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Why teenagers have annoying

75% of teenagers in Mexico have annoying habits, due to a lot of parents
allow teenagers still acting like unhealthy lifestyle and without a medical
opinion who can references the way they can help them. Many times
parents expects teenagers solve their problems alone, and maybe the only
thing they need is a person who can guide to be a good person.

One of the biggest issues are when the teenagers are vulnerable to
everything that is harmful for bad experiences, teenagers feel that smoking,
drinking, drugs, they can forget it. I think the posible solution it’s start a hobbie
for dessestresing and make more easy for them confront problems. Another
cause it’s when parents give a bad figure to teenagers, for example, if they
procrastinate their work or if they doesn’t have discipline maybe the
teenagers take that bad habits from their parents. The posible solution could
be make good relationships with persons who can teach them good habits.

To sump up is important mention not all teenagers have annoying habits in

the same grade. In my opinion, I think the parents love and good relationships
help to everybody, not only teenagers, also help treat any unhealth habit.

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