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Narrador: The “Mostrengo” that lives at the end of the sea

In the pitch dark night rose up in the air;

Around the galleon it flew three times, screaming

And said:

Mostrengo: - “Who has dared to enter

My dens, which I do not disclose,

My black roofs of the end of the world?”

Sailorman trembling: “King Don João the second!”


Mostrengo: - “Who comes to do what only I can do,

I who live where noone has ever seen me

And who let the fears of the bottomless sea appear?”

Sailorman trembling: “King Don João the second!”


Narrator: Three times the sailorman raised his hands from the helm,

Three times he lay them back on the helm

Sailorman trembling: - “ Here at the helm I am more than myself,

I am a people that wants the sea that is yours

(…) commands the will that connects me to the helm,

King Don João the second!”

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