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Actividad evaluable

Present Continuous - Affirmative,

Negative and Questions with WHO
Look at the pictures. Ask 5 questions with WHO to identify what
the people in the pictures are doing. Answer with affirmative
forms of Present Continuous.


Question: Who is relaxing in the lake?

Answer: Rachel is relaxing in the lake.
Question: ___ who is riding a bicycle through the tourist park
Answer: __ Alexander is riding a bike _____________________

Question: ____ who is on the trampoline ___________________

Answer: ____Natalie is is on the trampoline __________________
Question: ______ who is competing in a running race _________________
Answer: ____thomas is competing for a race

Question: ____ who is doing yoga ___________________

Answer: ______linda is doing yoga _______________
Question: ________who is playing baseball_______________
Answer: ______samuel is playing baseball _________________
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