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The Voice of the Archangel

Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

“The Voice Of The Archangel”

[Singing: “The Spirit Of The Lord Is Coming Down”]

Oh praise God. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Oh hallelujah. Well, glory.
The Spirit of the Lord has already come down. Praise God, God be praised,
God be praised. Thank You, Lord. Praise God. Thank You, Lord. Amen. Praise
the Lord. Amen.

Well, we greet you this morning in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. We’re
here by faith. So I can’t sit around and wait for the healing and the strength for
my body. The Inspiration said, ‘Go ye forth and I’ll heal you on the battlefield.’
So praise God.

It happened once before. 1974, I had preached for 71 days in and out and
nobody else had ministered, cause I was bringing the Revelation of the Seven
Thunders and the Lord didn’t want anybody else’s mind in it. Then I was totally
exhausted and I remember Sister Rebekah Branham-Smith and her husband
George came up November 17th, preaching “The Capstone Of Love”. I had
contracted an ulcer that Friday night it bursted, and I was in terrible pain
Saturday and Sunday and the enemy tried to cut me off. After all those days
the Capstone Message was “The Capstone Of Love”. So I had to preach with
the ulcer and Sunday night God healed me. Amen. Praise God. Amen.

So I didn’t even know I had an ulcer actually. A few years later I went to the
doctor for something. He said, ‘Oh I see you have a scar tissue.’ He said, ‘You
had a ulcer at one time, right?’ I said, ‘I don’t know.’ Amen. Praise God. Well,
the Lord knows all about it. So you pray for my strength. Amen. I want to finish
my course today and… Amen. Inspiration upon my heart this morning, kind of
teaching or whatever, but I’m nailing something down. Amen.

So now did you enjoy the singing of our young sisters? Praise God, amen.
Amen. I told Jessica I wanted her to sing for me Sunday morning, amen, and
the rest of them. I appreciate them, they stand right up here and sing for the
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

I want to give praise also. Brother Dennis, he got turned around Friday and he
went, was walking and he wound up in Mount Vernon. So we prayed and that
evening the deacons came over and went to look for him, but he wound up in
the Mount Vernon Police Station. So he told them that Brother Joe will be here
to get me. And Brother Joe went to get him. Amen. So we certainly appreciate
all the brothers and those who was looking around for Dennis. Amen.

And also I got a praise here from Sister Bella Crawford. Brother Coleman, I
want to give you a testimony of what happened to me on last Sunday when
you came up to pray for little Isaac. I felt that Angel’s Presence. I had a female
problem for some time, but I was completely healed while you were praying for
Isaac. The infection and the swelling in the lymph glands, sores were healed
and gone by Wednesday. I had a… I had had a weakness in my body and that
all left. No more pain anywhere. Praise God. Oh praise God. Amen.

Let us bow our heads in a word of prayer. Our Sister Delmore sent… I don’t
know whether she’s here, she sent in a pray… Oh she’s here, I thought she
wasn’t here. Amen. And so, prayer for her body. And our friend Joanne down
at Dr Goshubas, she’s our friend there. She asked me, asked my wife, to have
Brother Coleman pray for her mother and father for a job, for the plant might
close. Let us bow our heads in a word of prayer.

Our Father in heaven, on this day March 4th 1984, we feel that something is
fixing to break out. Amen. And Lord, we feel Your Presence here and Sister
Crawford recognising the Presence of the Angel. When that Angel is
ministering, anybody can be healed for anything. Amen. When You stood there
Lord and the woman with the blood issue, she said, ‘If I could just touch the
hem of Your garment.’ And people were healed in the Presence of the Angel
upon Peter. They laid in the streets Lord and were healed in the shadow.
Why? They had faith in the Ministry, they recognised that God was veiled in
Peter. Oh Lord, our Sister Crawford recognises that God is here. She has faith
in the Ministry. According to her faith, be it unto her. According to anybody’s
faith today, they can be healed. Those hard cases can break out. You can be
sealed, praise God, refilled.

Lord, we pray for our Sister Ethel, may the Spirit of the Lord arrest that
asthmatic devil in the Name of Jesus Christ. Glory to God. May that spirit leave
her. And we pray Lord God for our Sister Delmore, may You heal her back, her
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

body. Give her body a healing all over. Amen. Touch her body, Lord. And oh,
we pray for this request from Joanne, Pennsylvania, may You make a way for
her mother and father, if this plant closes may You find him a job somewhere
else, give them the desires of their heart.

And now Lord, strengthen Your Servant and may I deliver this Message.
Father, I’m looking to be healed on the battlefield in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Anoint Brother Jose, anoint me, anoint the people, anoint the building and may
the Fire fall in here today in the Name of Jesus Christ. Praise… May signs
follow, may Brother Dennis rise up and… Praise God. May the blind eye of my
wife open up. Hallelujah! Glory to God. May female problems, all kind of
problems, I don’t care what it is. That’s right, catch faith. In the Name of Jesus
Christ, I condemn that female problem or whatever it is, in Jesus’ Name. Glory
to God. Bless the Word. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Praise God. Our Sister Delmore wants to thank the Lord for a new apartment.

Well I‘d like to invite your attention to the reading of the Word. I understand our
Sister Caroline Kilney is here today somewhere. We’re happy that she is here
with us and all the other visitors, may God bless you.

The book of Acts, first chapter and I Thessalonians 4. Reading from the book
of Acts 1.

Acts 1:1-3
1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began
both to do and teach,
2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy
Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:
3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible
proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things
pertaining to the kingdom of God:

And verse 8.

Acts 1:8-11
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:
and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

9 And when he had spoken these things, while they held, he was taken up;
and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold,
two men stood by them in white apparel;
11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in
like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

I Thessalonians 4:16.

I Thessalonians 4:16
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with the shout, with the
voice of the archangel, (…) with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ
shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the

May God add a blessing to the reading of the Word. You may be seated.

Well, I have a… This Message this morning is dedicated to all of my friends of

like precious Faith. In Europe, South Africa, Philippines, America, Canada,
South America, Puerto Rico, wherever they are, God bless you this morning.

The title: “The Voice Of The Archangel.” Subject: “The Second Identification Of
The Coming Of The Lord By The Resurrection Ministry Of Jesus Christ.”
Amen. My inspiration: ‘For when Omnipotence speaks, the miraculous does
take place.’ Amen. Praise God, amen.

We know we’re in the Third Pull, we believe it, therefore we speak it. Brother
Branham said on “Be Not Afraid”, Phoenix Arizona, 1960, quote from your
quote book, page 65.
… Just remember, that the first time I was here, you remember the Lord has told
me something was going to happen: a change in the ministry. It happened. Said
another one's going to happen, and it happened.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Now, there's a another one greater, far greater than all the rest of them put together,
already confirmed and ready. I hope it happens tonight.

You understand what he was saying? The Third Pull was confirmed 1960
already. And he stepped out, he didn’t wait, he said, ‘I hope it happens tonight.’
So therefore why should we hang back? The Seven Thunders is already
confirmed, God confirmed from Fort Wayne all the way to South Africa.
Thomas said, ‘My Lord and my God.’ Then why hang back? It can happen
today, but it will not happen unless somebody speaks it.

Sure the Prophet brought the Thunders and all the mysteries, but it was a
Seed Word and it laid there and somebody had to reach down in and pull up
out of there and reveal it, what was already brought, but it had to be spoken.
Luther had to speak it, Wesley had to speak it, Pentecost had to say it. So
don’t tell me that Brother Branham brought it and that’s it. Somebody gotta
speak it. It must be spoken. It’s the Spoken Word of God in due season.
Amen. So therefore I’m speaking it this morning. Amen. Glory.

I just might say (…) I don't have the time to explain it to you, but the brethren who
does know about it, it's wonderful. It'd be such a great thing for the people. And I am
so grateful to God that the hour is soon at hand (I believe it), when God is going to
help His children. Especially, notice now, especially, it'll be for those who cannot
muster the faith to raise up and get a hold of it.

In other words…

…get a hold of God like they should.

God is here walking through, but some just can’t raise up, they just want the
Lord Himself. Like St John 5, the lame man was not looking for the Lord. He
didn’t even know who that Man was.

So Jesus Christ… The lame man was looking for the angel to stir the water,
but he couldn’t make it. But here come a Man and the lame man did not know
Him. And he said, ‘Wilt thou be made whole?’ He did not know it was Jesus.
So when they asked him, ‘Who healed you?’ He said, ‘Some man.’ He didn’t
know. Amen. But he had the right spirit, because he couldn’t give the positive
testimony yet. See? Cause he didn’t have the Holy Ghost yet. But then when
he come back, but he went to the Temple. It’s always wonderful to go to the
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Temple. And he still had unbelief. And He said, ‘Behold thou art made whole.’
And then he went out and then they asked him. He said, ‘It was Jesus.’

You mean to tell me that the lame man had to say who it was? You have to
say what it is. You have to say Seven Thunders. You got to say it, you got to
nail it down. You got to give glory to God. You just can’t say, ‘I’m in the
Message and I got the quotes and the books.’ Oh no, you don’t neither. You’re
gonna say what it says, you’re gonna give glory to God for what God has
done. Praise God. Amen.

So they can’t get a hold of God like they should. I believe the Lord is providing a way
for them… a way for us now to take care of them also.
Some runs into the faith that they can just reach over and receive anything.

God said, it I’m healed, I shall be filled. There are some people like that. They
don’t care about nothing. God said it, God said it. And there’s others, ‘How do
you know that was the Lord? Who is that man? Is he called? Are you sure
you’re not going off on the deep end?’ That’s others. Well maybe this morning
will help you. Glory. Amen. And there’s others also that’s kind of weak.

So therefore that's great faith. Some of them has mustard seed faith, and has to wait
so long to get through. I believe the Lord is making a way for those people now. (…) I
don't know when it will be, but it will be. Oh praise God. You may be seated.

So we’re here. Well the Prophet said it will be. That means that all that he has
said will be, in the season, in the time. Now, amen. For when Omnipotence
speaks, the miraculous does take place. So I say this morning, Salvation is
now come, Redemption is here, the Resurrection is here, the Rapture is at

What are you doing? I’m speaking it! Sure it’s laying here, but I got to say it
here. Then it shall happen. That’s why you have a Ministry, to speak it back, to
bring God down on the scene. Oh, Who do you say, Who do you say this is?
You may be seated.

We’ll be going in and out now. Glory. We’re into something now, put on your
spiritual jackets. Glory. “The Rapture”, page 14, paragraph 65.


The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

But the Church… But, to the Church, the Bride, the Rapture is a revelation to
Her. It's revealed to Her. That, the revelation, the true Bride of Christ will be waiting for
that revelation of the Rapture.

Here the Prophet was leaving, this here, he was leaving here, 1965, but he
pointed the Bride to the Rapture, that the Rapture would be a Revelation. Now
he’s gone, so who’s supposed to bring the Revelation? There’s got to be
somebody bring Revelation. The Bride Herself to get a Revelation. Amen. Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by Revelation of every Word that proceed out
of the mouth of God. May be seated.
Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation
without it being faith. Faith is a revelation, because it's something that's revealed to
you. Faith is a revelation.

So Brother Branham restored back the Faith and revealed all the mysteries,
but who knew what it was? Nobody knew what it was, it was a Revelation. So
you need a Revelation of the Revelation. That’s right, because the foolish
virgins was in the Seven Ages and they heard the speaking, but they had no
Revelation. And they heard it, they no doubt read it and they heard it, but there
was no Revelation. And upon the Rock of this Revelation I’ll build My Church.

Now the disciples knew that Jesus was the Son of God, but they didn’t have no
Revelation of it. They knew it by association, but not by Revelation. They knew
it by hunting with him, by fishing with him. Association, but no Revelation. But
God can go to Africa and give Revelation and they never even seen the
Prophet, but in Europe, in Timbuktu, a Revelation that God sent a Prophet to
this generation. Amen. So don’t tell me that you got books and tapes, because
it still needs a Revelation to come behind that Prophet and nail that down.
Somebody has got to nail it down! Glory.

So Peter and them, they knew He was the Son of God, they was up on the…
they heard the sermon on the mountain. They was down in Jeffersonville and
heard the sermon on the mountain. He broke the bread, but they still didn’t
know by Revelation. The men did not know. ‘Whom do men say I am?’ The
men in the Message, they don’t know who you are. I know they don’t know
who I am, but I want you to know that they don’t know. Now that you know that
they don’t know, who do ye say I am? Glory. Who do ye say I am? Now, thou
art the Christ. What is Christ? Anointed Word, Messiah through the Seven
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Church Ages, Messiah. Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Flesh
and blood has not revealed this to you, association has not revealed this to
you; your Father, Elohim, in heaven has revealed it to you. Upon the Rock of
this Revelation. What Revelation? My Father in heaven revealed it to you, that
I am the Christ. Glory.

You mean to tell me that the same Jesus came back in the end with the same
thing, Whom do men say I the Son of man, St Luke 17:30, Who do they say I
am? Some thought He was Brother Branham. Some thought it was a white
horse or something. He said, now you know that they don’t know and nine
years later he asked me, ‘Who do you say I am?’ I said, ‘Thou art the Christ,
the Seven Thunders are the Seven Voices of the Seven Church Ages.’ Can’t
nobody stop that! That was the first time it was spoken, nine years later.
Nobody had spoke that before that. Don’t you tell me it had. It had not. Praise
God. Upon the Rock of this Revelation I’ll build My Church and the gates of
hell can never tear it down. Glory. Praise God. Amen.

You mean to tell me Brother Coleman that history repeated again? In Jesus’
time, ‘Who was the Son of man?’, and it come back again. Cause everybody
know in the Message that Brother Branham preached the Seven Thunders, but
nobody knew what They were. Nobody knew what the Seven Thunders was,
cause they only knew it by association in the Message. They say he preached
It, but what are They? Some thought a White Horse Rider, some thought it was
a Tent. This they did not know.

Of course if you only came in the Message recently, you could not know this,
because you wasn’t here. So before you say anything, why don’t you ask
somebody that knows. So just don’t open your mouth, because God is not
even listening to you, because you was not here in America between 1965 and
1974. If you was not in this country, you best shut up, cause you don’t know
what took place. Who’s speaking? The Voice of the Archangel. Amen.

So you mean we had the Thunders by association? Sure you had all the
promises, it was on all the tapes, but you didn’t know what it was and it’s gotta
be preached. How can we hear except we have a preacher? How can he
preach except he be sent? Oh my.

So now we have a Revelation and upon the Rock of this Seven Thunder
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Revelation I’ll build My Church. Oh my. Glory. Oh yeah, Faith is a Revelation,

Faith is something that has been revealed to you like it was to Abraham. Now
what is Faith? Here it is, Faith is able to call anything contrary to what had
been revealed to him as though it wasn’t so.

Other words, Faith revealed to me 1974, ‘The Seven Thunders are the Seven
Voices of the Seven Church Ages’. And after ’74, anybody who come and said
that it was not revealed to you, I call you contrary. You don’t even, you’re not
even in the picture, you don’t even count, cause you wasn’t here, you don’t
know nothing. So my faith like Abraham, Seven Thunders gives Faith for
Rapturing Grace. If you come against that, I say it’s not so. You are not even in
the picture, you don’t even count. Glory. That’s Faith. To stand out there for
nine years and call it like it is and then call down Fire. In Fort Wayne, down
comes Fire, my Lord and my God. Oh my.

Abraham could call anything contrary. Anybody, whoever you are, you come
against this Revelation, you are out of the will of God, you don’t even know
what you’re even talking about. Praise God. My! Anything contrary as though it
wasn’t even so. That’s what Faith is, it’s the Revelation of God. The Church is
built upon a Revelation, the whole entire Body. You may be seated. Oh my!

You mean to tell me that after the Prophet’s gone, the Bride, a Bride promise
would be waiting for a future Revelation of the Rapture. They’re all looking for
it, they’re trying to bring it different ways, but it’s got to come on the Word;
because Enoch was prepared by the Word, Elijah was prepared by the Word.
And Enoch was prepared by Seven Virtues in the Pyramid. Amen. And Elijah
is the one that brought the Thunders, because he opened the Book of Life and
found seven thousand in the Book of Life that had not bowed down to Baal.
That same Elijah opened the Seventh Seal and here you are under the
Seventh Seal, tucked away in the Book of Life.

You mean to tell me that after the Prophet left, God let all these false anointed
ones come out with all kind of interpretations and then opened up the Book in
1974 and begin to call them out, here they are? This Message is to them this
morning. Praise God, brethren, the Rapture is at hand. Praise God, brethren,
Seven Thunders does give Faith for Rapturing Grace. Hallelujah! Glory. Oh
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

So now in this season we’re all waiting for that future Revelation of the
Rapture. It’ll be a sudden quick Rapture, so be on your toes. Be ready when
He comes. Glory.

Now let’s identify the Coming of the Lord. “The Rapture”, page 29, paragraph

He ordained these things to be, (…) He must send This.


The first thing comes, when He starts descending from the Heaven, there's a
shout. What is it? Here’s the answer. It’s a Message, to get the people together. A
Message comes forth, first. (…) lamp-trimming time, "Rise and trim your lamps." What
watch was that? The seventh, not the sixth. The seventh, "Behold, the Bridegroom
cometh. Rise and trim your lamps." And they did. And some of them found they didn't
even have any Oil in their lamp.

Give me Oil in my lamp, my pray… Oh give me Oil in my lamp, I pray. Glory.

Some found out in September and October and November they didn’t even
have Oil, and this all comes from the Seven Thunders. There’s many others in
the Message today that don’t have Oil, they don’t even know how to get the
Oil, but here we have a Oil boom. Glory.

…it's lamp-trimming time.

It's Malachi-4 time. (...) St Luke 17:30. (…) You may be seated. All these
prophecies (…) perfectly set in order for this day, in the Scriptures, we see it living
right there.

Amen. Now what are we saying? Oh glory. Praise God. Two men stood
gazing. I mean, two men stood, two angels stood there when Jesus went up. A
cloud received Him, amen, and the disciples was looking. Why stand ye
gazing? The same Jesus will come back in a like manner with a cloud. For the
Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a Shout, with a Voice and a
Trump of God. And one day February 28th 1963, here come seven Angels from
Eternity. The same Jesus coming back with a Shout and a Voice and a Trump
of God. He’s here. Oh! May be seated.

The first thing, the first thing come when He begins to descend from heaven.
He doesn’t come all the way down; His physical, corporal body, glorified body
does not come all the way down. But as He is coming down, He sends His
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Holy Spirit, His very own Person to do three things. To bring a Shout, the
Message, and after the Prophet is gone, He is still descending. The Voice of
the Archangel, where is it at? You’re gonna find out this morning. Praise God.
Now you may be seated.


The first thing comes, when He starts descending from the Heaven, there's a
shout. What is it? It’s a Message, to get the people together.

And he also said on “Seven Seals”, page 128: The Seven Thunders will gather
the people together for Rapturing Faith. But he said here, the Shout gathers
the people together. But he said in 1963, the Seven Thunders would do it. Well
then the Shout and the Thunders must be the same thing. He doesn’t have two
Messages, one Message, one Lord, one God, one Father, one Baptism. Glory.

You mean to tell me the Prophet said 1963 that the Seven Thunders would
gather the people together, and then come back on the “Rapture” tape, there
will be a Bride that will be waiting for a future Revelation. Seven Thunders is
the Shout! Glory! It will give Faith for Rapturing Grace! Oh, Who do you say
this is? A future Revelation laid in the Seven Thunders.

Now suppose you don’t say Seven Thunders? How can you get a future
Revelation of the Rapture? My! Amen, Brother Tim? Yes sir. You may be

Now we got it. Then the Seven Thunders is the Shout Message gathering the
people together. You mean to tell me Brother Coleman, that your Seven
Thunder Revelation is not another Revelation, it’s the same one? Amen. Page
32. My, my my. Praise God.


Now, (…) the first thing, is the sounding. Or the first thing is (…) A shout; and
then a voice; and then a trumpet.
Shout: a messenger getting the people ready.

Now put on your caps here now, the first one is a Shout. Page… “The
Rapture”, page 32.

The second is a voice, singular, of the resurrection:

The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

That is all what he said. First he explains what the Shout is, he says it’ll be a
messenger with a Message, it’ll be the children’s Bread and so forth, but he
doesn’t say nothing about the Voice of the Archangel. Nothing. Find me a
quote where he explains the Voice of the Archangel, you won’t find one. Let it
sink, because there are people who think there is no Fivefold Ministry. But God
left a vacuum, left a Message, a Ministry for the sons of God.

Now I’ll read it again. There’s nothing here. It just says:

The second is a voice of the resurrection:…

Therefore it’s not us, it’s a Voice not the Voice, a Voice, that’s singular. Christ’s
Voice will raise the dead. Amen. Glory.

… the same voice,… Now he identifies that Voice. …that (…) loud voice in Saint John
11:38-44, that called Lazarus from the grave.
Getting the Bride together; and then the resurrection of the dead,…

Now what gets the Bride together? The Shout, the Seven Thunders, and then
the Voice of the Archangel, still mysterious, but then it switches over to a Voice
of the Resurrection and then the Resurrection of the dead. Now we’re left
hanging in here somewhere. We are left hanging on this Voice of the, of the
Archangel, because the Prophet brought the Message, but now what’s going
on? I mean how do we know what’s going on here? Well we’ll find out. Amen.
Oh my!

…to be caught up with It. Now watch (…) three things takes place. The next is what?
(…) A voice... A shout; a voice; a trumpet.


Now, the third thing, is a trumpet. Now watch him tie the Trumpet. (…)
always, at the feast of trumpets, is calling the people to the feast. Here’s the feast.
And that'll be the Bride's Supper, the Lamb's Supper with the Bride, in the sky.

You mean to tell me that the Feast of the Trumpets, there’ll be two angels
come back and, and Moses and Elijah rather. And in there somewhere there’ll
be a Call, the last Trump, Trump of God. The Trumpet shall sound to call you
to the Lamb’s Supper in the sky, a future Revelation for the Rapture. Oh!

See, the first thing comes forth is His Message, calling the Bride together. The
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the--the that ones died, back in the
other ages, they're caught together. And the trumpet, the Feast in the heavens, in the
sky. My! Well, praise God. Let it soak. Glory!

A Shout, a Voice, a Trump. Now we know what the Shout is. Seven Thunders
getting the people together. But it was a mystery, they didn’t know how it was
being done. The second is a Voice of the Resurrection. But what is the
Revelation of that? Here’s the Revelation: The Voice of the Archangel is the
Voice… is a Voice of the Resurrection. That’s the Revelation there, but it
needs some more than that.

That same loud Voice that called Lazarus from the dead, number one getting
the Bride together by the Shout, Seven Thunders, then the Resurrection of the
dead. Did you notice, Malachi 4 never explained what the Voice of the
Archangel would do on this side of the Resurrection. He explained what it
would do on the other side, but not this side. He left it a mystery and Christ is
the mystery of God revealed.

So now we don’t know what the Voice of the Archangel is all about, but we do
know the Prophet said it will be a Voice of the Resurrection to raise the dead.
But what about this Voice of the Archangel? Where’s that at? Who’s that
supposed to be in? It can’t be in the Prophet, because he had the Shout and
he’s gone. So praise God, it was left blank. It was a future Revelation. He only
said that the Voice of the Archangel was a Voice of the Resurrection.

Now number three. The third thing is a Trumpet, which is the feast, the
Trumpet calls you to the feast. Therefore the Seven Thunder Shout Message
calls a Bride together. Do you believe that? Glory.

Now the Rapture is a future Revelation. On “Adoption”, page 107:


Now, notice, then the coming of the Lord Jesus is so close at hand, until the Spirit
from way down in here,… He’s talking about Luther, Wesley and Pentecostals.
(…) and now right into the time of the coming of the Headstone... The church has got
to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can unite together, the same

You cannot unite with Christ under Justification, neither can you do under
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Sanctification and neither can you do it with the Baptism for a Birth. And
neither can you unite by being in this Message with tapes and books.
IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBLE! You can only unite by the same
Spirit that was upon Him, that was on the Apostles, that was on the Prophet.
Ela – Elohim, Seven Rainbows and the Thunders. Does it mean that my

You mean to tell me that there’s many people in the Message don’t even know
anything about the Voice of the Archangel and swear they’re in the Message
and they’re going in the Rapture, because they love Brother Branham. He
didn’t say that, brother. Oh no, you don’t. One Faith, one Lord, one Baptism, a
perfect man on this earth and then go in the Rapture. Glory. Amen.

…now (…) the time of the coming of the Headstone... You may be seated. The
church has got to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can unite
together, the same Spirit.

Do you know what I’m saying? I’m talking about Adoption, I’m talking about
the Dynamics. I don’t mean your Birth.

And if the Spirit of Christ is in you, It makes you live the life of Christ,…

If you receive the Holy Ghost, then here’s the Life, then you will live this, cause
you will have Faith at the bottom, a Revelation, that that is the Life that you
must live. You’ll have Knowledge of the Son of God. You’ll have Virtue Power,
Power to overcome evil, Power to love your wife, Power to love your children.
Glory! Power to believe the Pastor. Faith and Revelation and Power. Glory.
Power to take all your accusations and throw it away.

You don’t have one accusation against me. God don’t receive it. There’s
nothing against Joseph, so you might as well shut up and repent and believe
that this is the Bride. You can’t lay one finger on me. Can’t a man in here,
across this world. The devil will say, ‘Look at that, look at this, look at that.
That’s filth from the pit of hell. The Angel of God says, ‘Look at My Servant
who staggered not through unbelief, strong giving praise to God.’ Think on
these things.

Now who are you being influenced by? The devil from hell will influence your
mind to come against the Pastor or come against one another. And the Angel
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

of God from heaven will influence you, forgive your brother, Brotherly
Kindness, say something nice. Back to the Bible. So when I hear negative, you
are in communion with hell. Satan has a crowned you.

Brother Branham said the worst thing he wanted to see; he said, Lord, don’t
crown my life to be a old crabby man, some old crabby woman with carrot-red
top hair and cut, slacks on, shorts on, big and fat, walking around like a crab.
He said, Lord don’t crown me like that, crown me with the Holy Ghost. Glory!
Don’t make a complainer in the Church. ‘Why did he say this’ and ‘Why did he
say that’. Get a Revelation, you’ll understand why. Myself, Brother Nino,
Brother Junior, Brother Joey, we are only preaching to the Bride. So therefore
we have, we have to get the Bride ready.

Now since we all have like same trials in this world, the Holy Spirit will speak to
the Bride and really cut them and it might be the same thing you’re going
through and then you get mad, say, ‘Why’s he picking on me?’ But the Bride is
glad. ‘Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.’ So don’t try to
stop me, Brother Nino, Brother Joey, Brother Junior, for we are speaking to the
Bride. I hope God nails that down. Don’t you try to stop me. Don’t try to write,
‘He said this, he said that.’ Shut up! Shut up! In the Name of the Lord, shut up!

Why you say that Brother Coleman? Brother Branham said that, in Adoption
time it won’t last long, the critics’ mouths will be shut! Rag-jamming time. Jam
a rag. Glory! My, praise God. My! I imagine that those people didn’t say
anything to Peter, James and John. Not after Acts 5. And neither will they say
anything today when some sons are adopted. The critics’ mouths will be shut.
And thank God, we heard enough from the devil all these years. Why you say
that? Satan is the accuser of the brethren.

So I hear somebody crabbing and complaining about this and that, I know
they’re anointed with the devil. So I drop back like David, I put my foot on the
Rock, I look them square in the eye and I play on my harp. [Brother Coleman
sings.] ‘Oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus.’ Glory. My, my. Oh my. And
then even if I turn my back, they throw a javelin at you, the Angel pushed me
aside. You can’t do anything against Joseph. There’s nothing against him. Oh,
one day they’ll learn. Well, praise God. The Voice of the Archangel. Salvation
is come. The Resurrection is here, the Rapture’s at hand. Glory. There we are.
You may be seated. Oh my. Oh. Amen.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984


And if the Spirit of Christ is in you,… Oh, that’s where I was. …It makes you live
the life of Christ, act the life of Christ, do the works of Christ. "He that believeth on Me,
the works that I do shall he do also." Jesus said that. See? Now, we're going to have...
We got a ministry coming that's just exactly like the life of Christ. This Ministry
coming now is gonna be like the Life of Christ. Seven living Thunder Voices,
thundering out in sweetness and humility. Now, question: What does that
ministry identify? The coming of the Lord.

Oh, then the Prophet revealed the Life of Christ and he identified in the
Coming of the Lord the Shout. Now here we come, what will we identify? We
know that the sleeping virgins, I mean the sleeping Bride, that they will identify
the Trump. But now, what do we identify? Think on it. The Prophet identified
the Shout and the sleeping Bride will come back at the last Trump to identify
the Word. Now remember Jesus does all three. Who do you say…

You mean to tell me that after the Prophet left, Jesus would come into some
sons of God and begin to do the Thunders? Nobody else can do it but Jesus
and it must be identified in the Coming of the Lord or we are lost. My, my. Well,
I hope you’re getting it this morning, huh? You’re getting your lesson this
morning, Daniel? Amen. Now we got it.

What does that Ministry identify? Now what’s your Message, Brother
Coleman? The second identification of the Coming of the Lord by the
resurrected Jesus Christ Ministry. My! The Coming of the Lord, the Shout -
Malachi 4; Voice of the Archangel; number 3, the sleeping Bride. But where is
this present day Bride identified? We are… Of course we’re indentified with the
Shout. But Christ was in the Prophet and now we have the Word, we want
Christ in us as it was in the Prophet. Malachi 4 revealed every mystery and left
them here on the tapes and Spoken Word books and it’s still a Revelation. It’ll
be right on through to the New Jerusalem. It’s a Revelation. Everyday God will
do something. See?

So who is supposed to bring up these mysteries that the Prophet left? There’s
a vacuum. What’s supposed to go on? Well, hear what the Prophet said.
“Adoption”, number 2, page 32. I feel some of you’re tired in here, you already
shouted yourself out. I’m the one that’s tired, not you. Praise God. Amen. Page
32. Glory! Mm! Mmm! Mm! My. May be seated. Page 32. He just gave me
some strength to go on. I’m very tired.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984


… Now, and in the Bible, we're living in the last days, the top of the pyramid, the
crossed fishes of the cancer age in the zodiac, in the time of the coming of (…) Leo the
lion, in the capping Stone,…

Number 11 is cancer. Number 11, that’s the Revelation, it catches it before 12.
And 12 is Leo the Lion and judgment. So in this Cancer Age, like a 6 and 9, it
catches the Revelation. Now that’s born in you now, don’t try and figure these
things out. Oh praise God.

… the coming of (…) Leo the lion, in the capping Stone, (…) in the days of the
manifestation of the sons of God (…) Elijah, you see. You see where we're at? We're
right at the end time. Amen.


… what a privilege, what a day. If the Christians could only realize the day that
we're living in.

How can the people be sad? How can they be all cranky and crabby and
upset, when we’re right in the Rapture, right in the Resurrection; then people
going around acting like they’re not even saved, arguing and fussing and
stewing. He told me to come in here this morning, tell them Salvation is now
come, the Resurrection is here, I’m not gonna explain it, but it’s here. Glory.
Mm! Don’t explain it! Glory. What a day we’re living in.
What do you… What do you think the writer of this Book that seen it, and seen where it
would be manifested in the last days,…

But it could not be manifested. The whole creation was groaning and moaning
and twisting and jumping, waiting for the last days. A angel couldn’t do it,
nobody could do it. It had to be sons of God on the earth.

…waiting (…) for those sons of God to rise in the last days with the power of the Holy
Ghost at the end of the age, to reveal the secret things from the foundation of the
world, to bring it up.

You mean some sons of God would have the authority to bring up the
Thunders, Joseph Perfection and all these mysteries? What is that? That’s a
manifestation. Do you catch what I’m saying? It’s not just sons of God, it is a
manifestation of Christ in the sons of God revealing something. One
manifestation after another manifestation of a Revelation. Adoption Time, sons
of God coming back, 1974 and right on through after the Prophet left. Who was
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

he? The first ripened, mature son of God since the early days. Glory. Malachi
4. In the evening time it shall be light. I’ll send Malachi 4 to reach down in way
back to the backside and bring out the mysteries and reveal the mysteries and
present it to you. Amen. The Son of man. Amen. The New Land.

You mean to tell me that all the mysteries is the New Land and still they don’t
know what it is, but they know it’s Christ? And then raise up a Fivefold Ministry,
Joshua and Caleb, after the Prophet’s gone, say, ‘Come on, it’s a good Land.’
Glory. We can take the Land. Sons of God, a manifestation. Oh my! Praise
God. Here we are. Glory. Thank You, Lord. Amen. What a privilege! What a
day! If you could only realize what I am saying this morning, you would forget
about all your problems. My! May be seated.

Sons of God coming forth to reach down into Christ and bring up these
Revelations that the Prophet has already laid out. Sons of God reach down,
reveal them, make them known, bring them out, that’s hidden in the tapes;
bring these things out for a manifestation, right in front of you. Right in front of
you God is manifesting His sons. Who are they? The ones who’s preaching
the Thunders, Adoption, Perfection, they are the sons of God. Oh my.

Uncover the secret things. Malachi 4 restored back the Faith and left the Faith
there and he introduced the Messiah, the Headstone, and left all the mysteries
laying in the Faith and Christ is the mystery of God revealed. So we reached
down into Faith and pulled Virtue out. Now who in this country, in this world did
you ever hear talking about Virtue Power for Service? Tell me? Who? You
know wasn’t nobody talking about that.

Reach down into your Faith and pull out Virtue. Reach down and pull
Knowledge out. Reach down, pull Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly
Kindness. Amen. Fort Wayne. Reach down and pull out Charity. Down come
Dynamics. For what? For a manifestation. Brother Joey, you are a
manifestation. Brother Junior, God manifested you by the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost with a gift. Brother Junior, Brother Nino, Brother Garcia, my brother
here. All you here, you are manifestations by the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
God is manifesting you. These are my beloved sons and daughters of God.

It’s going on now. Glory. Oh my. My, my. Glory. Page 98. You may be seated.
It’s going on right now. Oh my, my. Yes sir. “Adoption, 3”. Glory. Amen. Amen.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Oh, here we are, 98.


… Luther brought it from the Catholic church with catechism; Wesley adopted so
on… and come on rather. But this is the day of the manifestation of the sons of God,
when the mysteries that’s been hid since the foundation of the world is to be made
known. This is the hour.

And Brother Branham was the first one to come forth and then God took him
away. Then the next ones that come forth behind him will have to have the
same manifestation, preach the same thing, same Message. You cannot
deviate. How can a manifested son of God, knowing that he received the Holy
Ghost, tell anybody in this Message that they got the Holy Ghost when they
believe? A manifested son? That’s a manifested son of Lucifer. Praise God.
Amen. Glory. This is the day of the manifestation, the made known. It had to
wait till this time. You may be seated. Oh glory!

Oh, page 104, paragraph 19.


Tell me, my brother, tell me, my sister, when was the time that the sons of God
was ever to be manifested outside of this time now? When was there ever a time in
(…) history, those that ma--manifest the time to deliver all nature? (…) the nature
itself is groaning,…

The trees is groaning and all the ground is groaning, because one time these
trees lived forever, but now it’s accursed and the trees want to go back to
Eden. So they're groaning, waiting for some more Adams to come on the
scene, speak, ‘Peace be still. Let there be light.’ That’s what they're waiting for.
Oh glory, glory to God. Mm. We're here! We're waiting for Rapturing Faith.

Could this be the time when something will sweep into you? The little ones
who can't seem to get a hold of it, it’ll make them go out of here singing and
shouting and praising God. Could it be going on now? Is it starting now? Oh,
Who do you say this is? Glory, glory. Groaning.

Why, before the atonement was made, before the Holy Ghost was ever poured out,
before (…) the Old Testament, on down (…), there couldn't have been manifestation. It
had to wait till this time. Now, all things has been brought, coming, shaping up to a
headstone,… See what it’s doing? Coming up to the Headstone, the Holy Spirit.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

…to a manifestation of sons of God….

Up in there the Holy Spirit, when That strikes you and seals the Virtues in you,
then you will be a manifestation of the sons of God. You'll have the Spoken
Word. Squirrels. You'll be able to tell the World Council, you’ll stand as a
manifested son of God. You'll have Rapturing Faith. Glory. You'll have no fear.
Christ has no fear. You will only be a old body, but Christ will be veiled behind
skin. It won’t be you, it’ll be a manifestation of Jesus Christ. Oh, come on,
strive to enter in, rot to yourself, die out. Press, press, press. It’s glorious, it’s
wonderful. Hallelujah! I've got to make it. Oh! It couldn't have been…

…the manifestation of sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming into
these men, so perfect, until their ministry will be so Christ… so close like Christ's, till
it'll join Him and His church together.

So therefore it’s not your tapes and books in the Message that will join you to
Christ, it’ll be the manifestation. Oh my, my, my! You may be seated.

And what will this Ministry that I just finished speaking about, what will this
Ministry identify? The Coming of the Lord. Oh, now the Shout, Malachi 4, the
first adopted son in the last days; he identified the Shout in the Coming of the
Lord. Now the Voice of the Archangel is on this side of the Resurrection. Now
who’s gonna identify that?

Now remember, on “Christ The Mystery Of God Revealed”, on page 33,

Brother Branham said, God would not reveal His whole secret. He was
revealing Christ down through Joseph and Abraham and David. He was
bringing Christ out, waiting for the last days to reveal the whole thing. And then
He brought out Luther, he was, he was revealing the Coming of the Lord, and
Wesley and the Pentecostals.

And now right here in the Coming of the Lord, the Bride, what will She identify?
She will reveal the Coming of the Lord. The Voice of the Archangel will be in
Her! Glory! The Prophet said so. … them Seven Thunders and flung them in
the sky and put it on Life magazine, Life magazine. Thunders - Life, Life
magazine. Glory!

You mean to tell me that the Thunders will be the manifestation of the sons of
God? Phew! No wonder the devil fights this here. He don't want nobody…
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Do you know what I'm saying? This Revelation, the Prophet did his part, but
we've got to do our part. We've got to believe that he said these things. The
ministers must preach it, but they won't preach it. They curse us, because we
try to say what the Prophet said. But say what he said and live what he lived.

My! The Voice of the Archangel on this side will be the Bride revealing the
Voice of the Archangel in the Coming of the Lord. What a Revelation! My.

Number 3: The Trump of God will identify the sleeping Bride. Page 36. I've got
something here on this. You may be seated. Amen. Oh, here it is, 36,
paragraph 176.


The next Rapture takes place (…) Thessalonians) for the Church, the Bride to be
resurrected, to be raptured into Glory. "We which are alive and remain," that's the
body that’s left here on earth, "we will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep.
Notice: For the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise." (…)
"And we which alive and remain shall be caught up together with them."

Now when will the dead in Christ rise? On the Shout? No. On the Voice of the
Archangel? No. At the last Trump, the Trump of God. Then where is this Voice
of the Archangel? My, my! Where is it at? What part of I Thessalonians 4:16
does the living Bride identify? If the Coming… If the Trump of God is the
Coming of the Lord when the sleeping Bride rises, then where do you place
the Shout and the Voice of the Archangel? Let’s find out. Amen.

“End Time Evangelism”, page 9 and 10. Oh, I got on my cap now. Well glory.
My. Paragraph 49. The last commission.


Now, the last commission He gave to His Church just before He was received up into
glory, He said, "Go ye into all the world." He'd just risen from the dead. And many of
them was sitting together, and He upbraided them of the hardness of their heart,
because of their unbelief, that believed not them that had seen Him after He was risen.
See, they had a testimony that they seen the Lord.

Nine years we had a testimony that the Lord that was with the Prophet came
back to our Churches as the living resurrected Seven Thunders. That was our
testimony for nine years. And many of the disciples did not believe it. They
said, ‘I will not believe it.’ And we said, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ And they said,
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

‘I don't believe it. I don't believe that you're a minister here, I don’t believe
you're the Pastor. I don’t believe it.’ And then they, they, Thomas said, ‘I will
not believe it. I will absolutely, positively… I don't care what you do, how many
you thunder Perfection, I’ll not believe it.’ A disciple for nine years, all week
long, Thomas. Do you know why he couldn't believe it? Because he wasn't

Sure if he was there on the second Sunday and he believed, wouldn't he have
believed on the first Sunday? So I don't care what they say in America, they
wasn't in my bathtub. South Africa, Europe, I don't care where you come from,
you was not in my bath tub. Glory. Hallelujah. I don't care what you say! You
can go anywhere you want to go! I don't care if you don't believe. It don't take
nothing from me, brother. Telling me, ‘I don't believe this. I don't believe that.’
Who cares whether you believe or don't believe.

Oh, I got a testimony. Not that you and I seen the Lord. My testimony is that I
saw the Lord. I don't know anything about you. Glory! They seen Him after He
was risen.

…they had a testimony that they seen the Lord. And the others didn't believe it,…

So I just leave them alone, and then here come Jesus, the Voice of the
Archangel and He rebuked them. He upbraided them. What do you mean you
don't believe those women? What do you mean you don't believe Peter and
them? Who are you? My! Who do you think you are? Just because you wasn't
there and you don't have a Revelation, so what? That don't mean nothing.
Who are you? You can't stop this Church, this movement. Who do you think
you are? Because of your unbelief. Who cares? Away with your unbelief. Glory
to God!

So He upbraided them. Peter didn't upbraid them, God upbraided them.

When? In the forty day Resurrection period, in the Voice of the Archangel time,
Jesus dropped down in March and begin to upbraid them. Oh glory.

… and upbraided them because of the hardness of their heart. They didn't believe these
people who had seen that He was not dead, "He's alive."


Same thing today,…
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

They come in here, they don't know what’s going on. They come from Trinidad
and Guyana and different places and they judge me and what we're doing
here by what happened back home. I don't care what happened back home,
you can't judge me here.

Maybe you had a backslidden pastor that didn't know about an Egyptian night,
nor about a Hottentot. And you laid up under that backslidden pastor, he didn't
preach no Thunders, he didn't preach no Life, he was probably trying to go to
all the sisters. And then you come here and judge me by him? Brother, I met
the Angel of God. Praise God. Don't judge me by Europe! Don't judge me by
South Africa! Don't judge New York City! Judge it by the Word of God! Don't
bring your Trinidad spirit or wherever you come from and judge this work.
What do you know? The Mercy of God sent you here to be rebuked, to be
upbraided, to be washed by the washing of the Water of the Word. Why?
Because He loves you. Amen.

That's all the trouble with the people coming in here. That's why I don't even
want them in here. I want the ones that’s raised up here that know me. They
come in here with their own ideas, what they think, with their quotes and their
tapes. Who cares? God's anointed me, not you. Glory. Oh my! Maybe
somebody’s being upbraided today, maybe this is that day. Glory.


Same thing today, when you see His work.

Something about New York City, don't you see the work here? This work is
extended around the world. And you've got something to say about this? Are
you crazy? Phew.
Now, we have already seen and are witnessing the appearing of the Lord. Now
remember, appearing and coming is two different words: first to appear and then to
come. Now is the appearing; He's already appeared in these last days, right here with
us in the last few years. (…) it's a sign of His coming. He's appearing in His Church in
the form of the Holy Ghost, showing that it's Him, 'cause people cannot do these
things that you see the Holy Spirit doing; so that's the appearing of the Lord.

People cannot raise the dead after the Prophet left. People cannot take away
sarcoidosis or heal these people here, that’s the Appearing of the Lord. After
Malachi 4’s gone, the Lord is healing the people here, He's appearing. Can't
no man do these things. Oh my. It’s the Holy Ghost. Glory.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

…so that's the appearing of the Lord. Now (…) remember, it spoke both places,
"appearing" and "coming."

Oh my. Now we're on the beam. You mean to tell me that Jesus appeared in
Brother Branham? You mean to tell me after Brother Branham left, that the
Voice of the Archangel, Jesus dropped down here and has been appearing in
the Bride trying to get Her ready? Glory. My. You may be seated.

Now remember, Appearing and Coming, two different things. He's appearing in
His Church now in the form of the Holy Ghost. So He appears by a
Resurrection Power. Let’s check it back with the Revelation of Malachi 4. Let’s
go back to the “Rapture” tape. Praise God. Here's a good one for you, page
27. He actually takes his own Scripture and reveals it right here.

... For the Lord himself shall descend from the heavens with a shout, (…) with
the voice of the archangel, (…) ... the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall
rise first:...

Paragraph 129.


Now I want you to notice a great thing taking place here now. Don't miss this.
See? Now notice. The Word says here, in (…) Thessalonians, that there is three things.
(…) From the 13th to the 16th verse, there is three things that has to happen before
the Lord Himself appears.

Let’s back up now, let’s back the up the truck and understand this here now.
The Lord Jesus Himself has a physical body, so He cannot appear whether it’s
12 feet away or in the sky, I don't know, another dimension or whatever it is,
but He cannot come back here until three things happen. Amen. You got it
now? I'll read it again.
…there is three things that has to happen before the Lord Himself appears. Quickly
now, so we can see it. The first thing happens... Notice: a shout, a voice, a trumpet.
Let's read It back.

Then he reads it, he reads it back. He says:

Three things happens. (…) A shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before
Jesus appears. Now, a shout... Here it is: Jesus does all three of them…
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Jesus does the Shout, Jesus is doing the Voice of the Archangel and Jesus
does the Trump of God, a Voice of the Resurrection.

But now Who is this that’s been here since the Prophet left with all these
Thunders and things? Jesus. Is that Who I'm coming against, the Office, the
Ministry? They're coming against Jesus, because Brother Branham said page
44, “Stature Of A Perfect Man”, the Fivefold Ministry is the Ministry of Jesus
Christ. Not a elder apt to teach now, I mean the Ministry of Jesus Christ. It’s in
that… those officers that He appears as the Voice of the Archangel. He begins
in those officers and He reaches down into the Prophet's Message and begins
to pull up the Thunders and things and anoint them and preach it out to the
people. And He goes around the world, then come back 1984, and then nail it
down. So I'm nailing it down this morning. What are you nailing down? It was
Jesus does all three of them when He's descending.

He's still descending, coming down. And while He's coming down, His, His
Anointing, the Angel, Revelation 10, is already on the earth and He's coming
and the Angel says ‘Here's the Book, go…’ And the Voice, the Anointing, ‘Go
take that Book from the Angel.’ It didn't say you had to be a certain kind of a
person to take It. It said if you are ordained to take, go take It. Don't have to
look a certain way. Don't have to fit your imagination of who should be the
Pastor. No. Way back before the foundation of the world God placed gifts in
the sons of God. Glory.

So He’s descending. While the physical body is descending, the Angel has
been here on the earth since 1946 with the Prophet. Glory. And He was here
when the Prophet left. He was moving around and fixing things. And then
suddenly He revealed what was going on. Seven Thunders, Seven Voices,
Seven Church Ages. Go tell My disciples, take this, preach this, this. Amen.
Glory. Sister Coleman knows what I'm talking about. Amen. Preach this. Glory.
Now you got it? Oh, let me close out, huh? My! Glory. A little bit more time?
Say on. Everybody told me, ‘Say on’. Glory.

Jesus does all three. He does the Shout, He… Malachi 4; He does the Voice
of the Archangel. Now what's the Shout? Oh, here it is here.
…what is the shout? It's the Message going forth, first, the living Bread of Life bringing
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

forth the Bride.

Then when you speak the Word by Revelation the Bride comes forth by the
Thunders. Amen. The Shout. Amen.

See, it’s a Shout. Wake up! Get out of there! A Shout! Thunders! Thunders
wake you up. A loud Voice. It’s a cry of battle. Come on men, let's go get them.
Glory. Glory to God. You got it now? So He appears, oh my, He appears in the
Shout veiled behind the Prophet, then He comes back as a Secret Service
Agent. Glory. Amen, New York? Those of you that was here in '74, the Secret
Agent dropped down.

[Missing words.]

Glory. And He appears, He appears in His Bride by Resurrection Power, by

the Dynamics. Amen. Then number 3, the Trump of God. He comes, that’s the
Coming. Oh amen. He comes back with His Bride…

[End of missing words.]

...Bride, for 30, 40 days. Let’s have proof of that. “Going Beyond The Camp”,
page 5. Amen.


… All of us know Brother Bill Dauch setting here (…).


And, oh, how thankful we are for all of God’s great blessings! Watch. May it
continue to be with us until that last trumpet blows…

May the Shout continue to be with us, may the Voice of the Archangel continue
here after the Prophet's gone and all those devils coming against it, may God
stop their mouths in Adoption time so that it’ll still be here until the last Trump.
May God shut the gainsayers’ mouths and hush up the critics, glory, until that
last Trumpet.

…until the last trumpet blows and, you know, "We'll be caught up together, to meet the
Lord in the air." Think on it! Think of it! Missing people, they can't see you no more,…

This is what I'm preaching for. This is what I'm living for. Come and go with me
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

to my Father's House, where there’s peace, peace, peace. That’s why I'm
standing up here labouring, tired and weary. Hallelujah. I'm waiting for that last
Trumpet. Glory. Amen.

Missing people, (…) can't see you no more,… What are you doing? …but you're
getting together with the rest of the group. For 30, 40 days. My! This is reality
"They which are alive and remain in the Coming of the Lord shall not prevent, or
hinder," (…) "those which are asleep," (…) No, Christians don't die. They're just taking
a little rest, (…) That's all. (…) "And the trump of God shall sound; and the dead in
Christ shall rise first,"…

Did you hear what he said? He didn't say the Shout shall sound, or the Voice
of the Archangel, said the Trump of God shall sound and then the dead shall
rise. So it looks like we’re gonna have to find out about, about the Voice of the
Archangel. Amen. It’s the fulfilling of the Scriptures, of all the Revelations. And
all at once the dead in Christ shall rise and appear to many.
And all at once, you happen to stand and look,…

Well there’s Sister Cipolini, there’s Sister Seabrook, there’s old Brother
Webber. My, that will happen? Yeah, the dead in Christ will appear here. What
a hour, what a time! The manifestation of the sons of God. Everything else falls
away, everything else don't mean nothing. Mmm! My!

…there's a brother, and you know it ain't long.

Catch what he said. When the dead in Christ rises, they’ll be a sign that the
Rapture is at hand. When the dead in Christ move in, it ain’t long. Hallelujah.
We're going home, Momma. My!

… Oh! "We'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. And together with

them, be missing on earth and caught up to meet the Lord in the air."

Let’s establish and nail it down. “Broken Cisterns”, page33, paragraph 158.

(…) let us bow our heads. You may be seated.


Praying that God will so richly bless each of you, that His grace and mercy will
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

be with you through the coming week. And if anything should happen, that one of you
may slip beyond the veil now, just remember that it's only a few hours of sleep and
rest until we meet. Glory. Remember, that, "They which are alive and remain shall not
hinder those which are sleeping,…

Here it is, here's the Revelation. See, this is on the tape here, but it’s laying
there, but if somebody don't say it, it’s just lay... Maybe you might never pick
up this tape, but there’s a Ministry ordained to pick it up and preach it to you.

…for the Trump of God,… Watch him identify. …that last Trumpet..."

The Trump of God, I Thessalonians. See? He identifies it back to I Corinthians

15, the last Trump, the Trump of God. He put it together and then he tied it in
to the Seventh Trumpet, Moses and Elijah. They come back in the
Resurrection and they're on the earth and they'll call out 144,000. Oh. But they
can't come. How can Moses and Elijah come back here in the Shout, or Paul
and Peter? They can't come back in the Shout, the Voice of the Archangel.
They had their time. This is our time, Adoption time, manifestation of the sons
and daughters of God.

But they can come back when you're made perfect. Glory to God. Then they
come back at the last Trump, the Trump of God. And notice how he put it here.

The sixth one has just sounded.

He falls back to 1933 and lets you know the Sixth Trumpet, Hitler, Eichmann
and all that, he identified the Sixth Trumpet, glory to God, right here, hid away.
Suppose you never seen this, you wouldn't even know. You may have never
picked it up, it may never be translated into Europe or into different languages,
but if it’s preached, sent around the world, all you got to do is hear it. And this
Message here is going around the world, oh, to my brethren. Oh glory! We’ll be
waiting for a future Revelation of the Rapture.

The sixth one (…) just sounded. And that last Trumpet, like the last Seal, will be the
Coming of the Lord. "It shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." Just resting
till that time.

So he tied the last Seal, the Seventh Seal, and the last Trump together. My,
my, my. But it need a Revelation to understand the Shout of it and the Voice of
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

the Archangel. A Revelation is needed to understand that. Well, praise God.

My, you better sit down now and let the water come down.

My! The final Voice to the final Age. There is finally another people in the land
who under their messenger will be the final Voice to final Age. Do you have a
Scripture, preacher? Revelation 22:17 says the Bride will have a Voice. Could
that be the Voice of the Archangel? It’s a Scripture. Wow. My.

The Spirit and the Prophet and the Bride will be saying the same thing, Why?
Notice, why? Because Jesus appears in Malachi 4 and Jesus appears in the
Bride Himself in His Church to say the same thing. Can't go wrong. A
Revelation, Inspiration of what the Prophet really said. Oh Church, where we
at? Glory.

Let me read this back again and put it on the tape here. June 15th 1974,
Saturday morning, I was meditating and He anointed to me I Corinthians 7:29.
Be like you… Be like you had no wives, the time is short.

My son, I speak to you at this time. I have just quickened to you by My Spirit
the season that you’re now entering into, it is the reaping season. Put the
sickle in quickly or the tears will spoil the wheat field. Time is short. I
Corinthians 7:26-31answers to the reaping season. The Resurrection is at
hand, the Second Coming of Christ is here. There shall come an Anointing
upon you to quicken to My people indeed time is short. You shall preach My
Word in Power and demonstration of the Spirit. This in itself will identify the
Coming of the Lord.

It’ll be My Voice, amen, speaking, the Voice of the Archangel interpreting His
own Word, vindicated by signs and wonders and miracles. They shall not only
hear the Truth, true Revelation, but they shall see the expression of the Truth
through your very body. Expression. This Anointing is now upon you. It
dropped down June 9th, Anointing come down, it’s been here ever since. Many
come against it and God packed them out and so will He pack you out of here
from today on, if you come against it. Glory to God, amen. Hallelujah. Glory.

They’ll see the expression. This Anointing is now upon you. From this day shall
you proclaim My Word with such a urgency. Do you see why I'm excited? I
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

can't help it, there's an Anointing on me. When I see you in sin, get out of
there! It’s a urgency. I don't know what you see, but I see the Coming of the
Lord, I see my, my father coming back, I see the people coming back here.
Come on, get in there, let’s go. Stop, get out of there, get in here, get out of
there, come on, repent, get back. It’s an Anointing to shake the world. Don't
get mad at me, get mad at the Anointing. It’s not me, it’s an Anointing. Praise

The Anointing is now upon you. From this day shall you proclaim My Word with
such an urgency that the people will know that it is not you but My Spirit,
watch, quickening this Revelation to them. I shall come down. A Sister Conny
Lerouth from Connecticut had a dream, how He would come down and begin
to take different people and use them. So He referred it back to her dream.

I shall come down and bring this Revelation personally to My Bride. Do you
know what I'm saying? St Matthew 16, your Father Elohim in heaven, I shall
come down. You'll preach like Peter preached, then I personally come down
and reveal to 3000 out of maybe 300,000. So then what are you worrying
because so and so is not here. You better thank God your Father revealed it to

Do you see how it’s done? It’s a Revelation that your Father reveals to you. I
can preach till I'm blue in the face, but if He don't reveal it to somebody, I'm
finished. But I'm responsible to preach this Revelation. So therefore I don't
care what you say at all, cause I want to be there.

So I will come down and bring this Revelation personally to My Bride as you
preach My Word and She shall prepare, She, not Me, She shall prepare
Herself by Revelation and be ready for the Resurrection Call, which is another
call at a little later date. All these years, and I knew this all this years. I was just
waiting for March 4th 1984, for that Call to the Resurrection. And I say by
inspiration, we are here. And God sent Brother Roscoe 1982 by a dream to
pick it up, 1982. And now he's a witness and others are, but now it’s here.

And Brother Roscoe told me, ‘Brother Coleman,’ he said, ‘the Thunders and all
that,’ he said, ‘that was tremendous.’ But the greatest thing to him was the
Message “Is Charity the Voice of the Archangel?” He said, because that was
the Bride's promise. The Seven Thunders was the Food to feed the Bride and
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

restore Her back, but after you get the Food and you're restored back, you've
got to have a promise, the Voice of the Archangel, Charity. My! So Brother
Roscoe caught it. Amen.

To be ready. This call shall come as a warning. Number 1: Malachi 4 Call;

number 2: Bride Call; number 3: Resurrection Call. And He said the Voice
does all three. Two and three since '74 are the same call done by the Voice of
the Archangel. The Bride shall have the Anointing of Revelation 22:17 upon
Her. Whosoever will, let them come. Praise God.

Understand now why I act the way I act? Preach the way I preach? This
Anointing was driving me to it and now we're here. Oh. Oh Church, Jesus
Himself appearing in the Bride by a manifestation, Jesus in the Bride
appearing and coming after Malachi 4 left. What did He come back for? To
manifest the sons of God. To reach down in Malachi 4's Message and bring up
the mysteries and reveal them out to the people. Who's revealing these
things? Brother Coleman? No. The Voice of the Archangel. Elohim. I will
prepare My people by Revelation to be ready for this call, the Call to the
Resurrection. Oh praise God.

Could this be the Second Phase, the Voice of the Archangel? Has the Voice of
the Archangel been here for the last nine years, appearing in His Bride by
bringing up and revealing the mysteries already revealed by Malachi 4? Are
these manifestations of Jesus Christ? My. Did He leave a vacuum, a Ministry
for manifested sons to come back and preach the mysteries? Restored Faith is
Resurrection Faith. If you have Resurrection Faith, that’s restored Faith. You
must see Jesus working among your group. Brother Branham said so.

About ten more minutes? Amen. You may be seated if you wish to. Amen. I
won’t be long, I'm winding her down now. Amen. Page 35, hmm, paragraph


Bring back the church to the Word. Now, what is this messenger of Malachi 4 to
do? Here it is. Restore back the original Faith, the resurrection Faith. That, they seen
Jesus after He had raised from the dead, seen Him working among them.

Oh, it’s not enough to be in the Message with tapes and books, that ain’t no
Resurrection… restored Faith. No, huh uh. It’s Resurrection Faith. You must
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

see the same Jesus with the same signs, same wonders, same miracles come
back and work among you. Then you are restored back by Malachi 4.

If you don't have this here among you, you have not been restored back yet,
you're just hoping that you will be. Oh, bring the Church back to the Word,
restore back the Original Faith. Is that what happened to Peter and them when
He come back for 40 days before they got the Holy Ghost, for nine years
before the Fire fell, begin to teach them. And the Holy Spirit told me in 1974,
He said, I will reveal the Thunders to you in St John 20 and 21. He said, but
don't tell nobody. He said, go out there and tell them II Peter 1:4-7. So I didn’t
tell them, but He revealed it to me in St John 20, St John 21, His Resurrection
Ministry. Amen, New York? Praise God.

That’s what’s happening now. My, the second Thunder, Thomas, ‘My Lord and
my God’. The third Thunder, verse 30 and 31. And these miracles and signs
have been done, amen, that you might have Life through His Name. The
Name? The Word, the Thunders is in that Word, the Name. Oh, I'll get to that
later on amen. Oh, that’s Knowledge of God. Didn't you hear Brother Nino,
he's the only one that caught it. He said, I got Virtue and Knowledge. Go back
and hear “The Breaking Of The Seventh Seal” in Fort Wayne. I put it right on
there. Thomas says, ‘My Lord and my God.’

So it’s finished. October 9th 1974, we had come down to Knowledge. Brother
Fred Barker came here and he preached and Sister Audrey Dupree was raised
from the wheelchair on October 6th and we had miracles. And then October 9th
I preached Knowledge, “Stimulation, Revelation”. These miracles, I pointed to
the miracles, has done… was done that you might know, you might believe.
And blessed is he that believes this and I'm the Pastor, without being proven
back to you. You're blessed if you believe it, blessed if you believe these
things. Oh my.

Resurrection Faith. Is that what happened in September 1974, the very

Scriptures St John 20 and 21? And there He gave me the Seven Thunders. He
said, don't tell nobody. Let them curse, revile and say what they want to say,
but I will return in St John 21, I'll come back and teach you how to fish, cast the
net on the right side. It’ll be in the open, because I appeared twice in the
house, but it’s about time for Me to go outside by the Sea of Galilee. Amen. Oh
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

October 9th Knowledge, 1974. I waited nine years. October 9th, the Fire
Baptism, first climax finished. They didn't catch it, Brother Joe. Nine years I
didn't move from Knowledge, Thomas, my Lord and my God. Had to wait nine
years for Jesus to come back on the second Sunday in 1983. Wasn't no
healing, wasn't no raising the dead, but Thomas said, ‘My Lord – Jehovah, and
My God - Elohim.’ Finally the Fire Baptism is finished and now we're ready for
the second climax. Jesus, cast your net on this side, cast it on that side. Oh
praise God, let me close out here.

Pull up the fish, a 153. I tried to pull them up in 1980, that was only five years.
Add up 153, that’s nine. I tried to pull up in the next year '81, '82. Finally '83
was a nine, a 153 fish. Pull it in. All the years that you sowed, now pull it in.
Glory. My. But I don't know where they are, so He must come, say, cast your
net here, he believes the Thunders, pull them in. Put in over there in
Pennsylvania, pull them in. Glory. We're here. God Himself is now ready. Oh…
Praise God. Amen. OK. You may be seated. Shall I finish this here? OK, I'll put
it on tape and then I'm finished. Amen.

Ephesians, 139, “Ephesians Church Age”, page 139. Amen. 139. OK.


As Daniel heard the seven thunders and forbidden; and John heard the voices, and
this Book was sealed, on the backside, and the back of the book was sealed with
Seven Seals; that’s Seven Thunders; but in the days of these Seals to be opened,
the mystery of God should be finished. And Brother Branham revealed the entire
mystery of God. In other words, God would be known to His church, not in three
people, (…) one Person. The mystery of God would be revealed, now watch, and when
that was completely revealed, then the seven mysteries would open to the church;…

And he put a time on that, page 304, on the Fourth Seal. He said: Wait until
the Thunders utters its Voices. So we had to wait until the Thunders utter their
And then …in there, the church would be living under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, Him moving in and out and showing His signs of being alive and among us, living
among us, and when this happens, we're then worshipping the living Christ that's
among us. And he called it the Seven Thunders.

So there we are, worshipping the Seven Thunders. Malachi 4 revealed the

The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

whole mystery of God as a Message. And Christ is the mystery of God

revealed as a Shout and the Seven Thunders. But who knew what the Seven
Thunders were after Malachi 4 left? It had to happen after he left, cause we're
here now friends, oh and God is bringing up the mysteries and showing His
signs of being alive. This is Resurrection Faith and here come the healings,
here come the miracles. My! Glory. My. And we are now worshipping the living
Christ. Who is this person that’s alive among us? The Voice of the Archangel,
doing the sign of the Resurrection. Might as well give you the last one here,
amen, next to last one here.

There will come a day… Page 713, Throne of Mercy and Judgement.


… There will come a day (…) a wicked and adulterous generation, (…) will seek
a sign. Amen. (…) "That generation will receive a sign." (…) But what type? Amen.
Therefore the sign of the resurrection. (…) The sign of the resurrection will be done in
a wicked and adulterous generation, and it was done in the Book of the Acts. Jesus
raised from the dead, and come into Peter, James, and John, and the apostles, and
they did this Book of the Acts. It wasn't the acts of the apostles; it was the acts of the
Holy Ghost working in the apostles.


It's not a man today; amen, it's the Holy Ghost working through a man, or men
(See?), that does the work. It's not the man; the man's just a vessel (…), it’s the Holy
Ghost is the Oil that's in that vessel.

You mean the Voice of the Archangel will come into the people, Ministry and
the Bride, and do the sign of the Resurrection and they will get no other sign
than that? Just think now, all the people in the Message that’s looking for this
and looking for that, they will get no sign, but the sign of the Resurrection. The
Voice of the Archangel will be in a Bride. Hallelujah! Think on it, all the
orthodox ones in the Message will not get Brother Branham coming back to
them. They'll get a cursed Ministry, reviled and spit on by the heady high-
minded ones, but the sign of the Resurrection will be done in a wicked and
adulterous generation. Oh hallelujah, praise God, thank You Jesus.

It ain’t no man today, it’s the Holy Ghost, for when Omnipotence speaks, the
miraculous does take place. I say Salvation is come, the Resurrection is here,
the Rapture is at hand, this is the Call to the Resurrection, the Voice of the
Archangel. Do you see what time it is, sirs? It’s time for the manifestation of
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

the sons of God to display Christ.

The Book of “Hebrews”, page 179.


… let's go on to perfection." Oh, my! Wish I had the voice of the archangel now,
to bring this to a place to where you could see it.

Do you see it today? How many see it today? Then the Voice of the Archangel
is here to bring it to a place to where you see it. Oh hallelujah. Then if it has
happened, then the Voice of the Archangel is identified today in the Coming of
the Lord. The second identification in the Coming of the Lord. Then you know
who you are and know what you're looking for. The Life of the Messiah to be
made manifest in you, making a Bride ready for the Resurrection. Oh

The manifestation of the Bridegroom will be in a Bride, the Voice of the

Archangel. What will it be? A Resurrection sign to resurrect you out of what
you're in, out of this and that and whatever. Hallelujah. It’ll do it. Time is short.
Glory to God! The Seven Thunders is Jesus, the Voice… the Voice of the
Archangel appearing in you and in your church, showing His signs of Life. And
then you're not worshipping Joe Coleman, but you're worshipping Jesus
Christ. He's just bathing you down and quickening you and, oh doing things for
you, speaking the Word and ‘Do this’ and ‘Do that’ Hallelujah. Praise God. It’s
here, the manifestation of the sons of God. Glory. Hallelujah.

The second identification of the Coming of the Lord is identified by a Ministry

that’s exactly like the Life of Christ. The manifestation of the sons of God is
here. I'll save a quote for tonight on sonship, but the whole world and nature is
groaning and crying and waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.
That’s when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed
and they say, ‘Say to this mountain’, and it will be so. The Voice of the
Archangel in the manifested sons is the Bride's position, Place in Christ,
Adoption time, to speak the Word. Oh my.


… You'll see when that holy church stands together in its power, positionally
placed as sons of God, adopted into the family of God, powerful church standing there
in her Shekinah glory. (…) That's what He's coming for.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

When? At the last Trump, the Voice of the Archangel becomes a Voice of the
Resurrection. No more men angels, all seven men have come, but the
Archangel is the Chief Messenger. It is the Voice of the Chief Messenger. It’s
the Archangel's Voice; it represents chief authority and command.

“Spoken Word Is The Original Seed”, page 58.


… They have THUS SAITH THE LORD, or they keep still.

“Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word”, page 39.


… The next is the intelligence, which is in Christ Itself, Who controls the whole

See it’s Christ, the Voice of the Archangel taking control of you, of this Church,
of everything in here and beginning His reign by issuing His commands.
Revelation 22:17 says so. Giving out His official orders, announcing the
change of dispensation from the dispensation of Adoption, which is the Voice
of the Archangel. And then when the last one is adopted, He changes the
dispensation to the fullness of time and the Prophet said page 405, “Seven


405-4 {102}
… I can almost see that Angel standing there and saying at the last of the
seventh angel's message, "Time shall be no more."

Oh, I can almost see that Angel standing there, the Shout. Jesus does all
three. He's now doing the Voice of the Archangel. And I can almost see that
Angel at the last part of the Seventh Angel’s Message, Shout, Voice, Trump.
Trump is the last part. But He's here now disguised in His people, in His
Ministry as the Voice of the Archangel.

He's been here all the time, but today He's opening your understanding so you
will close your mouth and won’t have any more evil things to say against the
messenger or the Message. You can’t speak against the messenger and say
you believe Brother Branham's Message, cause this messenger is identified
with the Message. You can't pull it apart, it’s together. We're together again,
just praising the Lord.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Oh, angels standing there, time shall be no more. What is this? This is the Call
to the Resurrection. The Angel is now ready as of March 4th 1984 to enforce
the laws of His Kingdom. When the doors are shut, watch the Anointing,
Christ, really strike home. Oh Church, He's here now with the Baptism of the
Holy Ghost and the Power of God.

What is this here? Acts 1:1-3, Resurrection Ministry of Jesus Christ, the Voice
of the Archangel is here resurrected. Number one: He showed Himself alive.
Number two: By many infallible proofs for 40 days. And 40 days is a testing
time. My, my. Number three: He's speaking things pertaining to the Kingdom
of God. That's what He's been doing in these last nine years in His Voice of
the Archangel Resurrection Ministry.

Acts 1:8, But ye shall receive Power. Oh praise God. And now today the
Seven Voices that has been sowed and preached, all seven have become one
Voice of the Archangel. The Archangel shall anoint Brotherly Kindness. It won’t
be the Voice of Brotherly Kindness will identify the Seventh Age, but all Seven
Voices will be anointed to live. Then that’ll be living Virtues, but the Archangel,
one Voice singular, shall speak. The season has changed. Oh, it’s the King's
Message. Let’s recognise it, friends.

Brother Branham said on “Recognising Your Day And Its Message”, on page
… Let's recognize It, friends, for we are called to gather together for the
sounding of the Trumpet.

By the Voice of the Archangel. Hear what I said? How can you gather for the
sounding of the Trumpet, if you don't know where the Voice of the Archangel is
at. You got your books, your tapes, but do you know where the Voice of the
Archangel is at?

My! My, my. What a day to stop the critics’ mouths and tell them to shut up,
you don't even know what you're even talking about.’ Now you think that God
won’t vindicate this? Brother, He's doing it today.

… we are called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet.

Did you hear what the Prophet said? We are called to gather for the Trumpet,
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

for the Wedding Supper, but where's the Shout and the Voice? Jesus does all
three. Phew.

Oh, I'm finished. They're over there, huh. My, my, my. I’m sorry I took so long,
but I had to get this Message out. Amen. Glory! My. I had to get it out in
Spanish and in English. Amen! It’s only about an hour and five minutes in

Page 43, Prophet said:


Remember (…) my vision? I said, "If Paul's people goes in, so will mine, because
I done just exactly like him." (…)
And millions throwed their hands, saying, "We are resting on that!"
What? Recognize the day (…) we're living, the time we're living, the sign of the time
that we're living in.

The Shout and the Voice are both signs in the Prophet, in the Bride to show
the people what time, that the Coming of the Lord is here. Many don't believe
it, so therefore God will anoint a Bride to bring the same Message back,
manifest the same Life and signs to vindicate the Coming of the Lord. To tell
those people, to convict them that there is gonna be a Resurrection, there is
gonna be a Rapture and then speak the Word and blind eyes open up, cripples
walk, praise God, and call the devils out of their hearts. Then they'll fall down
and bow at your feet, then they'll know there’s a Resurrection, then they'll
know there’s a Rapture. Praise God.

God's gonna vindicate that Word! There shall be a Resurrection! There shall
be a Rapture! Hallelujah! I don't care how old fashioned it sounds, but, glory to
God, one day you'll be no more! Hallelujah. Glory.

This is real, Brother Hunte! Hallelujah! God will restore you! Hallelujah! You
shall be there! Glory! Amen, David, Joseph! Glory! Halle… Nephti is coming.
God gave you a sign Robledos, your son come … as a sign. Hallelujah. He's
coming. Praise God. Family time. For when Omnipotence speaks, the
miraculous does take place. All you hard cases, the Angel of God is here to
manifest your healing.

Glory. Oh, the day, the time, Rapturing Time, the sign, the Voice, the
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

Archangel on the earth, manifestation, a sign of the sons of God bringing up

the mysteries, speaking the Word. A sign, the Rapture’s at hand. Phew.
… that we're living in. It may be later than we think. One of these days, let him that's
outside stay outside still. And he that's inside, here’s your blessing, must forever be
inside still.

You can’t go out, glory, you’re trapped, you're trapped in the Ark. Jesus got a
hold of my life and He won't let go. God won't let you go, no you don’t! There's
a Blood chord tied to you! Glory! You must stay inside forever, Tony. Oh, glory!
La! Shah! Hah! I feel like speaking in tongues, I feel like shouting, jumping over
a troop, to know that God called me for a Rapture in the last days! Hallelujah!
Oh my. Glory. My, my.

The Voice of the Archangel is here. Brother Branham said, page 47.


You feel good now? (…) Do you feel good? Feel it's all ready now? (…)
The Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, (that's that last
Trumpet, now)

He nailed it down. And so is the Voice of the Archangel nailed down.

… when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair.

Amen. The Trump of the Lord shall sound. Oh, we're here. Glory. My, my. Who
in the Message will be ready for the Trumpet to sound? Do they understand
what we're talking about this morning in this Message? My, my, my. Oh praise

The manifestations of the sons of God. Do you know what I'm saying, Church?
God has given you Faith, Virtue and Knowledge. That’s a manifestation. Then
when you manifest… when you manifest Temperance, that would be a
manifestation of the Son of God. Then when you begin to manifest and
manifest and manifest and then break into His Ministry, St John 14:12, it’s the
manifestations of the sons and daughters of God that was with Him before the
foundation of the world. Oh my! To pour the Seven Virtues into the Bride to
that Perfection of the Coming of the Son of God. What will it be? Ephesians
4:11-13, a perfect man, made perfect by the Voice of the Archangel, Christ in
you the hope of glory. We're marching over to Jerusalem. Good God Almighty.
The Voice of the Archangel
Brother Coleman
March 4th 1984

[Singing:” We Are Marching Over To Jerusalem”]

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