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When I was young I used to play with my neighbor Fernando, he was my best

friend for years. Fernando was one year older than me, he had a lot of pets,
rabbits, chickens and dogs. I did like go to his house to play with his pets. One
time, one of his dogs was hit by a car, we got sad but the dog survived.

When I was little I had two chickens and I liked to feed them. The chickens grew
and become big roosters. Once, when I got home after school I went to check my
roosters and I noticed there was just one, I asked my dad about the other rooster
and he said he didn´t know where was it. Later that day we went to my grandma´s
house and she gave us chicken soup, once a finished the soup my grandma
asked me if I liked de soup and I said yes then she told me that the soup was
made with my rooster, I got very mad and went to my grandma´s room.

When I first enter to primary school I met my best friend, I always was with her,
her name was Wendy.

Every day we used to play tag (touch and go), jump the rope, we ate and share
our food. At the end of the classes our moms picked us.

The years passed and our group of friend grew up and we all used to play the
hidden game, thieves and cops and soccer.

My favorite classes were math, Spanish and natural sciences, I liked because I
was good at them. In fourth of primary school I had a teacher named Rocio and
she was my favorite teacher, that year I won a math contest and earn a Medal. I
got very happy for that.

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