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For the Examination Details of PBISE are given below :

Point of Contact (PoC) : MS BELA SHARMA

Contact number of the PoC : 9868159905

Date of Examination : 12/27/2019

Duration : 3 hours

Subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (for PCM); Physics, Chemistry,

Biology (for PCB)

Mode of test : Online, objective type (MCQs)

Next Steps :

To access the examination, the students will have to enroll themselves in advance
on the test portal.

Student Access Link :

 Thestudents will have to fill the form under "New Student? SIGN UP". Kindly
note the following points for registration :
o The "Name" sections should only contain alphabets.
o The email ID should be valid as all the communication regarding the
password confirmation and test results will be sent here.
o The password should consist of 6 characters minimum, and have no
space or special characters (i.e. !@#$^&* - not allowed).
o Choose the correct Stream (P-C-M for Mathematics, P-C-B for Biology)
and School. Else the correct test will not appear.

 The scores from the test will be available for the student immediately after the
examination. The All India Ranking will be released in January, once all the
schools have completed taking the test.
 The students can access the test on their mobile phones also, by
downloading "PBISE" app from the Playstore (for Android phones) or the
Appstore (for iPhones).

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