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What is meant by Cold War era?

A cold war is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military
action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts
of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates. This term is most commonly used to
refer to the Soviet-American Cold War. often Cold War A state of political tension and
military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war, especially that which
existed between the United States and Soviet Union following World War II. The Cold
War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union
and their respective allies that developed after World War II. This hostility between the
two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in
1945. They had different ideas about economics and government. They fought a war of
ideas called the Cold War. The Soviet Union was a communist country. In communism,
the government controls production and resources.

Was started

The Cold War was the geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle between two
world superpowers, the USA and the USSR, that started in 1947 at the end of the
Second World War and lasted until the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26,

Why is it called Cold War?

The Cold War began after World War Two. The main enemies were the United States
and the Soviet Union. The Cold War got its name because both sides were afraid of
fighting each other directly. In a "hot war," nuclear weapons might destroy
everything.Sep 21, 2011

How would you describe the Cold War?

The Cold War (1947 - 1991) was the tense relationship between the United States (and
its allies), and the Soviet Union (the USSR and its allies) between the end of
World War II and the demise of the Soviet Union.Most of the countries on one side were
allied in NATO whose most powerful country was the United States.

Who was involved in the Cold War?

After World War II, the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its satellite
states began a decades-long struggle for supremacy known as the Cold War. Soldiers
of the Soviet Union and the United States did not do battle directly during the Cold War.

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