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The Effect of Thunnus albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna) Bone to Soil Nutrients and Growth

of Solanum melongena (Eggplant)

Table 1. Initial Length readings of the S. melongena (cm.) August 24, 2019 (Saturday)

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 2.7 cm 3 cm 2.8 cm

T2: Fertilized Soil 4.3 cm 2.8 cm 3.2 cm

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 2.8 cm 3.2 cm 3 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 3.4 cm 3 cm 3.2 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 2. Initial Number of Leaves of the S. melongena August 24, 2019 (Saturday)

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

T2: Fertilized Soil 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 3. Second Length Readings of the S. melongena (cm.) August 31, 2019


R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 6.5 cm 7 cm 7 cm

T2: Fertilized Soil 9.5 cm 9 cm 8 cm

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 8.8 cm 9.3 cm 8.3 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 10 cm 9.5 cm 8.5 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 4. Second Number of Leaves of the S. melongena August 31, 2019 (Saturday)

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

T2: Fertilized Soil 3 leaves 3 leaves 2 leaves

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 2 leaves 2 leaves 2 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 5. Third Length Readings of the S. melongena (cm.) September 7, 2019


R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 11.4 cm 9.6 cm 9.3 cm

T2: Fertilized Soil 10 cm 12.7 cm 11.6 cm

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 17.2 cm 16.5 cm 15.2 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 19.8 cm 19 cm 19 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 6. Third Number of Leaves of the S. melongena September 7, 2019 (Saturday)

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 3 leaves 3 leaves 3 leaves

T2: Fertilized Soil 3 leaves 3 leaves 2 leaves

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 3 leaves 3 leaves 2 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 3 leaves 3 leaves 4 leaves

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 7. Mean Length Readings of the S. melongena (cm.)

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil 6.9 cm 6.5 cm 6.4 cm

T2: Fertilized Soil 8.3 cm 8.2 cm 7.6 cm

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T. 9.6 cm 9.7 cm 8.8 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T. 11 cm 10.5 cm 10.2 cm

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 7. Mean number of leaves of the S. melongena

R1 R2 R3
T1: 100% Soil

T2: Fertilized Soil

T3: 0.25% Pulverized T.

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.75% Soil;

T4: 0.50% Pulverized T.

albacares (Yellow Fin Tuna)

Bone and 0.50% Soil

Table 8. Summary Table for the One-Way Analysis of Variance for Randomized Complete

Block Design for the Length of Solanum melongena.

Source Degrees Sum of Mean F-Stat P-Value F-Crit

of Squares Square


Between 3 26.30 8.77 56.58 0 3.48

Within 8 1.24 0.15
Total: 11 27.55

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