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Lithium the mineral of the

Tuesday, September 03, 2019 | 9:38.

By Matias Ceballos Mendez.

Chinese company producing lithium batteries sets its sights on the Chilean

The Chinese company is one of the pioneers in the exploitation and production of lithium
worldwide, with offices in China, USA and Japan.

Lithium is produced by the chinese companies in chile.

Minerals such as lithium are sources of clean energy, which will help to decontaminate
since electric cars will use lithium batteries.

A source of clean energy is considered lithium.

lithium batteries will be used by cars of the future.

Our country has large deposits of lithium ore and in the coming years we will be one of
the largest producers of this mineral worldwide.

Lithium will be produced in large quantities by Chileans.

Our country and all Chileans must use non-polluting energy to protect and preserve our
planet and the environment.

The non-polluting energy is used by me, to take care of the planet.

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