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This chapter presents the local study, foreign study, local literature, foreign literature

and synthesis of the related study used by the researchers as a basis of the study.


According to the investigation of Raj et al., (2013) entitled: "Evolving Concepts in

Urban Transport" winning urban transport concept in megacities is the way to the

general public's advancing in different factors and the headway in innovation. The

improvement and success of urban transport in urban communities included a

procedure of modernization also, adjustment. This part talks about the advancement of

urban transport ideas and associations of these in the industrialized European and

North American urban communities and East Asian urban areas. This study initially

discusses some practical urban transport concepts.

Furthermore, from the study of Simionescu et al., (2016) for their situation

contemplate entitled: "Assessing Sustainability of Railway Modernization Projects: A

Case Study from Romania," investigated that vehicle is in nature an unsustainable

movement. This paper reports a contextual analysis into the thought of maintainability in

the venture Modernization of Romanian Railway Network. The evaluation demonstrated

that the venture is essentially monetarily determined, yet that ecological viewpoints are

additionally proactively considered. The venture focuses less on the social viewpoints.
Based on the study of Bździuch et al., (2017) efficient and environmentally

friendly public transport is a requirement of a modern city. For a long time, Krakow has

been building a current multimodal transportation framework, with the transport

administrations assuming a critical job. This article displays the consequences of the

examinations did on the armada of urban transports working inside the Krakow

agglomeration in the years 2010- 2015. The modernization of the armada essentially

lessened the measure of residue toxins radiated into the air. In any case, it is important

to make a move, for instance sufficient transport strategy to diminish activity private

transport in the agglomeration, for example, Krakow in light of the fact that the

modernization of open transport will decrease outflow of contaminations into the air,

however does not tackle the issue of its low quality. This is a long way from a simple

undertaking, including a bunch political, money related, specialized, and institutional

and communication challenges.

As stated by Pojani et al., (2015) in their investigation entitled: "Sustainable

Urban Transport in Developing Country: Beyond Megacities," megacities have every

now and again got a lopsided measure of consideration over different sizes of urban

areas in ongoing talk on urban supportability. In this article, the writers contend that an

emphasis on littler and medium-sized urban communities is pivotal to accomplishing

significant advancement towards more practical urban improvement, not simply

because they are home to somewhere around a fourth of the total populace but since

they likewise offer awesome potential for economic changes. This article basically

surveys the potential job and effect of nine ordinarily thought about alternatives for

maintainable urban transport in urban areas in creating nations: (1) street foundation;
(2) rail-based open transport; (3) street based open transport; (4) bolster for non-

mechanized travel modes; (5) innovative arrangements; (6) mindfulness raising efforts;

(7) estimating components; (8) vehicle get confinements; and (9) control of land


According to Hidalgo et al., (2010) in their investigation "Modernizing Public

Transportation," the Mega-urban areas of Latin America and Asia depend on open

transport to keep their nationals moving and economies working while at the same time

moderating the negative ecological effects of quick mechanization. This report analyzes

endeavors by significant urban areas crosswise over Latin America and Asia to apply

such ways to deal with open transport. Urban transportation frameworks altogether

influence urban areas’ personal satisfaction. These effects can be alleviated by

manageable transport approaches which advance cleaner and more proficient open

transport frameworks.


According to Sucker, (2016) in her article entitled: “What will a 21st Century

Transportation system look like?” she discovered that numerous transportation

specialists trust the most squeezing utilization of driverless innovation is in driverless

transports, which can enormously lessen the expense of Public Transit and

incomprehensibly enhance benefit. Past research, new speculation is required in

imaginative transportation framework. Additional reasoning and research is moreover

expected to investigate the connection between new transportation advances, conduct

reactions, and arrive utilize arranging. This will require more noteworthy participation

among nearby, territorial and state arranging specialists and cross-sectional

collaboration among arranging and transportation organizations.

As indicated by one of the news of Samsung C&T (2017) says that prior this year,

Seoul City took off extraordinary transports for suburbanites in a couple of key areas

over the city. This is a basic case of how the city reacts to request from its 12 million

clients of open transportation. Nine metro lines associate the city through a perplexing

web underground, while an interminable stream of transports mismatch town through

assigned transport paths over the ground. Seoul’s mass travel framework was not

manufactured medium-term. Throughout the years, the metropolitan government has

made nonstop upgrades and consolidated shrewd innovation to make each ride more

effective and somewhat lovelier. It’s nothing unexpected Seoul has arrived on various

rundown for having the best open transportation, the most economical mass travel, and

an outline topping metro.

In addition, the article of Yim, (2016) entitled: “10 Reasons why Singapore’s

Public Transport #GameStrong?” says that it is their countries pride and happiness,

thinking about how immense the system of their open transport today. Here are 10

reasons why open transport has earned its title as one of the world’s best. (1) Buskers

would now be able to perform live in MRT stations; (2) You can return home after dinner

at 2am without cabbing; (3) Express transports will spare your butt amid crest hours; (4)

Believe or not - it is a standout amongst the most reasonable on the planet; (5) You can

interface with free WiFi at 33 MRT stations; (6) You can charge gadgets when they’re

out of juice, (7) You can get free cash just by voyaging; (8) Network is open for the
handicapped and elderly; (9) You can get from one island to another in around 60

minutes; and (10) You can just need to hold up a most extreme of 7 minutes for a


Changi Recommends (2017) expressed that the Japan Rail Network is

ludicrously confounding. The JR Network associates the entire of Japan. It is a private

railroad, and the trains, transports, and ships are indicated by a “JR”logo. Mainstream

goals with JR stations incorporate Maihaima (Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea) and

Universal City (Universal Studios Japan) stations. The Japan Skinkansen is world

popular achieving velocities of just about 600 km/h; these shot trains get their

suburbanites around urban areas and crosswise over prefectures in the briefest time

conceivable. The Japan Rail Pass is a prepare ticket that enables you to take boundless

rides on the JR Network for a settled term. There are extraordinary varieties of passes,

running from 7-day to 21-day passes and that's just the beginning. The broad railroad

associates every one of the prefectures, and shy of taking household flights, is the most

effective method for crossing crosswise over Japan. Youngsters underneath 5 years of

age can go for nothing, however won't be entitled a seat. If you want aseat for the child,

you must purchase the child pass.

According to SeattlePi (2018) says that, there is another transport course

propelling that will interface Maryland’s capital with New York City. The Capital reports

that Megabus declared Tuesday that it will begins round-trip benefit among Annapolis

and New York on January 10. The minimal effort transport organization will offer two

outings leaving Annapolis toward the beginning of the day and two treks leaving New

York at night, every day. Anne Arundel County Transit Direct RamonRobinson stated,
he reached out to Megabus. He thought the administration was going through the

province, however didn’t stop, between stops in Prince George’s and Baltimore areas

while in transit to New York. The transports will situate 81 travelers, with each leg taking

around 4 1/2 hours. Robinson says, Megabus will assess the administration.


Furthermore the study of Estacio, (2017), the jeepney modernization program is

facing an issue like possible increase in passenger fares, displacement of many drivers

and operators and challenges in financing. The administration proposition is for

administrators or jeepney drivers to put resources into e-jeepneys – eco-friendly,

agreeable, clean and safe out and about. The situation isn't new. Each time there is a

move to overhaul, enhance or change the norm, individual rebel against it. They counter

with strikes, "tigil pasada" and some even savage exhibits. In further developed nations

like Singapore and Malaysia, individuals agree. Modernizing the transport industry isn't

simply a question of making us look great to our neighboring nations however it is an

instrument to help the economy. The drivers themselves can learn new abilities and

most likely gain more than his day by day remove from a 12- hour driving. Time to

change profession. Finally, it is time that we grasp change. We can't always keep up the

well established jeepneys out and about.

Based on the study of Dean, (2008) many of the cities in the Philippines are

welcoming the Electric Jeepney. Because they saw the good effects that aim to use

energy from biodegradable waste from cities, the electric jeepney also is an
environment friendly public transport system. The electric jeepney aims to enlighten the

people and addressing the environmental problem, such as air pollution. Electric

jeepneys are example of a concrete solution that can contribute to reducing the

country's green house gas emissions. The way to stop dangerous climate change is

needed to change the old jeepney by the operators to sustainable energy, cleaner, safe

renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Sarmiento, (2012) stated that they need to incorporate the drivers in the

advantages of the eJeepney framework. For little administrators to move to eJeepneys,

they have to demonstrate to them that it is industrially plausible for them, for the drivers

and the workers in the long haul. Each eJeepney costs about P700,000 to P750,000

contrasted with customary jeepneys that offer for P350,000. This means beneficial

edges for establishment administrators and enhanced employer stability for the drivers.

eJeepneys have very nearly zero upkeep since the batteries can keep going for a long

time. Besides, to completely charge an eJeepney battery just takes 6-8 hours. For

intrigued business people, Sarmiento says that an establishment armada will cost about

P10 million for 15-20 eJeepneys including the establishment expense. You can likewise

pick to change over your present armada of vehicles to eJeepneys. This dispatch above

all is a solicitation to people in general, the Makati suburbanites to keep supporting the

eJeepney, to demonstrate that manageable transport arrangements and green

endeavors are reasonable in our nation.

In addition, Laurel, (2015) Electric Vehicle association of the philippines gave us

brand new prototype jeepneys that could someday hopefully replace the mobile smoke

factories littering jeepneys. As the advantage, electric jeepneys can seat 20-26
passengers respectively. The program is supported of other partylist like UTAK and 1

TEAM party list. The new jeepneys are cost about 1.2m to 1.6m per unit and that too

much expensive than the old jeepneys. 1 TEAM also set up a driver that will go to

academy to teach the basic traffic rules. Knowledge and discipline in the road is the key

to the same motoring for everyone.

According to Chua, (2017), the legislature are presently thinking about

a "hulugan" a crediting framework where drivers will pay each day for the advance cash

that they will use to buy better jeepneys. Computerized installment framework for the

jeepneys like the cards containing credits utilized for Metro Manila trains. Under the

computerized passage gathering framework, (the driver) know, and Landbank will know

how much the drivers are making. In this way, it’s simple to gather perceiving how much

the pay of the drivers. He guaranteed jeepney drivers that the installment will be justified

regardless of each peso. By modernizing, drivers will chop down fuel costs as the new

vehicles can achieve twofold the separation with a similar measure of fuel put in old

ones. Beside productivity, new vehicles are less dirtying, decreasing harm to the

condition.. 3-year progress period where they won't entirely actualize the prohibition on

old jeepneys. The period will likewise fill in as the ideal opportunity for franchisers to

frame the cooperatives and enterprises. The progress time frame is open for

augmentation, and there are countless jeepneys to be supplanted.


Concept News Central, (2017) stated about the jeepney drivers and

administrators to strike the intended supplant of old (16 years of age or more) jeepneys

with costly electric variant or e-jeepney. Supplanting conventional jeepneys with

electric-controlled ones to bring down carbon outflow in consistence with the interest of

the Paris Agreement on Climate Change is extremely an unfortunate reason. It also

discuss about the more convincing motivations to climate jeepneys isn't on the ground

that contaminate the air, imperil our wellbeing and add an unnatural weather change to

the environment. The parts that are not functioning well can lead travelers into accident.

It stated about the disadvantages of the old jeepneys so that they are pushing for the

implementation of jeepney modernization program.

In addition, the article of Beta Philstar, (2017) stated that drivers and little

administrations can’t afford the new purchase vehicles and was fall into deep

neediness, which incorporates eliminating old units, push through. The symbol of post-

war period is focused on giving support on restoration of general society utility vehicle

segment still disagree to phase out of the respected jeepney. Under the administration's

modernization program, 15 years old jeepney will be replace by electric- controlled or

Euro 4 consistent vehicles. Euro 4 is an arrangement of outflow models in particulate

issue, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. The new enhanced open

vehicles incorporate shut circuit TV cameras, a GPS route framework, programmed

admission accumulation framework, dash cameras and Wi-Fi.

According to Francisco, (2017) the objective of the jeppney modernization

program is to make an eco-friendly transportation alternatives and comfortable to the

commuters to ride into. Euro 4 motors or electrically-controlled motors with sum

powered boards for rooftops jeepney ought to be supplanted. The jeepney ought to be

likewise be out fitted with well being highlights and upgraded technology and parts that

suits to it and likewise be furnished with a better and good computerized passage
accumulation to make it good with the present installment framework actualized in main

place, PWD accommodating highlights and wireless internet for the comfort of

suburbanites. Government said that there are money related advance plans will be

given to drivers to help them so that they can afford the new jeepney units.

To further elaborate the topic, Santiago, (2017) said that the Department of

Tansportation (DOTr) proposed jeepney modernization program. First start with, that in

actuality jeepneys are not the primary driver of our movement emergency. Second, that

in actuality this proposed modernization program won't as it were disappoint jeepney

drivers and administrators. Upon the arrival of the strike, workers were stranded

regardless of the quantity of associations that did not join the strike, and regardless of

the quantity of transport units that LGUs and officers gave.

As indicated by Adora, (2017) the usage of the jeepney modernization program

which will force slow repair and changes on the structure and look of the so called "Lord

of the Road" has produced results. Be that as it may, up to this point some are as yet

not ready for the changes pushed by the Duterte organization. "The most recent models

from abroad are as well costly at P1.6 million. We will most likely be unable to bear the

cost of the month to month contribution," said jeepney administrator Rolando Safrica.

"We can't do anything if that is the thing that the administration needs," Eduardo Flores,

a jeepney driver said. President Duterte has prior sated the continuation of the arranged

modernization in spite of the restriction of a few transport gatherings. I won't stay here

as president if the law won't be taken. In the event that you have not modernized your

jeepney units, you better leave, he said. In an announcement, Atty. Ailee Lizada of the

Land Transportation and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) stated, if there are the individuals
who won't go along to the modernization program then they will be compelled to open

the framework to new players and administrators. She said they are organizing the

travelers who wish for safe open transportation.


Urban Transport Modernization is an overall issue. There are a few nations in the

world that as of now been actualized it. Also, as expressed in Foreign Literature,

Modernization of Transportation will prompt the great and managed economy

development; it just demonstrates that the transportation is an approach to enhance the

economy of one nation and the greater part of the general population in one nation

depend on the general population transportation as they go to their work. In Megacities

around the world, the factor that they are thinking about is to take out the gases that

causes air contamination furthermore, hurt individuals' wellbeing and furthermore hurt

the earth. As said in Foreign Study, modernization of transportation is a domain cordial

on the grounds that the new and modernized open transportation will decrease the

synthetic concoctions and gases it discharges. As expressed in nearby writing The

advanced jeepney ought to likewise be furnished with security highlights, for example, a

speed limiter, shut circuit TV camera (CCTV), GPS, and dashboard camera. It will

likewise be equipped with a robotized passage accumulation framework to make it good

with the current installment framework. The modernization program in the Philippines is

for the business men as indicated by the neighborhood writing, they called the program

"Anti - Poor" on the grounds that the modernization will be costly yet as shown in Local

Study, the administration will think about it and will give an advancing framework, where
the drivers and administrators have the opportunity to modernize their public


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