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1. A very warm welcome and good morning to our honourable headmaster;

Mr. Iskandar Bin Sejili, Our Administrative Senior Assistant; Mr. Mohammad Ferouz, Our
Students and Affairs Senior Assistant; Mr. Sharif Suhaidee, Our Co-curriculum Senior
Assistant; Mr. Masfaizal Bin Osman, teachers and my dear friends.

2. To begin with our assembly, let us all stand to sing our National Anthem “ Negaraku” and our
state anthem “ Ibu Pertiwiku ”

3. Now, let us call ________________________ to recite our national philosophy.

( Rukunegara ).

Next, let us call ___________________________ to recite the Anti Drugs oath.

Thank you very much.

Teachers please be seated.

4. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to call upon our senior assistants to deliver their speech or

Please sir…..

5. Now, we cordially invite our honourable headmaster Mr. Iskandar Bin Sejili to deliver his speech
and advise.

Please sir…..

6. Thank you very much for your wonderful and meaningful speech sir.

7. Next, let us call our school prefect to announce today’s pupils’ wrong doing.

8. Last but not least, let us all stand to sing “FLY KENYALANG FLY”

9. Again, We would like to thank you all for being with us in the assembly.
Thank you.

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