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Book Reviews


The ‘New Turkey’ and Its Discontents by In sum, The ‘New Turkey’and Its Discontents
Simon A Waldman and Emre Caliskan. is the most up-to-date study of recent develop-
London: C. Hurst & Co., 2016. 176pp., £14.99 ments in Turkey and as such it is definitely
(p/b), ISBN 9781849045667 worth reading. It is well-written, and its jour-
nalistic style makes it easy to read and accessi-
The ‘New Turkey’ and Its Discontents by ble. Considering the fact that the authors have
Simon Waldman and Emre Caliskan offers an brought their study up-to-date with analyses of
examination of recent developments in Turkey, the developments surrounding the coup and
including the recent failed attempted coup in cover a wide array of topics, this is by far the
July 2016, making the study the first of its kind most complete account of recent events in
in English. Furthermore, the book presents an Turkey and the best book available on the mar-
account of how Turkey has shifted from being ket covering the past few years.
a rising economy with strong potential for a
stable democracy to an illiberal authoritarian Nikos Christofis
state marked by purges of what the ruling party (University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki)
considers to be ‘enemies of the state’. © The Author(s) 2017
Waldman and Caliskan emphasise the role Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1478929917719409
that the army has played since the founding of
the Turkish Republic in 1923 and rightly note
that despite the crippling of the army’s political
power, democracy has not flourished in the The Last Post-Cold War Socialist
country. In addition, while it was believed that Federation: Ethnicity, Ideology and
the army’s fall from power would be pivotal in Democracy in Ethiopia by Semahagn Gashu
solving the long-lasting bloody ethnic conflict Abebe. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 285pp., £65.00
between Turks and Kurds that has proven not (h/b), ISBN 9781472412089
to be the case. Another crucial topic that the
authors take up is the EU reform process and This single case study examines the role of the
its halt, as well as how that has affected domes- ruling political coalition of the Ethiopian
tic politics. Indeed, this stands as one of the People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front
most important issues in present-day Turkey’s (EPRDF) – the Front is led by the Tigrayan
turn to authoritarianism and failure to solve the People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) – in shaping
Kurdish issue. the organisation and function of Ethiopia’s
Finally, the book deals with the relationship federal system. In the introductory-theoretical
between the Justice and Development Party section of this study, the author tries to under-
(AKP) and the Gülen movement. The authors line some ‘fundamental features of socialist
rightly trace the origins of this relationship federations with a view to comprehend the
from the history of the various forms of con- ideological background of the Ethiopian fed-
servative nationalism that emerged in the eral system’ (p. 5). The rest of the study pro-
1950s to the ‘Turkish-Islamic Synthesis’ that vides an extensive analysis of Ethiopia’s
occurred in the 1980s in an attempt to unite the federal system ‘from the perspective of the
country against the ‘enemy of the state’ (e.g. ideological principles pursued by the TPLF/
communism) by placing Islam at the centre of EPRDF’ (p. 253).
Turkish identity and history. The Gülen move- The author – himself a native of Ethiopia –
ment was one of the movements that emerged advances the argument that even though ‘the
in the 1980s, and it later established close rela- federal system is formally presumed to be reg-
tions with the AKP. It is unfortunate, however, ulated by the Constitution of the Federal
that the authors seem to argue that it was solely Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), the
the Gülenists who were behind the attempted system is informally structured and regulated
July coup and that they did not receive any by the ideological fundamentals of TPLF/
help from the Kemalists and nationalists, as in EPRDF’ (p. 253). For example, although the
doing so they internalise the Turkish govern- federal system has constitutionally granted
ment’s line of argumentation. various powers to regional governments, the

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