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A hypothesis is a possible answer or presumption to a research question. A hypothesis
is tested for possible rejection or approval. If the hypothesis get accepted it shows that
your presumption was right, if it get rejected it still does not mean that your research
was not valid, but it means that it is the opposite way you thought and perceived.
Whether it is approved or not, it gives you some conclusion and adds to the available
body of knowledge.

A well-formulated research hypothesis is:

1) Testable and verifiable – can be analyzed using appropriate statistical tests
2) Simple and clear – wording is consistent with an SOP on statistical significance.
SOP: Is there a significant relationship between the avocado seed extract’s level of
concentration and level of hypoglycemic activity?
Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the avocado seed extract’s
level of concentration and level hypoglycemic activity
3) Relevant – an irrelevant hypothesis will lead to an invalid research, i.e. if your
presumption to your research question is irrelevant, your method to find its accuracy
will also not result in any relevant conclusions.

Importance/Purpose of Research Hypothesis:

 Clarity
 Focus
 Direction
 Objectivity
 Add to the Body of Knowledge

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