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Comparison method of calcium analysis on filter layer water from Borobudur temple

using automatic titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Bayu Wiyantoko, Maya Fitria, and Iskandar M. Siregar

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 2026, 020044 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5065004

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Comparison Method Of Calcium Analysis on Filter Layer
Water from Borobudur Temple Using Automatic Titration
and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Bayu Wiyantoko1, a), Maya Fitria, Iskandar M Siregar2
Professional Program Chemical Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Islamic University of Indonesia Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5 Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
Borobudur Conservation Center, Jl. Badrawati Borobudur Magelang 57533 Jawa Tengah
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Comparison method for examination of calcium contents on filter layer water of Borobudur Temple using
titrimetric and spectrophotometric methods have been done. The analysis of calcium content by the titrimetric method is
using automatic titration with potentiometric principle while by spectrophotometry is using atomic absorption
spectrophotometer based on a process of radiation energy absorption by atoms that are at the base energy level (ground
state). The sample of filter layer water was collected from four locations on the 3rd floor of Borobudur Temple. The
results revealed that average obtained concentration using automatic titration consecutively U3H=15.472 mg/L,
S3H=19.494 mg/L, B3C=22.278 mg/L and T3C=17.94 mg/L. Meanwhile the concentration of calcium by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry were U3H=13.502 mg/L, S3H=17.782 mg/L, B3C=15.18 mg/L and T3C=16.14 mg/L.
The statistic test for comparing the two methods showed the value of t-measured< t-table and p-value (Sig)> 0.01,
meaning that both methods did not significantly differences in calcium analysis.

Borobudur temple is made of square andesite stone which structure consists of 9 terraces composed of 6 terraces
square and 3 circle terraces. Among the forms of the terrace, there is a floor which is referred to as a plateau.
Borobudur temple has a length of 121.66 meters, 121.38 meters wide and 35.40 meters high [1]. Borobudur temple
is one of the cultural heritage and it is necessary for restoration efforts to protect it. One of the restorations is the
manufacture of a filter layer that serves to resist permeation of water flowing into the outer surface but it is less
effective because the water can still affect the sustainability of the temple caused by the mineral content in the water,
one of which is calcium [2].
Calcium is an alkaline earth metal element that is reactive, easily forged and shaped white and silver. Calcium
reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide and hydrogen, in the natural calcium found in the form of compounds
such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in calcite, marble and limestone, calcium sulphate (CaSO4) in alabaster or
gypsum, calcium fluoride (CaF2) in fluorite, and calcium phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2] in the phosphate rock and silicates
Rainfall around Borobudur is quite high so that the stagnant rainwater will go into the crevices of rocks. In the
evening turned into a very low temperature so that the water in the rock crevice turned into ice and become a lump
of ice causes the rock structure of Borobudur stretchable. It continuously takes place and leads to the destruction, in
addition to the high water moisture in the air causes the humidity to rise. High rainfall causing humidity around
Borobudur reached above 60%. High humidity allowing occur processes of weathering [4]. In addition to algae
growth, causing weathering on Borobudur stone is the emergence of salt deposits on the surface of the stone. If
water seeps into the rock temple it will increase the mineral content high enough, one of the minerals is calcium
content. The calcium contents are quite high that relatively poorly soluble in water, so that these compounds tend to

2nd International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Process and Engineering (IC3PE)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2026, 020044-1–020044-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1746-5/$30.00

separate from the solution in the form of sediment or precipitation which is then attached to the rock, resulting in the
crust salt deposits on the surface of the temple and salt deposits will form a white coating that can damage the reliefs
[1]. The chemical composition of the rock salt deposits on the surface of Borobudur majority composed of silica,
carbonate, calcium, and magnesium. Silica (SiO2) is soluble in water that accumulates in the pores of the rock-
forming silicate acid (H4SiO4). The carbonate compounds appear as elements present in rocks in contact with
rainwater with the following reaction:
CO2 (g) + H2O (l) H2CO3 (aq)
CaO (s) + H2CO3 (aq) CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)
From the reaction shown that calcium and magnesium react with H2CO3 and undergo dilution, therefore the
process of evaporation of water through the pores of the stone, carbonate salt will settle to the surface of the stone in
the form of CaCO3. This makes the salt deposits on the surface of the rock contains a lot of calcium carbonate [5].
This was confirmed in tests performed by [6] and shown in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Analysis results of rock salt deposits on the surface of Borobudur
The precipitated salt (%)
Parameter East West North South Average
1 Calcium 15.83 13.57 14.47 12.72 14,15
2 Magnesium 10.57 8.47 9.60 9.65 9.57
3 Aluminum 1.42 1.66 1.83 4.27 2.30
4 Iron 3.68 2.29 3.78 4.43 3.54
5 sulfate 2.53 2,95 1.08 2.18 2.19
6 chloride 0.41 0.43 0.27 0.40 0.38
7 silica 38.62 37.05 38.50 36.07 37.56
8 carbonic 26.94 33.57 30.47 30.29 30.32

Four samples of salt deposits drawn on the rock surface on four sides of the Borobudur Temple, which led to
dominant salt deposits are carbonate, silica, and calcium. When salt deposits had accumulated on the surface of the
stone, the stone under pressure caused by the physical processes e.g. temperature of fluctuations, then the next
process occurs is flaking (scaling). Efforts were needed to be done in terms of protecting the restoration of newly
formed salt deposits carried out continuously so the salt deposits have not been hardened by controlling the
condition of the rock temple through filter layer water analysis and conducted an appropriate assessment based on
Borobudur Conservation Center study to dissolve the calcium salt deposits.
The method used to determine the calcium content in the filter layer water is based on manual practical titration
procedure in accordance with Indonesia National Standard Method 06-6989-2004 about calcium test by titrimetric
method [7]. The titrimetric method was chosen because the level of calcium in the sample is high. There are many
different methods that can be selected for calcium analysis such as X-Ray fluorescence and complexometric
method. The elected method that will be used is dependent on the analysis purpose since it is not possible to obtain
all necessary information from a single analysis method. The calcium analysis in filter layer water of Borobudur
temple performed with the titrimetric and spectrophotometric methods. The determination of calcium content
using automatic titration is based on the principle of potentiometric titration [8], while atomic absorption
spectrophotometry is based on the absorption process of radiation energy by atoms at the base energy level/ground
state [9].
In this research, a comparative study will be conducted between titrimetric and spectrophotometric method to get
information about the most appropriate method in calcium analysis of filter layer water of Borobudur temple. The
comparative analysis was delivered using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and manual t-test by Microsoft Excel.


The reagent used all were analytical grades such as sodium hydroxide solution, Na2EDTA 0.01 M, distilled
water, a standard solution of calcium 1000 ppm, and filter layer water samples.

The types of equipment used are glassware, magnetic stirrer, pH universal, Autotitrator (Metrohm 848 Titrino
Plus), atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Analytic Jena novAA 350).

Data retrieval

The first step to produce valid data, then every sample group of filter layer water from the Borobudur temple
consist of 4 samples that represent the population. Every sample was measured five times to determine the
precision value. Filter layer water that is used as calcium test originated from the 3rd floor of the Borobudur temple.

Sample preparation

Filter layer water sample inserted into the bottle then filtered through a separate filter layer between the filtrate
and precipitate. The filtrate was conditioned to pH 12-14 by adding sodium hydroxide solution.

Analysis of calcium using automatic titration

The filtrate of filter layer water that has been set into pH 12-14 titrated with Titriplex III standard solution
(Na2EDTA) 0.01 M using automatic titration. The titration process was repeated 5 times for each sample and then
averaged calcium concentration was obtained for each sample. The calcium level in a sample of filter layer water
calculated by the formula in Equation 1:

Calcium concentration (mg/L) =

Analysis of calcium using atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Optimization of atomic absorption spectrophotometer was performed by arranging the transmission percentage
of 95.4%, lights position to focus slit 1.4 nm, the hollow cathode lamp current on 3 mA, the wavelength (λ) of
calcium 422.7 nm, the position of the burner in order to provide maximum absorbance by 6 mm, top-notch airspeed
press was 5 s. The optimization stage atomic absorption spectrophotometer completed, then the analysis of calcium
in the sample is ready. A total of 5 mL filtrate of filter layer water diluted into 50 mL using distilled water. The
standard series solution 0; 1; 3; 5; 7 ppm analyzed and measured the absorbance by atomic absorption
spectrophotometer along with maximum wavelength of calcium element.


The analysis in this research was conducted for calcium test in filter layer water of Borobudur temple using
automatic titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The filter layer water samples were taken from the
four locations as shown in Table 2.
TABLE 2. Sample code and location of filter layer water
Sample code Point Location
U3H 3rd Floor Northern
S3H 3rd Floor Southern
T3C 3rd Floor Eastern
B3C 3rd Floor Western

The type of salt contained in the reliefs of Borobudur is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) [2]. The carbonate
compounds appear as elements present in rocks in contact with rainwater. The reaction is as follows:

CO2 (g) + H2O (l) H2CO3 (aq)
CaO (s) + H2CO3 (aq) CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)
In the process of water evaporation through the pores of the rock, the water carrying dissolved minerals to the
surface of the stone. As the water evaporates, the dissolved mineral will be left on the surface of the stone so that
within a certain period accumulated into thick salt deposits [5]. The analysis of calcium in filter layer water using
automatic titration categorized as complexometric titration that is based on complex compound formation between
calcium with substance framer complex. The substa nce of framer complex used in this analysis was
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt solution (Na2EDTA).

Analysis of Calcium using automatic titration

The preparation step by filtering the sample to remove impurities contained in the sample solution.
Subsequently, the sample solution was adjusted to pH 12-14 by adding sodium hydroxide solution due to
magnesium ions contained in the sample solution will be precipitated so that the complex formation between Ca2+
ions with Na2EDTA run optimally without interference from magnesium ion. The magnesium ions are able to
precipitate at pH 12 since the product of Mg2+ and OH- exceeds the value of solubility constant product of Mg(OH)2
which is 5.61×10-12 [9]. Magnesium precipitation reaction is as follows:

Mg2+ (aq) + NaOH (aq) Mg(OH)2 (s)

The Na2EDTA standard solution as the complexing solution will react with calcium ion and formed complex
compounds as described in Fig 1.

FIGURE 1. EDTA complex formation by the reaction with Ca2+

Analysis of calcium in filter layer water using automatic titration did not use any indicators aid for determining
the endpoint due to the principle is setting the volume where the potential changes are relatively large when added
with titrant. The obtained titration volume and potential from automatic titration were as shown in Table 3.
TABLE 3. Volume and potential titration of filter layer water
The sample Titration Potential The concentration The average
code volume (mL) (mV) of Ca (mg/L) concentration of
Ca (mg/L)
U3H1 1.7613 -26.4 14.12
U3H2 2.0176 -2.7 16.17
U3H3 1.9575 -52.8 15.69 15.47
U3H4 1.9575 -52.8 15.69
U3H5 1.9571 -49.7 15.69
S3H1 2.4975 -41.9 20.02
S3H2 2.4209 -63.2 19.41
S3H3 2.2873 -52.2 18.34 19.49
S3H4 2.5577 -36.6 20.50
S3H5 2.3953 -50.5 19.20

TABLE 3. Volume and potential titration of filter layer water (Continued)
The sample Titration Potential The concentration The average
code volume (mL) (mV) of Ca (mg/L) concentration of
Ca (mg/L)
T3C1 2.1647 -25.6 17.35
T3C2 2.2259 -27 17.84
T3C3 2.2944 -48.1 18.39 17.94
T3C4 2.2559 -36.4 18.08
T3C5 2.2509 -51.0 18.04
B3C1 2.7043 -45.9 21.68
B3C2 2.7370 -30.9 21.94
B3C3 2.8437 -17.7 22.80 22.28
B3C4 2.7880 -17.9 22.35
B3C5 2.8214 -14.8 22.62

From Table 3 can be seen the concentration of calcium was proportional to the required volume of Na2EDTA
solution. The determination of calcium content can be calculated through a formula in Equation 1. The western
location (B3C) produced the highest calcium concentration, 22.28 mg/L than other location. In every
measurement process could have error level that occurred and describe an uncertainty value. The parameter of
uncertainty value has an important role in keeping quality test result so that presentation data measurable and
highly responsible. The uncertainty value from calcium analysis using automatic titration presented in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Standard Uncertainty Value on Automatic titration

Sample The average concentration Estimation of Standard
code of Ca (mg/L) Uncertainty Value (μ)
U3H 15.47 0.35
S3H 19.49 0.36
T3C 17.94 0.17
B3C 22.28 0.21

The standard uncertainty value for U3H; S3H; T3C and B3C respectively were 0.35; 0.36; 0.17 and
0.21. The addition of sodium hydroxide solution to enhanced pH system contributed to error value as well as
repetition of titration process underway. However the value of the uncertainty was much smaller than the value of
the concentration of the sample, thus showing good test results.

Analysis of calcium using atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer is using a light corresponding maximum wavelength that is absorbed in
the maximum sample, whereas the wavelength of calcium was 422.7 nm. The measurement of series calcium
standard solution was given in Table 5 and Figure 2.
TABLE 5. Absorbance of calcium standard solution
Concentration (mg/L) Absorbance
0 0
1 0.16417
3 0.43362
5 0.72347
7 0.93901

The absorbance of the sample showed the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation at a maximum wavelength. The
resulting absorbance is proportional to the concentration of a standard solution by following the Lambert-Beer laws.





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Concentration of Ca (mg/L)

FIGURE 2. Calibration Curve of Calcium

Figure 1 displayed the standard calibration curve of which given the coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.9966
meaning the linearity has a good value since appropriate with the minimum determination values (R2) = 0.995
according to Indonesian National Standard Method 6989.8: 2009. The collecting data generated from calcium
analysis in filter layer water from 3rd floors of Borobudur given in Table 6.
TABLE 6. Calcium Concentration in filter layer water
Concentration (mg/L)
1 15,16 18.84 17.30 16,10
2 14.77 18.63 16.93 16.36
3 14.65 18.41 16.91 16.43
4 14.61 18.63 16.94 16.30
5 14.47 18.35 17.09 15.97
Average 14.73 18.57 17.03 16.23

The highest level of calcium in filter layer water measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer was S3H
with an average concentration of 18.57 mg/L. Meanwhile, the lowest level detected at U3H with an average
concentration of 14.73 mg/L. In every measurement process could have error level that occurred and describe an
uncertainty value. The parameter of uncertainty value has important role in keeping quality test result so that
presentation data measurable and highly responsible. The uncertainty value from calcium analysis using atomic
absorption spectrophotometer was delivered in Table 7.
TABLE 7. Standard Uncertainty Value on Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
The average Estimation of
concentration of Standard Uncertainty
calcium (mg/L) Value (μ)
U3H 14.73 0.12
S3H 18.57 0.09
T3C 17.03 0.07
B3C 16.23 0.09

The value of standard uncertainty showed magnitude level error that occurred when the determination of
calcium with atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The value of standard uncertainty for code samples U3H;

S3H; T3C; and B3C respectively were 0.12; 0.09; 0.07 and 0.09. The error level considered came from sample
preparation process.

Determination of Precision Value

The precision was carried out by the same test or repeatability and represented by the value of standard deviation
(SD) and percentage of relative standard deviation (%RSD). The result of calcium determination obtained
from five-time measurement using automatic titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer showed in Table 8
and Table 9.
TABLE 8. Precision Value of Spectrophotometer Method

Sample The Ca SD % RSD CV

Code concentration Horwitz
(mg / L)
U3H 14.73 0.26 0.11 10.67
S3H 18.57 0.19 1.05 10.31
T3C 17.03 0.16 0.96 10.44
B3C 16.23 0.19 1.17 10.52

TABLE 9. Precision Value of Automatic titration Method

The Ca SD % RSD CV
concentration Horwitz
(mg / L)
U3H 15.47 0.29 5.06 10.59
S3H 19.49 0.22 4.22 10.23
T3C 17.94 0.19 2.14 10.36
B3C 22.28 0.21 2.08 10.02

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer has accuracy level with the range RSD less than 2% or less of CV
Horwitz. In the analysis using automatic titration, CV Horwitz was greater than of RSD, so the precision value is
good. The precision value revealed that both methods gave result measurement with process repetition that
relatively constant. The precision of atomic absorption spectrophotometer was very conscientious than automatic
titration based on a percentage of relative standard deviation for all measurement less than 2%. Meanwhile,
the automatic titration method delivered the higher %RSD showing less precision result.

Comparison Test Using Statistics Method

To compare the two methods for calcium analysis between automatic titration and atomic absorption
spectroscopy is using the t-test for determining whether both gave a different result on analysis. The t-test is
eligible when normally distributed data, both group/free data samples are independent, and the amount of data is less
than 30. The summary of calcium concentration from both methods listed in Table 10.
TABLE 10. Comparison Result in Ca Analysis
Calcium concentration (mg/L)
Automatic AAS
U3H 15.47 14.73
S3H 19.49 18.57
T3C 17.94 17.03
B3C 22.28 16.23

For taking a decision of comparison result using t-test must determine the hypothesis likely H0: both
methods give result did not differ significantly and H1: both method give result differ significantly. The decision of

hypothesis (H0) accepted if t-measured< t-table and t-measured > t-table, then H1 will be accepted. The independent
sample t-test was chosen to compare between the first and second average measurement listed in Table 11.
TABLE 11. Results of t-test
Sample code t-measured t-table p-value (Sig) α (99%)
U3H -2.002 0.169
S3H -2.435 0.059
5.841 0.01
T3C -4.487 0.206
B3C -26.868 0.056

The value of t-table that assigned based on table value of amount observation and freedom level (N-1) with a
confidence level of 99% that was 5.841. The statistical test is given t-measured < t-table, p-value > 0.01 meaning
that both methods did not give different result significantly and feasible to be used in calcium analysis. The results
of the comparison test using the t-test can be supported by conducting manually t-test using the feature in Microsoft
Excel. The manual t-test was applied in every sample code as shown in Table 12 to 15.

TABLE 12. Manual t-test for code sample U3H

Automatic titration AAS
Calcium concentration (mg/L)
1 14,12 15.16
2 16.17 14.77
3 15.69 14.65
4 15.69 14.61
5 15.69 14.47
average 15.47 14.73
t-measured 0.15
t-table 5.48

TABLE 13. Manual t-test for code sample S3H

Automatic titration AAS
Calcium concentration (mg / L)
1 20.02 18.84
2 19.41 18.63
3 18.34 18.41
4 20.50 18.63
5 19,20 18.35
average 19.49 18.57
t-measured 0.17
t-table 5.48

TABLE 14. Manual t-test for code sample B3C

Automatic titration AAS
No. Calcium concentration (mg / L)
1 21.68 16,10
2 21.94 16.36
3 22.80 16.43
4 22.35 16.30
5 22.62 15.97
average 22.28 16.23
t-measured 2.57
t-table 5.48

TABLE 15. Manual t-test for code sample T3C
Automatic titration AAS
Calcium concentration (mg/L)
1 17.35 17.30
2 17.84 16.93
3 18.39 16.91
4 18.08 16.94
5 18.04 17.09
average 17.94 17.03
t-measured 0.47
t-table 5.48

The manual t-test provided the same hypothesis that the data generated from the two methods give a result that
did not differ significantly where t-measured < t-table. The manual t-test resulted for all sample code that t-measured
< t-table, similar as described by statistical method meaning that both automatic titration and atomic absorption
spectrophotometer did not differ significantly in the result of calcium analysis.
The statistical analysis gave information that both automatic titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer
were appropriate to be applied as routine analysis of calcium in Borobudur Conservation Center. Based on the
resulted analysis, the hardness of calcium content in filter layer water could be classified in soft level due to the
content less than 75 mg/L according to Table 16.

TABLE 16. Classification of hardness level

mg/L CaCO3 Hardness level
0 – 75 Soft
75 – 150 Moderately hard
150 – 300 Hard
>300 Very hard

Calcium in andesite, the constituent rock of Borobudur temple is one of the elements contained in it, but the
number is not dominant. Calcium is very dominant in lime rock and material made with a mixture of lime such as
mortal or plaster. The high calcium content in andesite rock is usually influenced by other materials. Calcium is
usually associated with HCO3-, OH-, and CO32- as well as alkalinity ions and also acidity associated ions such as
SO42-, NO3- and Cl-.
For maintaining the hardness level of filter layer water, Borobudur Conservation Center can adopt system by
using carbonation process in a closed-pressure reactor [11]. In the carbonation process, the water sample was
brought into reactor chamber and CO2 gas was injected by CO2 injector. Temperature, pH, and CO2 injection
played an important role to precipitate CaCO3 and to reduce the hardness level.

FIGURE 3. Crystal growth mechanism in carbonation process (reprinted permission from [11])

Fig 3 described that CO2 gas was hydrated and formed negatively charged bicarbonate ions. The Ca2+ was
nucleated and formed calcium carbonates under super saturated conditions. Small calcite crystallites appeared on the
surface as consequences, which present the crystal growth mechanism of the carbonation process.

Calcium content in filter layer water from the 3rd floor of Borobudur Temple was successfully analyzed using
automatic titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The statistical test revealed that between automatic
titration and atomic absorption spectrophotometer did not give different result significantly according to obtained of
t-measured and t-table.

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