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Based on the anthropometrical assessment of the patient, Mr. Rolando V.

Manlangit who is currently a janitor working in the University of Santo Tomas,
College of Education his overall assessment indicated that he is preobese or
overweight with a body mass index of 25. With a WHR of 0.9, he is already at the
borderline of having central obesity. His biochemical data shows normal indices
up until his Eosinophils which had a high result of 0.5 as compared to the
reference value of 0.1 to 0.4 which can have possible causes such as; allergies,
asthma, Crohn’s disease or even Lupus. Clinical manifestations deem normal as
all body parts present in the table showed no difference. Based from the 24-
hour food recall method that was conducted, it is noticeable that the patient
loves to eat carbohydrate-rich food as evident by having at least 5 cups of rice
per day.

From the given data from above we summarize from this assessment is that he is
preobese and shows no abnormal values in blood chemical, no differential in
the normal characteristics of the clinical assessment and has excessive intake of
carbohydrate-rich foods.


As indicated on his attached biochemical results, Mr. Rolando V. Manlangit was

advised to commit to a low salt and low fat diet seeing as his dietary intake
consisted of many fatty-foods, and those high in sodium. He can start off by
eating less fatty foods that he can prepare by home and bring to the University
where he works. Another recommendation that was advised was he adds an
exercise regime. There are several “work-outs” Mr. Manalngit can do even if he
is just at home or during his break time in the University. It must be emphasized to
Mr. Manlangit that applying the said suggestion can help him prevent any
condition that can occur due to his usual dietary habits. Attached below are
graphic materials that can guide him in changing his diet as well as an exercise
guide that Mr. Manlangit can use and do even if he is just at home or in the

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