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Alexis Mendoza Balderas

My academic life

I’m Alexis Mendoza and I do study in Civil Engineering. I am going to take

summer’s classes because I didn’t pass highway engineering.

The reason why I failed is because I did not attend that class and therefore did
not deliver several tasks, and the teacher did not let me take the extraordinary
exam and that is why I will take it in summer. Leaving aside the negative things,
I will talk about the subjects that I liked, as is the case of Concrete Technology.
In this subject we learned how to perform tests on different types of concrete,
different uses of each type and in which situation to use each one.

I´m currently on vacation but I am taking an English course of 4 hours a day

from Monday to Friday. This to be able to take Communicative Competence in
English the next semester.

My personal life

I`m 22 years old, I live in Escobedo. I used to play soccer everyday but now I
play videogames and I don´t go out anymore.
I have a girlfriend, we have two and a half years together. She`s from Saltillo,
Coahuila, she´s 21 years old and she studies Psychology.
We have a trip planned to Guanajuato, to spend new year there.
I go to the movies with my girlfriend every Monday because its ComboLunes.
My favorite movie until now has been John Wick 3.
I like to read books, this year I read Ridding the bullet and Animal Farm. Now
I´m reading Pet Sementary but I´m having problems with my phone and I don’t
read at the speed that I used to.
I have a couple of dogs, Sanson and Samantha. Sanson its with me since 2012
and Sam since 2015. Sanson its brown and Sam its white.

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