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RCOG Examinations Candidate Confidentiality Agreement

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)must have in place principles and
procedures for controlling access to confidential RCOG examination materials and protecting the
integrity of examination processes.
This Agreement covers all candidates undertaking an RCOG examination. A new Agreement must be
signed for each examination a candidate attends.
All candidates undertaking an RCOG examination must as a condition of entry to the examination,
agree to the terms of this Agreement
Please read the following carefully and indicate your acceptance of this Agreement by signing
where stated:
 I understand that the contents of this examination are the intellectual property of the RCOG and
its contents are copyrighted
 I understand that copying, reproducing or distributing the contents of this exam in any form is
 I understand that revealing the contents of the questions / tasks of this exam is strictly
prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, sharing questions / tasks with a third party;
distributing questions / tasks on social media; posting questions / tasks on websites.
 I certify that I have not and will not retain the exam questions / tasks or disclose them in whole
or in part to any other person or entity.
 I understand that failure to abide by this Agreement may result in disqualification from this and
future RCOG examinations.
Please complete the section below

Printed full name: Palakolanu Swetha

College number (6 digits):245318

RCOG examination undertaken (please tick one from below):
☐MRCOG Part 1
 MRCOG Part 2
☐MROCG Part 3
Date of examination:2-6-2019

Examination centre: Bangalore medical college and research centre, Bangalore

Signature*: Palakolanu Swetha

Date: 9-6-2019

*You can insert an electronic signature or just type your name if you email this form to RCOG via your email
address which is recorded in our system.
The information on this form will be held by the RCOG to maintain a record of compliance with
itsConfidentiality and Declaration of Interest and Good Standing Agreement in accordance with
RCOG policies.

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