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Blog ini adalah hasil karya seorang ROSID MARWANTO, S.Pd, semoga dapat
bermanfaat. Amin

WOMAN:Why don’t you see the doctor to do treatment in your illness?

MAN : ____
.A. You’re right, that’s we all do

B. The doctor have just moved here

C. OK, I’ll take the examination tomorrow

D.The doctor will come to the hospital

E. The Hospital will be held by government

KD : Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan should, can)


1. Menentukan informasi fungsi soial tentang pemberian saran atau giving suggestion
Di sajikan sebuah text rxount sejarah peserta didik dapat mentukan fungsi social, dan ke

32 recount
The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 17 August 1945.
The declaration marked the start of the diplomatic and armed resistance of the Indonesian National
Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands and pro-Dutch civilians, until the latter officially
acknowledged Indonesia’s independence in 1949. The Netherlands declared that they had decided to
accept de facto 17 August 1945 as Indonesia’s independence date. The United Nations, who mediated in
the conflict, formally acknowledge the date of independence as 27 December 1949.
The document was signed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed president and vice-
president respectively the following day.

32. What is the text about

A. the proclamation of Indonesa independence
B. The process of timing proclamator was read
C. the United nations who wediated in the conflict
D. the fighting against the forces of the Netherlands
E. the Netherlands declared their enemy

Disajikan beberapa klaimat yg di acak peseta didik dapat menyusun kembali kalimat2 tersebut menjadi text
procdur yg benar

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