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1. Number of terms.

 A monomial has just one term. For example, 4x2 .Remember that a term contains both
the variable(s) and its coefficient (the number in front of it.) So the is just one term.

 A binomial has two terms. For example: 5x2 -4x

 A trinomial has three terms. For example: 3y2+5y-2

 Any polynomial with four or more terms is just called a polynomial. For example: 2y5+
7y3- 5y2+9y-2

2. Degree. The degree of the polynomial is found by looking at the term with
the highest exponent on its variable(s).


 5x2-2x+1 The highest exponent is the 2 so this is a 2nd degree trinomial.

 3x4+4x2The highest exponent is the 4 so this is a 4th degree binomial.

 8x-1 While it appears there is no exponent, the x has an understood exponent of 1;

therefore, this is a 1st degree binomial.

 5 There is no variable at all. Therefore, this is a 0 degree monomial. It is 0 degree

because x0=1. So technically, 5 could be written as 5x 0.

 3x2y5 Since both variables are part of the same term, we must add their exponents
together to determine the degree. 2+5=7 so this is a 7th degree monomial.

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