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Exercise guide Set Rep

Flat Barbell Bench Press (shoulder-width-grip) 4 10
Flat Barbell Bench Press (10cm wider than shoulder width)
Incline Dumbbell Fly (30 degree) 4 15
a1 Machine Fly 3 15
a2 Pushup (inclined if too hard) 3 21
a3 Low cable Front Raise 3 12
b1 Incline Front Raise 4 12
b2 Spider Curls 4 8

DAY 2 Exercise
Seated Cable Rows 5 10
Bent over barbell rows 6 14,10,7,7,10,14
Neutral Grip Lats Pulldown 3 10
Reverse Grip Pulldowns (lean backward, core tight) 3 10
Bent over lateral raise 3 10
a1 Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown 3 15
a2 Skullcrusher 3 7
optional Leg Raise 3 12
Russian Twist 2 12 each side

DAY 3 Exercises
Leg Extension 3 7
1 leg leg press - feet high 3 21
Barbell Back Squat 4 21,14,10,21
Leg Press - feet low 3 10
Stiff leg deadlif 3 21
Lying Leg curls 3 7

a1 Barbell Preacher Curls 3 7
a2 inclined Dumbbell Curls 3 7
b1 2 arm high cable curls 4 15
b2 DB Shoulder Press 4 12
c Machine Chest Press 4 12
d1 Lateral Raise DB 3 12
d2 Seated Front Raise 3 12

a1 Decline Triceps Extension 3 7
a2 Incline Triceps Extension (bằng tạ a1) 3 7
a3 Standing Triceps Extension(bằng tạ a1) 3 7
b Conventional Deadlif <không khoá gối> 3 7,14,21
c Pullup (hoặc lat pulldown) 3 10
d 1 arm dumbbell rows 6 7,14,21,7,14,21
optional Leg Raise 3 12
Russian Twist 2 12 each side

DAY 6 Optional Leg + Weak Muscle

Overhead Military Press 7 7
L Raise DB 3 21
a1 Stiff leg Deadlif 4 7,7,14,14
a2 DB Front Squat/ Goblet Squat 4 7,7,14,14
Tempo Rest ĐIỀN MỨC TẠ Technique

4010 40
4010 40 last +3 drop
4010 40
4010 40
2111 40

4012 40 2s isometric hold each rep + 5 partial at the end

4010 40
4010 40 last +3 drop
4010 40
4010 40
4012 2s isometric
4010 40

4015 40 5s isometric
4010 40
4010 40
4010 80 last 3drop
4010 40
401(2)0 40 2 sec pause at 30 degree on the way up, then finish

4015 5s isometric
4010 last + 3 drop + 20s hold at bottom
4010 40
7111 40
2111 40

4010 40
4010 40 nghỉ 40s làm a2, nghỉ 40s làm a3
4010 80 rồi nghỉ 80s
4010 80
4210 40 Kéo lên rồi giữ 2s rồi xuống nhanh
4010 40
4010 40
4010 40
4010 40

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