cases, people cut up their data or trade tion, common sense, firsthand learning, and research
authorships to increase the number of publications colleagues.
listed on their resume. The elements of the research craft described above
So much career progress is based on publication are neither fixed nor complete. Every scholar can add
that attention gets distracted from the content of our characteristics that help lead to significant outcomes
papers. In a publication environment, failure to pub- in hidher own research. Scholars can progress
lish means failure in an academic career. Hence a through their own stages of learning and develop
large proportion of us are seduced into this process their own guidelines. The important thing is that the
craft perspective be mastered and used to build upon and way of thinking are learned through experience.
the techniques of science taught in graduate school. Students can be told that there is an uncertain, emo-
What troubles me is that many of us seem never tional, human side of research, and research that in-
to have discovered or acknowledged the craft aspects corporates these properties can be science at its best.
of scholarship. Formal techniques and method Even more important, we can experiment with these
dominate in most manuscripts and journal articles elements in our own research and show them to
that I read. The authors act as if there is only a single students firsthand. A great scholar such as Kurt
approach, which includes measurement precision, Lewin used apprenticeship to pass the research craft
perfect prediction, dispassionate analysis, and many to his students (Marrow, 1969). By showing students
variables. Authors often eschew real organizations, how to design studies on the basis of anticipated sur-
storytelling and common sense. prise, beauty, firsthand experience, emotion, and
How can we facilitate the learning of research storytelling, we can be role models for the kinds of
methods to include craft characteristics? We can con- things that go into significant research. We can ask
vey to our students that research is a craft as well students to learn formal research techniques in class,
as an exercise in methodology. Formal techniques are and then invite them to join us in the research
easy to teach in the classroom, but the craft attitude adventure.

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Richard L. Daft is Professor of Management in the Col-

lege of Business Administration, Texas A&M University.

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