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Workout split

Monday = Back + triceps

Tuesday = shoulder + biceps
Wednesday = legs + calves
Thursday = chest + forearms
Friday = legs + calves
Saturday = Back + Arms

Back + Triceps ( 3 × 10 - 15 ) 5 partial in last set

1.Front lat puldown
2. V bar lat pull down
3. Seated row ( under hand grip )
4. Single arm db. Row
5. Deadlift ( 5 - 15 × 4 )
6. Straight bar tricep pushdown
7. Tricep rope pushdown
8. Tricep bench dips 3 × 20

Shoulder + biceps ( 3 × 10 - 15 )
1. Shoulder press machine
2. Seated db. Shoulder press
3. Db. Lateral raise
4. Plate front raise
5. Reverse delt fly machine
6. Upright row
7. Barbell bicep curls
8. Db. hammer curl
9. Preacher curl

Legs+ calves ( 3 × 20 ) 10 partials

1. Weighted squats
2. Leg press
3. Sumo squat
4. Leg curls
5. Leg extension + split squat
6. Single leg calf raise
7. Weighted calf raise

Chest + forearms ( 3 × 10 - 15 )
1. Bench press
2. Chest press machine
3. Decline bench press
4. Pec dec fly
5. Cable crossover
6. Db. Pullovers
7. Finger to wrist curls 3 × max.
8. Reverse wrist curl 3 × max.
9. Behind the torso wrist curl 3 × max.

Legs + calves ( 3 × 20 + 10 partials )

1. Barbell sumo squat
2. Side leg press ( single leg )
3. Weighted side lunges squat ( over plates) 3 × 10pee side
4. Cable side leg raise 3 × 15 per side
5. Cable leg kickbacks 3 × 15 per side
6. Wighted bench step up with high knee 3 × 10 per side
7. Single leg calf raise 3 × 20 per side
8. Weighted calf raise ( 3 variations ) 3 × 45

Back + Arms ( 3 × 10 - 15 )
1. Close grip lat pull down
2. Reverse grip lat pull down
3. Bent over row
4. V bar ben over row
5. Good morning
6. Barbell bicep curl + tricep pushdown
7. Alt. Db. Curl + rope overhead extension
8. Incline db. Curls + db. Tricep kick backs
9. Ez. Bar skull crusher + close gp. Bench press + hammer curls

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