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is mental health is portrayed in movies ad TV?

I have decided to research this as I think that the representation of
mental health in films is important. This is because being able to see
mental health issues being portrayed will raise awareness and will
help people to speak out more.
I feel that mental health is either portrayed strongly or as minimal as
possible, I personally do not believe there is an in between which is
why I am doing this for my project to try and find the balance.
Mental health is either the main focus of the film or the main
character from what I have observed but I have never fully looked for
this which is why I am excited to do this project.
Examples of films and TV shows that I have seen mental illness
portrayed in are 13 reasons why, Perks of being a wallflower and I
love you now die. I am sure that I have seen more with mental illness
in but these are the ones that have really hit hard and have stuck in
my memory.

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