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Statement of the Problem

The study aims to investigate the pedagogical approaches for reformative learning among

Science students.

Specifically, it hopes to answer the following:

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described as to:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 civil status;

1.4 educational attainment; a

1.5 number of years in teaching service; and

1.6 course?

2. How may the best pedagogical approaches in science teaching be described as to:

2.1 experiential teaching;

2.2 collaborative teaching;

2.3 brain based learning approach;

2.4 discovery learning approach; and

2.5 constructivist learning approach?

3. What are the difficulties encountered by the teachers teaching science?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and their description on

pedagogical approaches in science teaching?

5. How may the difference of difficulties encountered in science teaching by education graduate

teacher and non education graduate teachers be described?

6. Based on the result of the study, what intervention program maybe proposed to strengthen

science teaching?

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