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RELEASE NAME........: Office 2013 KMSmicro Activator vK.12

RELEASE DATE........: Nov 15, 2012

Support URL


Watch this video for better understanding

1. Install Microsoft Office 2013 x86 or x64 of your choice. Recommended to use
Volume License

From here you can download required versions

2. Extract "KmsMicroK12.rar" on to your desktop and Run "KmsActivator.cmd" as Admin

3. Wait for the activator to load KMSmicro Server (it may take little time, depends
on your PC)
Do not close any window which are generated by the activator.

4. On the first interaction screen : Select a Menu

A> Ratioborus Menu
B> my Menu

Hit "B" and then enter to load the New (vK.12) activator

5. On the second interaction screen : Windows KMS Micro Options

T> Run NetTime
Z> Set Time

Hit "T" and then enter to sync time with NetTime

Once the time sync is completed - Press any key to continue

Now the activation process starts automatically, you have nothing to do.
Just wait for windows CMD to pop out with the activation status and then
a Windows Script Host

Thats it ! your Office 2013 got activated for next 180Days ! Enjoy !

6. On the second interaction screen : Windows KMS Micro Options

R> Restart
S> Shutdown

Hit "S" and then ENTER to shutdown KMS Server

7. By Step 6, your Office 2013 got activated. now you can check the status

Open WordDocument >> File >> Account >> Here you can see the Activaton Status
Open CMD and type
> CD C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15>
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15>cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus

Now it show the status with number of day left


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