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The Basics of Vehicle Safety Maintenance

No matter how well you drive, you are not safe unless your vehicle is in good condition. You keep your
vehicle in good condition by having the vehicle properly maintained. If it is not, your car could fail you at
a critical moment, and you could be in a serious crash. Read your automobile owner’s manual carefully
to become familiar with your vehicle’s maintenance schedule and requirements. Maintenance regimes
vary widely from one vehicle to another.

What parts of the vehicle should be properly maintained? Virtually all of your vehicle’s mechanical
systems can affect fuel efficiency if not properly maintained. Follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations for checking the engine, cooling and ignition system, brakes, drive train and emission-
control system. You should consider your vehicle from front to back, bottom to top.

For example, Tires. Tires are designed to grip the road and give the driver directional control. Wheels
should also be balanced. If they are out of balance, the driver will feel a pounding or shaking through the
steering wheel. Remember, don’t neglect the spare tire. Make sure the necessary tools for replacing a
tire are appropriately accessible.You should check tire pressure and look for signs of uneven wear or
embedded objects that can cause air leaks. In winter, check tire pressure whenever there is a sharp
change in temperature.

Next, Brakes. Your vehicle’s brake pedal is designed so that when it is pressed, the force of the pressure
is multiplied several times. It is important to pay attention to any strange sounds you may hear when
you apply your brakes, such as grinding or squeaking sounds. Any such noise should alert you to have
your brakes inspected. .Your vehicle’s owners manual will supply you with the correct information on
maintaining the correct level and type of brake fluid.

Why should I bother to do vehicle maintenance? Maintenance requirements vary widely from one
vehicle to another. Failing to follow your particular vehicle owner’s manual’s maintenance regime could
void your vehicle’s warranty. To keep the manufacturer's warranty valid (not to mention ensuring
maximum fuel economy), your vehicle must be maintained to the standards recommended in the
owner's manual.
It’s simple - Your vehicle will last longer and work better. The time to find out that your car has a
problem is in your driveway, not out on the roadway. Additionally, a properly maintained vehicle is a
safer vehicle. Through proper maintenance, your vehicle will function as advertised and will increase the
potential for you to come through an emergency situation in one piece.

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