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Surya-namaskara - start with 3-5 cycles a day and progress to 12 cycles a day (24
poses = one cycle)


Tada-asana --- Mountain pose

Vriksha-asana ---Tree pose

Ekapaada-asana ---one foot pose

Trikona-asana and Utthita Trikona-asana ---

Virabadra-asana ---first warrior pose

Padahasta-asana ---front bend


ardhachandra-asana -- back bend



Kali asana (this helps the most important Aramandi posture in Bharatanatyam)

Baddhakona-asana (more time in this helps to strengthen and open the pelvic
muscles) --butterfly pose

Siddha-asana (to achieve mental balance) -- padmasana

Lying down (on stomach)

Bhujanga-asana -- cobra pose

Shalabha-asana --

Nauka-asana -- boat pose

dhanur-asana -- bow pose

Palaka-asana (plank posture - to strengthen the abs)

Lying down (on back)

Setubandha-asana -- bridge pose

Purvotta-asana (reverse plank posture - to strengthen the lower back)

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