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January (Doing Things on Time) CITE Technical Institute, Inc.

Second Week Talk: Making Good Use of Our Time

Time is opportunity. We cannot waste it. We must use it productively.

We fill our day with useful work. We cannot squander it in empty talk nor in useless

We spend all our day on what we ought but not any minute more than what is needed to
do it very well.

I. The Meaning of:

A. Free time is the time left after finishing one s social, family, and occupational duties.
B. Man needs this from the fact that he cannot be reduced to a mere worker and that
he works for something more than work itself.

II. What to do during free time

A. The best way to spend one’s free time is to get involved in activities voluntarily,
whether to:

1. rest or to enjoy oneself

 get involved in sports
 listen to the radio
 read cultural books
2. increase knowledge
 advance studies
 making projects
3. develop one’s non-professional education
 research on topics outside one’s course
 learning other languages
4. develop participation in social affairs
 family get-together
 house chores
 being with friends
5. develop one’s free creative abilities
 cultivate hobbies
 learn new skills
 develop inborn talents

C. It has come to evolve with a negative connotation: idleness, uselessness, laziness, or

simply a means to replenish the strength to do more arduous work.

A Polish high school student when she studied in the US commented: In War-saw, we
would talk to friends after school, go home and eat with our parents and then do 4 or
5 hours of home work. When I first came here, it was like going into a crazy world but
now I am getting used to it. I am going to Pizza Hut and doing less work in school, i
Personal Formation Office  Virtue Talk Guide  Version 2008 I
January (Doing Things on Time) CITE Technical Institute, Inc. 2

can tell it is not a good thing to get used to. Here in the Philippines we are also getting
used to this. Spending time playing on lime games to the detriment of the duties and
responsibilities we have ( student, son, brother, etc.)

D. Free time is not to do nothing, it is a time that needs to be put into good use -- like

II. Making good use of it

A. Be busy with some useful objective in mind. Never be idle.

Sleeping in the afternoon only leaves one lazy without any output. If you sleep 8
hours a day, living for 60 years -- 20 years of that would have been spent sleeping.
Isn’t that enough?

B. To do activities in the free time with the same intensity because we only have one
set of morals: to do work well (official or not).

C. Get involved in activities that interest you, use your creative individuality.

D. Develop a critical sense and study will to distinguish those activities that are
beneficial and those that aren’t.

E. To do this one must have order through a specific schedule.

III. Some specifics: seizing the moment

A. Take the chance to get close to your family.

B. Develop those hidden potentials.

C. Research on those inquiries: (processes, astronomy, how to’s, technological

advancements, etc.)

D. Get involved in some sport.

E. Deal with your friends.

F. Study more.

 This is the time where doubts and misunderstood topics are cleared, calculation
skills are acquired.

Personal Formation Office  Virtue Talk Guide  Version 2008 I

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