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Chapter: Profit & Loss

1. A man sells two articles for Rs 2695 each, He sells first articles at 18.75% profit, at what loss % he would have sell
second article so as there neither gain or loss in whole transaction?
a) 13.63% b) 14.68% c) 12.61% d) 14.68%
st nd
2. A man sold two articles at 6630 each. On the 1 article, he gets 27.8% profit, but he sold the 2 article in such a
way that overall he would get no profit nor loss, find the difference between the cost price of both the articles.
a) 2805 b) 2760 c) 2640 d) 2850
3. A man sells three articles x, y and z for Rs 2520 each. He sells article x at 30% loss, article y at 36.36% profit, if
there is no profit nor loss in whole transaction. Find the cost price of article z.
a) 2112 b) 2232 c) 2288 d) 2200
4. Two articles A and B were sold at Rs 4960 and Rs 3720 respectively. A profit of 31.25% is made on article A and a
loss of 18.18% occurs on article B. Find the overall profit or loss % on whole transaction.
a) 6.29% loss b) 4.25% profit c) 5.78% loss d) 3.48% loss
5. A person buys 561 articles at Rs 3200. He sells part of all articles at 27% loss. At what % he has to sell
remaining articles so that he will get neither gain or loss in whole transaction?
a) 27.5% b) 22.5% c) 25% d) 18%
6. A person buys 1596 article at Rs 4530. He sells 608 articles at 25% profit and 456 article at 20% loss. At what
profit or loss % he had to sell the remaining articles so that he will get neither profit nor loss in the whole
a) 11.42% b) 10.56% c) 9.83% d) 13.9%
7. A product was sold at a profit of 5%. Had it been sold at a profit at 10%, the profit would had been Rs 1000 more.
What is the cost price?
a) 5000 b) 10000 c) 2000 d) 20000
8. Rahim wanted to sell an article at 20% profit. But he actually sold at 20% profit. But he actually sold at 20% loss for
Rs 480. At what price he wanted to sell it to earn the profit?
a) 720 b) 520 c) 820 d) 1000
9. The profit earned when an article was sold for Rs 800 is 20 times the loss increased when it was sold at Rs 275.
Find the price he should sell his article if he wanted to earn 20% profit?
a) 660 b) 500 c) 400 d) 300
10. Sujata gets Rs 13 more by selling an article at a profit of 12 %. Then selling it at a loss of 12 %. The cost price of
the article is –
a) 92 b) 56 c) 62 d) 52
11. The percentage of loss incurred when a man sold an article at Rs 50 is the same as that of the profit when it is
sold at Rs 70. Find the profit or loss percentage.
a) 33 %. b) 16 %. c) 12 %. d) 20%
12. A trader sells two cows for Rs 8400 each, neither gaining nor losing in total. If he sold one of the cow at a gain of
20%. Then other is sold at a loss of –
a) 14 %. b) 16 % c) 83 % d) 33 %
13. A person allows 23% commission on his advertised price and still makes a profit of 10%. If the gains Rs 56 on one
item, his advertised price of the item is -
a) 605 b) 900 c) 800 d) 1000
14. A man bought two goods for Rs 1600 and sold the first at 10% profit and second at 20% profit. If he sold the first at
20% profit and the second at 10% profit, he would get Rs 5 more. Find the difference of the cost price of the two
a) 30 b) 50 c) 60 d) 70
15. If books bought at prices from Rs 150 to Rs 300 are sold at prices ranging from Rs 250 to Rs 350. What is the
greatest possible profit that might be made in selling 15 books?
a) Rs 105 b) Rs 100 c) Rs 400 d) Rs 300
16. A man makes 20% profit by selling milk with water at Rs 9 per litre. If the cost price of the pure milk is Rs 10. Then
the ratio of milk and water in the mixture
a) 3 : 1 b) 4 : 1 c) 5 : 2 d) 6 : 1
17. If the selling price is doubled, the profit will be triples. The profit percentage is –
a) 73% b) 50% c) 100% d) 133 %.
18. The marked price of a shirt and trousers are in the ratio 1 : 2. The shopkeeper gives 40% discount on the shirt. If
the total discount on both is 30%, the discount offered on the trousers is –
a) 25% b) 50% c) 10% d) 13%
19. An article was sold at 11 % profit, had it purchased at Rs 1300 less and sold it at Rs 3000 less there would have
been less of 9 %. Find cost price.
a) 1000 b) 900 c) 10000 d) 9000
20. The ratio of selling price of 3 articles A, B, C is 8 : 9 : 5 and ratio of their profit is 8 : 7 : 14. If profit % of A is
14.28% and cost price of B is Rs 400. Find overall percentage of profit.
a) %. b) 16 %. c) %. d) %.
21. Rana purchased two trees for Rs 2160. By selling one tree at a profit of 15% and other at a loss of 9% he neither
gains nor loses in the whole transaction. Find the cost price of each tree.
a) 810, 1000 b) 2000, 160 c) 1000, 1160 d) 810, 1350
22. Mr. Sharma marked his goods at 20% above cost price. He sold half of the stock at the marked price, one quarter
at a discount of 20% on the marked price and the rest at a discount of 40% on the marked price. His gain
percentage is –
a) 12% b) 18% c) 5% d) 2%
23. A person gives 4% discount on the marked price and gives 1 article free for buying every 15 articles and this gain
35%. The marked price is increased above the cost price by –
a) 50% b) 60% c) 30% d) 33 %
24. A man bought a product for Rs 450 and fixes its list price in such a way that after allowing a discount of 10%, he
earns a profit of 20%. Find the list price of the product.
a) 1050 b) 850 c) 700 d) 600
25. Mr. Sen earns 15% on an investment but loses 12% on another investment. If the ratio of the two investments be
3 : 5, then what is gain or loss percentage in the whole transaction?
a) 1 % b) 2% c) 3% d) 2 %
26. The marked price of a book is Rs 690. The seller allows a discount of 10% and gains 8%. If no discount is given,
his gain percentage will be –
a) 20% b) 40% c) 12 % d) 13%
27. Profit made after selling an article for Rs 717 is 11 % more than the loss made when it is sold at Rs 527. What will
be the selling price if he wanted to earn a profit 10%?
a) 647.8 b) 587.6 c) 678.7 d) 537
28. A boy bought 6 pencils for Rs 5 and sells all the pencils at the rate of 5 pencils for Rs 6. Find the profit percentage.
a) 44% b) 33 % c) 20% d) 40%
29. A person purchase some mangoes at the rate of 1 for Rs 2 and same number of mangoes at the rate of 2 for Rs 1
and sell all of them at the rate of 4 for Rs 3. Find his profit or loss percentage.
a) 40% loss b) 44% loss c) 33% loss d) 16% profit
30. Sujata bought some mango at the rate of 5 per rupee and same number of mangoes at the rate of 4 per rupee and
sell all the mangoes at 9 for Rs 2. In whole transaction he loses Rs 30. Find the number of mangoes sold by him.
a) 10000 b) 12000 c) 54000 d) 10800
31. A book seller allows 10% rebet on printed price, he gets 30% commission from publisher, the profit of the
bookseller will be –
a) 14 % b) 33 % c) 10% d) 28 %
32. A marchent pays 10% custom duty on a watch cost Rs 500 abroad. He desires to make a profit 20% after giving a
discount of 25% to the buyer. Marked price of the watch is –
a) 880 b) 440 c) 600 d) 800
33. Applied to a bill for Rs 100000, the difference between discounts of 40% and two successive discounts of 36%
and 4% is – a) 1203 b) 505 c) 1001 d) 1440
34. A trader marked his goods 10% above cost price and gives a discount of 10% on marked price. Find his profit or
loss percentage . a) 2% profit b) 15% loss c) 10% loss d) 1% loss
35. Printing price of a pen is Rs 690. A man allows 10% discount on printing price and gain 8%. If he did not allow any
discount then find his profit percentage.
a) 8% b) 5% c) 20% d) 11 %
36. A shopkeeper wants to sell his article at its cost price but he uses 30% less weight, find the profit percentage.
a) 14 % b) 42 % c) 66 % d) 16 %
37. A dishonest seller wants to sell his article at 44% loss, but he uses 30% less weight then find his actual loss
percentage. a) 20% b) 25% c) 30% d) 15%
38.A fraud lent trader wants to sell his articles at x% profit, but he uses 20% less weight then he gain 37 %.Value of x
a) 10% b) 30% c) 15% d) 47 %
39. A seller wants to sell his articles at x% loss but uses 25% loss weight and gain 20% value of x is –
a) 65% b) 13% c) 10% d) 15%
40. A seller makes a cheating of 20% at the time of buying goods and 40% cheating at the time of selling goods he
promises to sell his goods at 10% loss. Find the profit percentage.
a) 83% b) 80% c) 70 d) 65)

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