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3. On the basis of these extracted features, inferences are made about our world.

a. Inference
b. Extraction
c. Reception
d. Receptor

4. Basic visual features area extracted.

a. Extraction
b. Reception
c. Inference
d. Vision
5. Separates the objects from each other.
a. Visual space
b. Tactile space
c. Thermal space
d. Texture
6. Separates the viewer from objects
a. Tactile space
b. Visual space
c. Haptic
d. Visual perception

7. An awareness derived from the visual system in response to an external stimulus

a. Visual perception
b. Vision
c. Binocular vision
d. Visual field
8. Factor in depth perception at close distance,16 feet or less.
a. Stereoscopic vision
b. Visual perception
c. Vision
d. Binocular vision
9. Operates very much out of awareness. The separation of the eye projects each a different
a. Binocular perspective
b. Linear perspective
c. Texture perspective
d. Motion perspective
10. The gradual increase in the density of the texture of a surface as it recedes in the distance.
a. Texture perspective
b. Size perspective
c. Linear perspective
d. Aerial prspective
11. Objects moving at uniform speeds appear to be moving more slowly as distance increases.
a. Motion perspective
b. Aerial perspective
c. Linear perspective
d. Texture perspective
12. Derived from the increased haziness and changes in color due to the intervening atmosphere.
a. aerial perspective
b. Linear perspective
c. Texture perspective
d. Texture perspective
13. The most commonly known form of perspective by using 3d objects and 2-d surface by means of
perspective projection
a. linear perspective
b. aerial perspective
c. Texture perspective
d. Size perspective
14. Tend to bring people together
a. socio petal spaces
b. sociofugal spaces
c. informal space
d. fixed feature space

15. The space can be thought as a small protective sphere that an organism maintains between
itself and others.
a. personal distance
b. intimate distance
c. social distance
d. public distance

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