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Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all let us be grateful and give highest praise to God that

we given the chances to be right here right now in this extra ordinary occasion, to talk about

issues that may or may not related to sake of our future generations. I’m stand here before you

barely as an expert or a competitor, but rather as a concern citizen who observed enough proof

about how messed up our environment is. Thus I saw this competition as a platform for me to

express my ideas and concerns.

Environmental issues basically an issues there exist in our environment, and like other

issues the only rational thing left to do is to solve it and how we can minimize it. People often

think in a smaller scale of how they do things, for instance all of you might thinking like “it’s

better to clean my place and throw away this garbage” now after you clean your place and

threw away the dump you must’ve think that your work done and you are responsible for

yourself. Regardless where you dump the trash, what you did is basically transferring your

responsibility, giving away your problem to others so that they can also deal with that problem.

That shows to you people tend to think in a smaller scale.

Allow me to remind you that the environmental issues is not limited just to the

polutions and physical trashes. According to Megan Nicole from Schooled by science, Public

Health, Urban Sprawl, Waste Disposal, Overpopulation, Loss of Biodiversity, Water

Pollution, Pollution, Deforestation, Ecosystems & Endangered Species, and also Climate

Change is only 10 among numerous problems there exist. It so devastating to knowing this and

still there is nothing we can do about it. or is there??

People, you need to realize that the world you live in right now is the one you gonna

share with billions others and more billions of generation. But the fact that our environment is

messed up only because we’re to lazy to use alternative energy or simply because we too shy

to follow the “eco-trend” resulted into more problematic chaos.

Know that environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces

today. It is an issue that troubles us economically, physically and every day of our lives. The

contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around

currently. Yet, most people do know about this problem and seems to get on with it. This shows

that environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly worse problem that needs to be taken

care of as soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment but also for the people

that live in it. Many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a

large issue in the world. However, if the people of the world were to address the issue it would

definitely help both the environment and its people. There are many activities that can be done

by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which could severally improve

the world’s environmental problem. On the other hand, if the current way the world’s

environmental problem is being handled continues, catastrophic consequences can follow for

the future population.

And don’t let me begin to talk about our climate change. On how people still tend to relax and

objectify the climate change as myth. The proof is everywhere just pick one, droughts

intensifying, our oceans acidifying with methane is rising up from our oceans floor and at the

same time the ice of Greenland antartica is melting raising the sea levels at unprecedented rates,

decades ahead of what our scientist have expected. Its not rethoric, its not a hysteria. It is fact,

and everybody knows it. scientist knows it, you all lecturer knows it, and governments know

it. Even The US Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear the 3rd recently stated that climate change

is single most threatening security threat of humanity.

I do acknowledge how difficult this is to deal with. Who am I kidding I’m just a college

student, trying to tell you to change your light bulb, change your car to some hybrid car like
Lexus and what not or am i? please do noted that all of that is not enough and I’m not saying

its pointless. The climate change is a difficult but an achieve-able task, and I’m not talking

about individuals now its time to take a large action, the one that requires higher power of

authority. Government need to put a price tag on carbon emissions and eliminate subsidies for

oil, coal, and gas companies, ending how the polluters industry riding easily with assist of

government for the sake of free market. All those profits and services is pointless once the sea

has completely flooding our ground.

This is the moment of people who have an actual concern about the environment. To avoiding

wars between generations, because frankly younger generations has become really aware that

they became scrutinize by older generations. That older generations have taking so much

advantages from this earth and yet rely and demand the younger generations for fixing it,

brainstorms to solve our environment problem. NO, it is no time for that, climate change is a

problem that going to cost past, present and out future generations. All of us taking part means

that all of us owe it to each other to solve it.

Addressing environmental problems in the world will not only do good for the environment

but also for the people that live in it. One of the biggest challenges of today’s world is the

decrease in jobs. However, by trying to solve the problem of environmental pollution one

would be creating more jobs. “For example, it takes an average of 116 people to run a coal

fired plant, which obviously produce a great deal of pollution” (Renner). On the other hand, it

would take 248 workers to run a solar thermal facility or 542 on a wind farm. Both of these

solutions to the world’s energy problem not only produce energy, but also do it by methods

which do not pollute the environment when compared to a coal-fired plan. They also in turn

produce up to 4 times as many jobs for anyone looking for a job. By helping the environment
in this way, one is not only helping the environment but, also himself. As pollution has

increased so has the damage it can cause. This is shown by acid rain which is a product of


Acid rain is powerful enough to cause corrosive damage to buildings, statues, and other

structures. Since the damage must be repaired taxpayer’s money must be spent to repair the

damage. This leads to billions of taxpayer’s money being spent to repair the statues, buildings,

and monuments damaged by acid rain, which could have been spent on schools and other things

in the community. This is how bad the issue of environmental pollution has gotten, a point

where the people are loosing there hard earned money to pollution people create. But one of

the more obvious and best reasons for trying to help solve the world’s pollution problem is for

promoting better health for humans. With all of the pollution that exist the health of humans

slowly decrease as seen by many people throughout the world developing respiratory problem

such as asthma and possibly even the new disease SARS. With pollution being a probable cause

for such diseases and ailments it can clearly be seen how serious environmental polution is. All

these are very significant reasons for concern in the area of environmental pollution.

Yet, it can easily be solved with the help of a few considerate people who want to help

the environment and themselves in the process. However there are some activities that can be

done everyday which not only help the environment and if done by a multitude of people can

severally help the environment.

But, in two extreme cases further pollution of the environment can go as far as to cause an ice

age or even the complete melting of the polar ice caps, which would flood many coastal areas

around the world. Both of these instances will have apocalyptic consequences if they were to
happen, but scientist have reason to believe that both are possible if pollution continues to grow

and does not receive any attention

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