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Education without religion is not education at all. Same with religion. Religion without education is

As the climbing ivy over lefty elmCreeps tortuously, together the adornmentOf the verdant plain,
embellishingEach other and together growing,But should the kindly elm refuse its aidThe ivy would
impotent and friendless witherSo is Education to ReligionBy spiritual alliance boundThrough
Religion, Education gains reknown, andWoe to the impious mind that blindly spurningThe sapient
teachings of religion, thisUnpolluted fountain-head forsakes

Rizal shared his thought about the importance of education to enlighten the nation which was useful
to gain societal freedom for every nation. It may also provide us the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitude to expand.Rizal thought that there was really an intimate alliance between religion and good
education. A man who was properly educated needed to apply what he learned on spiritual view
rather than simply on material achievements.The result of good education always fulfilled a growing
uprightness and valuable virtue within the bounce of spiritual and moral dimensions

.Salient features

As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine,Proudly offers us itshoneyed clustersWhile the
generous and loving garmentFeeds its roots; so the freshning watersOf celestial virtue give new
lifeTo Education true, sheddingOn it warmth and light; because of themThe vine smells sweet and
gives delicious fruit

Rizal showed also be growing dignified fulfillment and application to the teachings of religion ,just
like a vine which continually growthat would someday the fruit will become sweet and delicious.

Salient features

Without Religion, Human EducationIs like unto a vessel struck by windsWhich, sore beset, is of its
helm deprivedBy the roaring blows and buffets of the dreadTempestuous Boreas, who fiercely
wieldsHis power until he proudly send her downInto the deep abysses of then angered sea.

Without religion, human education may result to chaos and disorder in any civilized nation because
people may no longer value freedom, respect, dignity and other good virtues that maintain societal
order.It may result to a natural disaster just as the angered sea, which characterized the fierce winds
that may, wrecked the vessel in the deep abysses.

Salient features

As the heavens dew the meadow feeds and strengthenSo that blooming flowers all the
earthEmbroider in the days of spring; so alsoIf Religion holy nourishesEducation with its doctrine,
sheShall walk in joy and generosityToward the good, and everywhere bestrewThe fragrant and
luxuriant fruits of virtue

Rizal knew that religion had a profound effect to education, the educated must internalized the virtue
of incorruptible life based on the ethicaland moral standard of the society.Salient features

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