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Developing a Smart Sensor System for Carbon Monoxide Detection

I. What is Carbon Monoxide?

A. Definition of Carbon Monoxide

B. Bad Effects of Carbon Monoxide

1. Bad Effects to Human

2. Bad Effects to Animals

3. Bad Effects to Environment

C. Current Solution to Carbon Monoxide

1. How Standard Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work

2. Disadvantages of Standard Carbon Monoxide Drtectors

II. What is the Proposed Solution?

A. How the Smart Sensor System works

1. Idea/ Figure of System

2. How the device works

III. What is the significance of the study?

A. Field of Science

B. Impact of Device on Environment

C. Target Population of Study

IV. What is the Expected Outcome of the study?

A. Expected Effectivity of Device

B. Expected Impact on Environment

Developing a Smart Sensor System for Sulfur Dioxide Detection

V. What is Sulfur Dioxide?

A. Definition of Sulfur Dioxide

B. Bad Effects of Sulfur Dioxide

1. Bad Effects to Human

2. Bad Effects to Animals

3. Bad Effects to Environment

C. Current Solution to Sulfur Dioxide

1. How Standard Sulfur Dioxide Detectors Work

2. Disadvantages of Standard Sulfur Dioxide Drtectors

VI. What is the Proposed Solution?

A. How the Smart Sensor System works

1. Idea/ Figure of System

2. How the device works

VII. What is the significance of the study?

A. Field of Science

B. Impact of Device on Environment

C. Target Population of Study

VIII. What is the Expected Outcome of the study?

A. Expected Effectivity of Device

B. Expected Impact on Environment

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