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Nama: Muhammad Reza Yudiantoro

Kelas: XII MIA 1
َّ ‫ع َليْك ْمُ ال‬
ُ‫سالَم‬ ُ ُ‫َو َب َر َكاته‬
َ ‫للاه َو َرحْ َم ُة‬

ُ‫للاه هبس هْم‬

ُ ُ‫الرحْ َم هن‬ َّ ‫الر هحي هُْم‬،
َّ ُ‫للههُا َ ْل َح ْمد‬
ُ ‫ب‬ ْ ُ‫صالَة‬
ُ‫ال َعالَ هميْنَُ َر ه‬، َّ ‫سالَمُ َوال‬ َّ ‫علَى َوال‬ َ ‫ف‬ ُ‫أ َ ْش َر ه‬
‫اء‬ َ ‫س هي هدنَا َو ْالم ْر‬
ُ‫س هليْنَُ اْأل َ ْنبه َي ه‬ َ ُ‫علَى م َح َّمد‬ ْ َ ‫أَجْ َم هعيْنَُ َوا‬. ‫َب ْعدُ أَََ َّما‬
َ ‫ص َح هب هُه ا َ هل هُه َو‬

Alhamdulillah, we always give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT who

until now still gives us the pleasure of faith and health, so I was given this
extraordinary opportunity, namely the opportunity to complete the task of
writing a portfolio of "Table manner".

Our blessings and greetings do not forget to give to our Lord the Prophet,
who is the Prophet Muhammad, who delivered the guidance of Allah
SWT for all of us, which is the truest guidance, the Sharia of Islam which
is perfect and is the single greatest gift for the whole universe.
The writing of this portfolio is a form of fulfilling several English
language assignments (mandatory). This portfolio will discuss the
procedures or courtesy of eating at the dinner table in the country of

We thank as much as possible to all parties who have supported and

assisted us during the process of completing this portfolio until the
completion of this portfolio. The author also hopes that this portfolio can
benefit every reader.

Not to forget all humility, we ask readers to be willing to provide

constructive criticism and suggestions regarding the writing of our
portfolio, then we will revise this portfolio in the next time.

Subang, 28 January 2020

Muhammad Reza Yudiantoro

Here is the portfolio that I created:

Here are some great tips from Australian Finishing School on table
manners, dining etiquette and which fork to use first.

1. Wear appropriate clothing.

Makeُ sureُ you’reُ dressedُ accordingly.ُ Ifُ you’reُ goingُ toُ aُ fancierُ
restaurant, skip jeans and tennis shoes and wear something a little nicer.

2. Wait to be seated in signs require so.

This is policy at many restaurants, but even if a restaurant offers to seat

youُ beforeُ everyoneُ arrives,ُ it’sُ politeُ toُ waitُ forُ yourُ entireُ partyُ toُ
arrive before being seated.

3. Don’tُleaveُyourُphoneُonُtheُtable.ُ
This one seems obvious, but take your phone, keys, and other belongings
off of the table. And don’tُ takeُ yourُ phoneُ outُ toُ text.ُ Thisُ sendsُ aُ
to you than they are. Sending a reply message or email can wait until
dinnerُisُover,ُbutُifُit’sُurgent,ُexcuseُyourselfُbeforeُtakingُout your
phone. Not texting at the table is just one of the basic etiquette rules. If
you need to take a phone call as your company first prior to food arriving.

4. Put your serviette on your lap.

You can do this as soon as you sit down. However if someone is taking
you out to a meal (especially if it is for business), wait until your host
puts his or her serviette on their lap. If you excuse yourself to use the
restroom, place the serviette on the chair. When you finish your meal,
you can place the serviette on the table.

5. Wait for everyone to be served before you start eating.

If you have to send something back, which is acceptable if the food is not
cooked properly, make sure you tell the rest of your party to continue
eating without you.

6. Treat the wait staff with respect.

Make sure you still say please and thank you and give eye contact. We
but if any of the food is not to your liking keep in mind that this is likely

7. Everyone should order the same number of courses.

Agree with your companion or companions upon whether or not you
want appetizers or desserts. That way, you will start and finish your meals
at the same time.

8.ُ ُ ُ ُ Decideُaheadُofُtimeُhowُyou’reُsplittingُtheُbill.

If you would like separately, ask the waiter ahead of time if this is
possible so they can keep track of what each person orders throughout the
willُ beُ ableُ toُ accommodateُ this.ُ Ifُ everyone’sُ mealُ wasُ aroundُ theُ
same price range, it's best to just split the bill evenly. Bring cash or make
arrangements to pay the payer back.
Thus the portfolio that I have made is more or less sorry because
the truth actually came from God and the error came from myself

َّ ‫ع َليْك ْمُ اَل‬

ُ‫سالَم‬ ُ ُ‫َو َب َر َكاته‬
َ ‫للاه َو َرحْ َم ُة‬

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