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Guidebook Entry: Buenos Aires

By Marina Castagnino

Located on the center-east of Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires that lies
on the coast of Rio de La Plata offers a great variety of activities from
traditional tanguerías (places to dance tango, which is a typical dance) to
the local fairs, such as La Feria de Mataderos, a very traditional festivity
where not only traditional folkloric dances and local music shows are in
display for everyone to see, but also the most juicy delights of Argentinian
food. From Argentine’s barbecue called Asado, usually cooked over thin
wood or some coal based fire, with all sorts of of vegetables, and meats
are ´kissed` with salmuera, a dressing sauce that provides a great
seasoning flavor. But beware: in Buenos Aires, when you ask for a parrillada
(barbecue), you will not only get meat, but all sort of the cow internal parts
such as kidneys, small intestines called chinchulines, large intestines
called tripa gorda, blood sausages, called morcillas, and the salivary
glands called mollejas, a rare kind of delight, not for everyone.
Also, due to the high amount of Italian immigrations, Argentinians
developed a taste for Italian food with its own twist, Argentine pizza comes
with lots delicious seasoned toppings of many kinds, all of which includes
massive amounts of cheese, and local's favorite ice cream, derived from
Italian gelato, a flavor called dulce de leche, a kind of caramel, that can be
enjoyed while sightseeing all the way trough the Costanera to La Boca, or
San Telmo.

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