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Camson, Franz
Pascua, Jan Carlo
Valdez, Arianne
Ybanez, Justine
CFE 1 1

ackground tory

The book of Isaiah is Narrative History, Prophetic Oracle, and even a Parable (chapter 5). The
prophet Isaiah wrote it at approximately 700 B.C. (Chapters 40-66, written later in his life approx. 681
B.C.). Isaiah is the first book in the section called Major Prophets. They are called Major Prophets

because of the large amount of material they wrote not because their message was more important
than any other prophet’s was.
Isaiah contains some of the most incredible prophecies of any book. It contains foreknowledge, in
incredible details about the Messiah, and the future reign of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the book of
Isaiah was to call God’s nation, the nation of Judah, back to faithfulness and to declare the coming
Messiah “Immanuel”. God calls and commissions His prophet to declare to Judah and Israel
condemnation, conviction, and ultimately great hope

Other Information about Isaiah

• Hebrew prophet who was believed to have lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ
• born in Jerusalem, Israel
• Isaiah lived during the time of the prophets Amos, Hosea, and Micah.
• His father is Amos, and in the record, there is no mention of Isaiah’s mother.
• Isaiah was an aristocrat
• His name means “The Lord saves”
• He is known as the greatest of the writing prophets,
• He was married, and his wife is spoken of as a prophetess.
• They had two sons; both were named with prophetic names, the two taken together embodying
the substance of Isaiah's message. (Shear Jashub and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz)
• He died by sawing- act of sawing a living person in half, either, or transversely; King Manasseh
ordered the cedar to be sawn asunder, and when the saw reached his mouth Isaiah died.


Isaiah was in the temple, kneeling down and praying with eyes closed and then suddenly, he had a
vision. In that vision, he was given a deep awareness of the holiness of God, and it also showed him his sins.

Then suddenly, one of the seraphs flew to Isaiah with a burning coal taken from the altar and it was touched
to Isaiah’s lips and from there his sins are forgiven. Then God told Isaiah to preach the word of Him to the
people because the heart of people there was hardened and God wants Isaiah to speak to them again and
again. Isaiah was purified by God and called to proclaim his words.
The newly gained awareness made him aware of the sins of society. He saw the poor and the weak
were oppressed and exploited, and he realize that his sacrifices and rituals were simply show of human glory.
Isaiah starts to preach God’s words in Jerusalem and other near by areas and many of them hear him and
became his disciples.
His famous Song of the Vineyard was a parable intended to teach a lesson to his listeners; it was a
sustained metaphor for God’s care for his people that portrays the deity as a meticulous, attentive vintner
and his people as disappointing, fetid fruit. For the mean time, King Ahaz was facing threats from the
neighboring country, an army of soldiers from Syria were marching towards Judah from the north, then Ahaz
went to the temple of god Molech and sacrifice his own son.
The King of Assyria had become very strong by capturing the nearby nations but he worshipped Idols
like god Molech. God send Isaiah to deliver a message to King Ahaz about how God was displease on what
Ahaz did. Isaiah told King Ahaz what God was is capable of doing but Ahaz remain doubtful.
Isaiah told King Ahaz to ask for a sign to God but King Ahaz was a crooked man and don’t believe. King
Ahaz made a deal with the King of Assyria with two condition which is King Ahaz will be a huge tribute to
Assyria every year and he will put the image of gods all over Judah. People from Judah starts to praise and
offer sacrifices to idols
Isaiah predicted the death of King Ahaz and told that the new king that will replace is a just king and
filled with the spirit of the lord and filled the knowledge of God, will destroy the images of idols and will be
just to the poor. Isaiah’s prediction came true and King Hezekiah was the new King who replace King Ahaz.
King Hezekiah destroyed all the images of idols and always listens to the advice of Isaiah to him. King Hezekiah
was a righteous and just king.
The Assyrian Country gone mad because the Judah didn’t follow their conditions and starts to attack
Judah and killed all people even women and children on their way.
King Hezekiah prepared his army and asked for send his servant to go to Isaiah to ask advice and to
know what God’s will. But at that time, people think that Isaiah gone mad because he was walking around


King Hezekiah prepared his army and asked for send his servant to go to Isaiah to ask advice and
to know what God’s will. But at that time, people think that Isaiah gone mad because he was walking
around naked. Isaiah was sleeping under a tree naked when God wake him up and send his message.
Isaiah’s nudity was a sign that Egypt and Ethiopian will be invaded by the Assyrian Army, but the Lord God
will never forsake Jerusalem and don’t let anything happened to it.
When Assyrian Army reached the gate of Jerusalem, King Hezekiah prayed to God kneeling down
and asking for guidance. Isaiah go to King Hezekiah and told him to not worry because the Assyrian army
will not continue to attack them. Before the Assyrian Army attack the Jerusalem, they receive a message
that their country was attack by the army from Babylon, and most of their soldiers were killed, so the army
of Assyrian turn back immediately and like God had promised, the army did not continue to attack them.


M essage /T heme

God needs to punish everyone's sins, hence the Assyrians invade and get slaughtered by an
angel, hence Babylon falls and the invaders massacre civilians
Also involves forgetting God, forgetting the origin and the creator of humankind. The Assyrians
help God punish Israel for turning away, worshipping other gods, and failing to behave justly. The
Assyrian King Sennacherib is himself punished and destroyed, since he openly believes he's superior
to God himself. So sin, at its most basic sense, involves turning away from what's really central and
important. It comes from getting involved in lots of distractions and egotism.

The first theme was sin, which leads automatically to the second theme: suffering. The suffering
inflicted on Judah (and other places) for sinning is pretty significant. Cities are destroyed; people are
reduced to poverty and starvation. There's lots of wandering around in sackcloth (not too comfy, gang),
plus lots of weeping and wailing. But Isaiah isn't just depicting suffering; he's attempting to show its
causes. He aims to show how the injustice of human being rebounds like a really awful boomerang right
back at them.


Justice and
This probably the biggest theme in Isaiah. God continually visits his wrathful judgment on everyone,

constantly, throughout the course of the book. Isaiah basically exists, as a person, to warn about God's
impending judgments and to urge people to change their ways before it's too late
But God, in Isaiah, isn't mainly concerned with whether people are following all the rites and rituals. He
wants to see them put their hearts into their actions, and behave with devotion and sincerity. He isn't
punishing people for failing to offer him sacrifices. He's punishing them for only offering him lip-service,
and for failing to treat the less fortunate with compassion. He's basically trying to get everyone to
straighten up, fly right, and treat each other with respect.

Two kinds of power are on display in Isaiah: human power and the power of God. Human beings
continually strive to use their power to do things like conquer the world (what the Assyrians and
Babylonians do), only to see it snatched away from them, proving that God holds the only power that
But the same is true even for the small-time criminals described in Isaiah, those powerful people who
won't pay their workers a decent amount of money, and cheat them, but pretend to humble themselves
before God in the temple.

Loyalty is what God demands from Judah and Israel. They shouldn't get distracted by other gods, or by
lust for cash or craving for power. It's closely tied in with obedience, but there's an element of fervor
and love tying it all up. At the same time, God's loyalty to his people is also important. God keeps
promising that he will, in the end, own up to all his promises. He will guide everyone to a state of peace
even if they kick and scream along the way. People are going to get rewarded for remaining loyal to


Compassiom and
Last but not least in our themes, we have compassion and forgiveness or, in a word, mercy. These

ideas comprise the biggest and probably most important theme in Isaiah (along with justice and
judgment). Mercy, in a sense, is what it's all building up to. It's the moment of relief that follows the
constant conflict and violence and tension. God might treat his people with wrath to correct them from
their ways, but at the end of the day, he ultimately loves them.
It's closely compared to human forms of love, indicating how intense and passionate it's really supposed
to be. God always goes at whatever he's doing be it destroying cities or loving everyone as hard as he
possibly can, and in a big way. And aside from a brief reminder of what'll happen to the continually
disobedient people that's basically how Isaiah ends: with the reign of endless, universal love.



Sin and
Everyone has cheated on something at some point in their life, whether it is in a game, on a test,
or in a relationship, everyone has done it. Cheating is anything that involves breaking a rule, or getting
an unfair advantage. Schools are one of the most popular places people cheat. In the context of school,

as a student, sin and suffering is interconnected and can be related to cheating and procratination for
these two are considered as a sin that leads to suffering.
Many people down play cheating and use excuses like, “He shouldn’t have let me see his paper,”
or, “I am just using my resources wisely.” But what causes people to cheat? Students cheat in school
because of laziness, high standards and pressure to do well in their academics. Student does not want
to fail, but they were too lazy to do their own work, so they ask to copy the work from a friend that did
the work. Our main goal why we study in the first place is to learn things that will be useful for our future
professions and be successful but we tend to take this opportunity for granted for we thought that the
real battle is not during college but instead, it is after. This mindset leads us to suffering for we used to
depend on others so during quizzes and exams, where these are taken individually, we don't have
anyone to lean on but ourselves. This situation is best suited in the phrase, "enjoy now, suffer later".
For quite sometime, we enjoy chilling and is not bothered in any school works unless no one will be
there to help you out. In addition, many of us go through certain stages of procrastination. We promise
ourselves we won’t procrastinate, but we end up suffering the consequences.
The thing about procrastination, it’s a vicious cycle that keeps on repeating. Unless you are a
strong enough to stop it from happening. Why do we procrastinate? If we know it’s the not best decision
to make, why do we still do it? We weren’t born procrastinators but we chose to be one. Pressure and
laziness are not good reasons to cheat and procrastinate and the effects of these are not beneficial to
anyone. You can end up with a failing grade and with marks on your permanent record, and no one
wants that. They say, No matter what happens, students will continue to cheat but we all know we have
a choice not to do it though.


Justice and
In the story of Isaiah, people are fond of practicing rituals but it is said that God is not concern
with these practices for this are just for human show and glory and God is mainly concern with what is
in our hearts. "Study not for school but for life", this is the phrase that student must live unto. We must
study to learn and not just to pass but because of our messed up curriculum and educational system,
student tend to do unjust things for the sake of passing and having a good grades. The true essence of
studying is forgotten. Being a student, we should not just settle for less, we should aim higher than
passing our subjects and that is to have a deeper knowledge about things that are useful in our chosen
professions in the future.
To sum it up, the story reminds us that we are called to be better and do better than our
coarsened culture would have made us. Isaiah calls us to lift our eyes from their downward fixation on
the mire and muck beneath our feet and to train them upwards, towards the shining city on the hill. He
suggest that we must not give in to our basest instincts but strive to attain the heights of kindness, civility
and forbearance

When we say power, it refers to the capability of an individual to influence the behavior of another
person so that another person will act in accordance with the individual wishes. So, as a student, how
we can apply this today? The answers are simple.
Basically, by influencing your friends, family, classmates and others to become positive in life
and empower them, we can apply power. By inspiring and motivating them to do good and serve as
role model.
In case we have chance to become leader in some situations, work on modeling the qualities
that you would like to see in your team members to become a better leader. Exert power to achieve
individual, team and organizational goals. Be a student who does not use his/her power for own benefits,
but put out it for everyone goods.


Some of us say that a loyal person is worth trusting. Basically, if you are a loyal person, there
are so many things you should consider like what you are going to do or what you are going to say.
Loyalty is a characteristic of being devoted to a person, place or a thing which requires patience and
faith on what you believe. So how can we show our loyalty as student?
Our loyalty can be shown towards our family, friends, loved one, and most especially to God. We
must be able to show trust towards our family so that they can give their trust to us because we know
being a family member, it means we have responsibilities and duties. Therefore, we should earn their
trust by giving our loyalty to them.
The second, is being loyal to our friends. We should accept them for whoever they are, whatever
they do or even what they look like because good friends are always there in case of problems and
Next, being loyal to the one we love. If you tell him or her that he or she is the only one you love
and no one else, you should stand by your words. Because if you are a loyal person, then you stick to
one partner in a relationship. We should remember, one should love one at a time.
Lastly, and the most important, we must show our loyalty to God. Remember that there's only
God that we need to praise and worship. Show Him our trust and He will not let us, as son/daughter or
as student, to fail easily in life. Let Him to handle our life and accept Him to be the center.
Put this in our mind, "Loyalty is not permanent. In other words, loyalty to a person can easily
fade. Loyalty cannot be given or earned easily because if you want the person's loyalty, you should
work for it. Make them believe that you really trust them so they can give their loyalty to you".

Compassiom and
Words like compassion and forgiveness are not new to us, but there may be some problems on

to how to apply these concepts to our daily life in today's world, a world that appears to be getting more
complicated, and full of twists and turns.
So maybe some of us are dealing with the questions, why is it that compassion seems like a
widespread word, but there is still hatred and conflict among people? And what does it mean to forgive
someone, and how can we forgive if the person has no sense of responsibility for his/her actions?
So, for the application of this both, we need to let go of resentments, anger or any other negative
feeling we have toward someone or something. We need to be able to push aside whatever pride,
bitterness, or hate is left inside you to accept the person that has hurt you. You will not have access to
the compassion inside you if you cannot get rid of these walls that have been strongly built around your


In addition, we must love other people more. It's not talking about romantic love, but talking about
serving others, listening instead of talking, and forgiving other’s faults. Remember, we’re not perfect,
but the old saying, “practice makes perfect”, really does apply. Imagine if we were all working on loving
each other at the same time — we practiced listening more, being less selfish, doing things for other
people, etc. We would have an abundance of forgiveness (or perhaps we wouldn’t need as much
forgiveness). The point is, life would seem to be a lot easier if everyone were able to show a bit more

M O inor bjects of the

s s olar ystem

Meteors and

A meteor is the glowing trail of hot gas and vaporized debris left by a
solid object heated by friction as it moves through the Earth’s
atmosphere. The solid body itself, while in space and before it reaches
the atmosphere, is called a meteoroid. eteorites are divided into three
broad categories: stony (composed mainly of silicate minerals), iron
(composed mainly of metallic iron-nickel), and stony iron (a mixture of
both metallic and silicate material). Ninety-four percent of all
meteorites that fall on Earth are stony and of these, 86% are classed as
chondrites, named for the small rounded particles known as chondrules
that they contain. Chondrules appear to have originated as molten droplets formed by rapid melting and cooling
of rocky material. Where this may have occurred is not known. Chondrules contain traces of radioactive material,
which can be used to measure their age. They are extremely old, 4.56 billion years, and are believed to be among
the first solids to have formed in the solar nebula.

Asteroids are small, generally rocky bodies that orbit the Sun. Most lie in the asteroid belt, a region between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids range tremendously in diameter, from Ceres—about 930 kilometers
(about the size of Texas) across—down to bodies only a few meters in diameter. Most are irregularly shaped.
Only Ceres and a few dozen other large asteroids are approximately spherical. Because of their large size, their
gravitational force is strong enough to compact their material into a sphere. Small bodies with weak gravities
remain irregular and are made more so by collisions adding or blasting away pieces. Collisions leave the parent
body pitted and irregularly shaped, and the fragments become smaller asteroids in their own right.

O rigin of the P lanets

The solar

Speculation about how the planets formed dates back

to prehistoric times and the creation myths of virtually
all peoples. But among the first scientific hypotheses
were those of the eighteenth century by Immanuel
Kant, a German philosopher, and Pierre Simon Laplace,
a French mathematician. Kant and Laplace
independently proposed that the solar system
originated from a rotating, flattened disk of gas and
dust called the solar nebula. In this model, the outer
part of the disk became the planets, and the center
became the Sun. This simple picture explains nicely the
flattened shape of the system and the common
direction of motion of the planets around the Sun.
Astronomers today have additional evidence that supports this basic picture. First, we now know that
the inner planets are rich in silicates and iron, and the outer planets are rich in hydrogen. Second, to the best of
our knowledge, the Earth, Sun, and Moon are all about the same age—about 4.6 billion years old— suggesting
they formed in a single event. Third, the surfaces of objects like our Moon, Mercury, and the moons of the outer
planets are heavily scarred with ancient craters, suggesting that they were bombarded with infalling objects in
the distant past. With this evidence, we can now discuss how astronomers think the planets were born. The
modern form of this Nebular Hypothesis proposes that our solar system was born about 4.6 billion years
ago, roughly 9 billion years after the Big Bang, from an interstellar cloud, an enormous aggregate of gas and
dust. Such clouds are common between the stars in our galaxy even today, and astronomers now think most,
if not all, stars and their planets have formed from them. Although our main concern in this chapter is with the
birth of our own solar system, we should bear in mind that our hypothesis applies more broadly and implies
that most stars could have planets or at least surrounding disks of dust and gas from which planets might form.
In fact, astronomers observe just such disks around many young stars, and new data suggest that there are
perhaps 40 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy.

A bright comet is a stunning sight, as you can see in figure 23.37 A. But such sights are now sadly rare
for most people because light pollution from our cities drowns the view. Comets have long been held in fear
and reverence, and their sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance after a few days or so have
added to their mystery. Astronomers think that most comets come from the Oort cloud, the swarm of trillions
of icy bodies believed to lie far beyond the Kuiper Belt orbit of Pluto, as we discussed in the section titled “The
Solar System.” Astronomers think the Oort cloud formed from planetesimals that originally orbited near the
giant planets and were tossed into the outer parts of the solar system by the gravitational force of those planets.
Some comets also seem to come from the Kuiper Belt, which begins near the orbit of Neptune and appears to


extend to about 55 AU from the Sun. Planetary astronomers are greatly interested in this region because it
appears to be the birthplace of Pluto, Charon, and Neptune’s moon Triton. Each comet nucleus moves along its
own path, and those in the Oort cloud take millions of years to complete an orbit. With orbits so far from the
Sun, these icy bodies receive essentially no heat from the Sun, so their gases and ices remain deeply frozen.
These distant objects are invisible to us on Earth, but sometimes a comet’s orbit changes, carrying it closer to
us and the Sun. Such orbital changes may arise from the chance passage of a star far beyond the outskirts of the
solar system during its orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. A s the comet falls inward toward the
inner solar system, the Sun’s radiation heats it and begins to sublimate the ices. At a distance of about 5 AU
from the Sun (Jupiter’s orbit), the heat is enough to vaporize the ices, forming gas that escapes to make a coma
around the comet nucleus. The escaping gas carries tiny dust grains that were frozen into the nucleus with it.
The comet then appears through a telescope as a dim, fuzzyball. As the comet falls ever nearer the Sun, its gas
escapes even faster, but now the Sun begins to exert additional forces on the cometary gas and dust.



Saint Mary’s University

Senior High School Department


SETYEMBRE 30, 2019

Layunin ng Pulong: Pagbawal sa Paggamit ng Telepono habang Nagtratrabaho

Petsa/Oras: Setyembre 30, 2019 sa ganap na ika-8:00 n.u.
Tagapanguna: Eldredge S. Domingo (Presidente ng Finance)

Bilang ng mga Taong Dumalo: Siyam (9)

Eldredge Domingo Tagapangulo ng Kagawaran ng Pananalapi

Danielle Bautista Kalihim ng Pananalapi

Oscar Mandac Chief Accountant

Creia Apelado Assistant Chief Accountant

Nicole Sesbreño Kontador

Andreah Pastores Tagasuri

Draizen Cortez Kahero


Jaylord Fernando Kahero

Joshua Basto Kahero

Mga Liban: Aslie Carlos (Kahero)

I. Call to Order
Sa ganap na alas otso n.u. ay pinasimulan ni G. Eldredge Domingo ang pulong sa pamamagitan ng
pagtawag sa atensiyon ng lahat.

II. Panalangin
Ang panalangin ay pinangunahan ni Bb. Creia Apelado.

III. Pananalita ng Pagtanggap

Ang bawat isa ay malugod na tinanggap ni G. Eldredge Domingo bilang tagapanguna ng pulong.

IV. Pagbasa at Pagpapatibay ng Nagdaang Katitikan ng Pulong

Ang nagdaang katitikan ng pulong na ginawa noong nakaraang Marso 07,2019 ay binasa ni G. Eldredge
Domingo. Ang mosyon na pagpapatibay ay pinangunahan ni Bb. Danielle Bautista.

V. Pagtalakay sa Adyenda ng Pulong

Ang sumusunod ay ang mga adyenda ng paksang tinalakay sa pulong:
Paksa Taong Tumalakay Oras Talakayan
1. Pagtalakay sa “No G. Eldredge Domingo 20 mins Tinalakay ni G. Eldredge Domingo ang
Cellphone Policy” pangunahing polisiya sa kanilang
ng kompanya kumpanya
2. Pagrebyu ng mga Tinalakay ni Bb. Danielle Bautista ang
kontrata ng Bb. Danielle Bautista 20 mins pinirmahang kontrata ng mga
manggagawa manggagawa bago mag-umpisa ang
trabaho at nakasaad dito ang pagbabawal
sa paggamit ng telepono sa oras ng
3. Pagtalakay sa Tinalakay ni Bb. Creia Apelado ang mga
karampatang kaparusahan sa sinumang lalabag sa
kaparusahan sa Bb. Creia Apelado 20 mins polisiya. Ang mga kaparusahan ay ang
mga gumagamit mga sumusunod:
ng telepono Unang Parusa: Magsisilbi munang
habang oras ng babala para sa mga lumabag.
pagtratrabaho Tinalakay ni Bb. Creia Apelado ang mga
kaparusahan sa sinumang lalabag sa
polisiya. Ang mga kaparusahan ay ang
mga sumusunod:
Unang Parusa: Magsisilbi munang
babala para sa mga lumabag.
Ikalawang parusa: Pagbabayad ng
isang libong piso.
Ikatlong Parusa: Isang araw na


Ikaapat na Parusa: Tatlong araw na

Huling Parusa: Pagkakatanggal sa
4. Pagtukoy sa mga Tinukoy ni Bb. Nicole Sesbreño ang mga
manggagawang manggagawang lumabag sa polisiya ng
lumabag sa Bb. Nicole Sesbreño 20 mins kumpanya. Napag-alaman na sina G.
polisiya ng Draizen Cortez, G. Joshua Basto, at G.
kompanya Jaylord Fernando ay lumabag sa
nasabing polisiya.
5. Pagdinig sa mga Binigyang pagkakataon ni Bb. Andreah
rason ng mga Pastores ang mga nasabing
manggagawang Andreah Pastores 20 mins manggagawang lumabag sa polisiya na
lumabag sa sabihin ang kanilang mga rason kung
polisiya bakit nila nilabag ito. Ayon kay G.
Draizen Cortez, nagamit niya ang
kanyang telepono sa kadahilanang
kailangan niya tawagan ang kanyang
kasintahan samantalang si G. Joshua
Basto naman ay nawaglit sa kanyang
isipan ang polisiya kaya naman naglaro
siya ng Mobile Legends. Ayon naman
kay G. Jaylord Fernando ay nagkaroon
ng emergency sa kanilang tahanan kaya
naman nagamit niya ang telepono.
6. Pagdedesisyon ng Nagbigay ng desisyon si G. Oscar
mga kaparusahan Mandac hinggil sa nadinig na
hinggil sa nadinig G. Oscar Mandac 20 mins pagdadahilan. Si G. Cortez at G. Basto ay
na pagdadahilan natanggal sa trabaho dahil hindi
katanggap tanggap ang kanilang mga
dahilan samantalang binigyan pa ng
isang pagkakataon si G. Fernando na
magpatuloy sa kanyang trabaho at hindi
binigyan ng anumang kaparusahan. Ang
pagkakaalis sa trabaho ng dalawang
manggagawa ay epektibo sa araw
pagkatapos ng kanilang pagpupulong.

VI. Pagsang-ayon sa Naipataw na Kaparusahan

Sinang-ayunan ni G. Eldredge Domingo ang naipataw na kaparusahan para sa mga manggagawang
lumabag sa polisiya.

VII. Pagtapos ng Pulong

Sa kadahilanang wala nang anumang paksa na kailangang talakayin at pag-usapan, ang pulong ay
winakasan sa ganap na ika-11:00 ng umaga.



Ang pagmamahal


“Ang karunungan ay kayamanang walang taong makapagnanakaw” Ito ang isa sa mga katagang namutawi sa
aking isipan. Tunay ngang ang edukasyon sa buhay ng bawat isa sa atin ay kagaya ng isang walang katapusang
paglalakbay sa mundong sinasaklawan ng aspektong “Pagbabago”. Ang edukasyon ang pinakamakapangyarihang
sandata na kahit sinuman ay walang kakayahang baguhin at angkinin sapagkat ito ay permanenteng nakaukit na sa diwa
at kamalayang pantao ng isang nabubuhay. Sa bawat umaga ng ating buhay, tayo ay binabasbasan ng ating Poong
Lumikha ng kalayaan upang makaanib at makasabay sa kung ano mang kakaiba ang sumasaklaw sa ating lipunang
kinabibilangan. Hindi man lingid sa ating kamalayan subalit buhat nang tayo ay nasa sinapupunan pa lamang ay batid na
natin ang espiritu ng ‘pagkatuto’. Maging sa kauna-unahang pagsambit natin ng salitang “Mama o Papa” hanggang sa
tayo ay unti-unting nabihasa sa ating “ABAKADA” tayo ay nabibilang na pundasyon ng edukasyon. Ang karaniwang
pamantayan sa edukasyon na kung ang tao ay nasa gulang tatlo o apat na ay maari na itong magsimulang pumasok sa
isang paaralan. Sa makatuwid, mahabang panahon ang iginugugol ng isang tao para sa kanyang edukasyon.

Sa aking labing-apat na taon na pananatili sa loob ng

paaralan, masasabi kong ako ay tila na parang nasa isang Paraiso o
langit. Ngunit hindi sa lahat ng pagkakataon ay nakararamdam ako ng
isang kasiyahan. Maraming pagkakataon naman sa aking buhay ang
nagpaunawa sa akin na ang edukasyon ay patuloy na umaangkla sa
aking pagkatao at maging sa aking kalapit na hinaharap. Bukod sa
mga karaniwang talakayin at pang-akademikong layunin na siyang
ipinababatid ng edukasyon, ito rin ay nagsisilbing balangkas upang
mabuksan ko pa ang lagusan sa kabilang ibayo. Dahil ditto, nabigyan
ako ng pagkakataon upang makilala ang iba’t ibang deskripsiyon ng
aking kapwa tao at mga karanasang aking dadalhin habambuhay. Ito’y
ang aking karanasan noong ako ay nasa ika -labindalawa na baiting.
Ang karanasan na marahil para sa akin ay mapanglaw at natatangi

Isa akong “consistent honor student“ magmula pa noong nasa kinbdergarten palang ako. Wala akong ibang
inisip noon kundi ang makapasok sa “honor rolls” kaya naman ako ay isang “grade conscious” na tao. Ito ang tanging
namutawi na lamang sa aking kaisipan buhat sa kagustuhan ng aking mga magulang. Napakalakas ng enerhiyang
ito at siya ring enerhiya ang unti-unting sumisipsip sa aking pag-asang makamit ang “chill” na buhay. “Bakit ba
kailangang may top ako?” ito ang katanungan na patuloy na sumisilab sa aking mura at gahasang isipan.
Sinusubukan ko ang lahat ng aking makakaya. Sinubukan kong magsipag at umayon sa kung ano ang pamantayan
sa aming klase. Lahat ng ito ay hindi naging madali sa akin. Sapagkat noo’y wala pa akong kabatiran patungkol sa
mahalagang papel ng edukasyon sa aking magiging kinabukasan. Wala pa akong alam sa edukasyon maliban sa ito
ay “mahirap at walang kwenta”. Nagdaan ang mga araw at nakilala ko ang aking mga guro. Sa kanila ko natutunan
na hindi lamang akademikong kaalaman ang batid na ipamalita ng mga talakayin sa paaralan bagkus ay naglalayon
din itong bigyan ang lahat ng pagkakataong makabuo ng pagkakaibigan at pamilya. Hindi lang dapat kaalaman ang
ating panghawakan mula sa ating mga guro nararapat ding maunawaan natin ang tunay na karunungan mula dito.
Sa markang aking natamo ako nagsimulang yumabong at nagpatuloy sa pagkamit ng aking mga adhikain sa
paaralan. Hanggang ngayon sa kasalukuyan ay patuloy pa rin akong naglalakbay papalapit sa aking mga pangarap
sa buhay.

Dahil sa aking mga karanasan, natuto ako kung paano umunlad hindi lamang sa aking
mga marking nais na matamo subalit nakaanib na rin dito ang mga impresyong hindi na maaalis
sa aking puso’t isipan sa kalagitnaan ng aking paglalakbay sa mundong ibabaw. Sana’y
lubusan nating mabatid ang layon ng edukasyon na makapagbibigay ng magaganda at
makabuluhang mga karanasan na magsisilbing sandata natin sa pakikidigma sa ating mga
sarili at sa kung ano mang nakatadhana sa ating panahon.

L -S


Maliksi akong lumabas ng

eroplano upang saksihan sa unang
pangmalas ang bagong kapaligiran.
Sino kaya ang sasalubong sa amin?
Iginala ko ang aking panigin. At huyun
sila… sila Daddy na pawang nakangiti
sa amin. Kami ay lugod na tinanggap at
Halos lahat ng mga kabataan pagdaka;y inilulan sa naghihintay na
ngayon ay may mga sasakyan.
#TravelDestination kasama ang mga

Enchanted River
kanilang mga kaibigan, kaklase at
pamilya. Bilang isang kabataan nais
kong pumunta sa iba’t ibang lugar
dito sa Pilipinas. Lalo na sa mga lugar
na kung saan ay tinatangkilik ng mga
turista, mga lugar na kung saan ay Enchanted River, Hinatuan, Surigao
ipinagmamalaki ng ating bansa’t del Sur- Ito ang isa sa mga aming

nagsilbing simbolo sa ating pagka napuntahan noong nakaraang taon.

Pilipino. Malamig ang tubig doon at napakalinis. Ang

enchanted river ay isang malalim na

Bilang isang kabataan ay spring river na matatagpuan sa isla ng

naghahangad na matupad ang Mindanao. Sobrang saya ko noon dahil

#travelgoals sa buhay. Humahanap pinahintulutan ako ng aking Daddy na

maligo kahit ito’y may sukat na 10 meters
tayo ng mga lugar na pasok sa budget
(33 ft). Dito ko din nasaksihan kung bakit
natin katulad nalang ng mga lugar sa
tinawag na mahiwaga ang ilog na ito dahil
Davao at dito sa bahaging Norte ng
lumalabas lamang ang mga iba’t ibang isda
tuwing ika-12 ng hapon hanggang alas tres
at sa mga oras na yan ay ipinagbabawal na
lumangoy sa “swimming area”.


Isa pa sa napuntahan ko kasama

Eden Nature Park ang aking pamilya ay ang lugar ng

Davao Oriental. Ang Aliwagwag Falls ay
isa sa mga magagandang tanawin na
matatagpuan doon. Ito ay tinagurian
bilang “country’s highest waterfalls”.

Sunod naming pinuntahan ang Ang talon, na binubuo ng higit sa 100

Eden Nature Park. Maraming cascading waterfalls, ay matatagpuan

paglilibangan dito mula sa horseback lamang 30-40 minuto ang layo mula sa

riding hanggang sky biking. Pwede Cateel. Ito ay binubuo ng mga

ring mag check-in dito at mamahinga. pormasyon ng bato na may iba't ibang

Inikot kami ni Daddy sa napakalawak mga hugis at sukat. “The current is

ng pasyalang kakikitaan ng strong; you will be treated with

naggagandahan at naiibang halaman different drops at every level”. Ang iba

maging mga punong namumunga at di pang mga posibleng paglibangan ay

namumunga. Maunlad at tahimik ang ang pagtawid sa 45-meter Monkey

mga bayan gaming dinaanan hanggang bridge sa Aliwagwag Falls at 680-

siyudad ng Davao. meter Zipline sa buong Cateel river.

Talagang isa sa dapat bisitahin dahil
ito ay itinuturing na isa sa mga
Kembali Coast Samal Island pinakamagagandang talon sa Pilipinas,
at sumasang-ayon kami!

Isang napakainit na tanghali nang kami ay pumunta sa aming pinakahuling destinasyon, ang
Kembali Coast na matatagpuan sa isla ng Samal. Ito ay kilala bilang
“high-end” na eksklusibong “beach community” kung saan maaari mong tangkilikin ang kalikasan sa
pinakamagaling nito. Isang lugar ng walang katapusang pakikipagsapalaran. Ang mga posibleng
paglibangan nito ay beach volleyball and picnic, snorkeling and scuba diving, at maaari mo ring maranasan
na lumangoy sa 55 meter-long na infinity pool with kiddie pool. Nakapaligid dito ang magandang white sand
kung saan napakalawak na at maganda rin itong tambayan.




Isang mapagpalang umaga sa inyong lahat.

Isang dakilang karangalan na magsalita sa
harapan ninyong lahat. Nawa’y sa maikling
sandali ay hayaan ninyo akong magbahagi ng
aking ideya.
Nakarinig ka ba ng ilang tao na nakikita
ang kaibahan ng ibang tao na tulad mo ay maitim,
ikaw ay puti? Ikaw ay marumi, ikaw ay malinis.
Ikaw ay nasa mababang klase, ikaw ay nasa
mataas na klase. Bakit? Isipin mo na nabubuhay
araw-araw sa agam-agam na saan ka man pumunta,
lahat ng bagay na naglalakad sa isang tindahan
o boutique ng damit ay may isang tao na nanonood
sa bawat kilos mo na nag-iisip na ikaw ay
magnanakaw ng isang bagay, o magbunyag ng bomba
mula sa ilalim ng iyong mga damit. Gunigunihin
ang pagiging katatawanan at hindi kabilang sa
paaralan dahil ikaw ay "iba". Walang nagnanais
na iwanin, ngunit bakit mo hinahatulan? Bakit
mo ipinapasa ang tanglaw ng hindi nagpapatawad
na mundo? Bakit nagtatakda ka ng apoy ng galit?
Bakit ka nagpapakita ng diskriminasyon?
Oo, ang kapootang panlahi ay isa sa
maraming problema sa mundong ito ngayon. Ang
kapootang panlahi sa pamamagitan ng kahulugan
ay ang paniniwala na ang isang partikular na
lahi ay higit na mataas o mas mababa sa iba,
na ang panlipunan at moral na katangian ng
isang tao ay itinakda ng kaniyang mga inapo na
biyolohikal na katangian. Mayroong maraming mga
uri ng kapootang panlahi, halimbawa ng
kapootang panlahi dahil sa kulay ng balat,
lugar ng kapanganakan, relihiyon, ngunit lahat
ng mga ito ay nakakuha ng ilang mga bagay na


karaniwan. Ang lahat ng mga uri ng rasismo

ay kasuklam-suklam at lumikha ng negatibong at
minsan mapanganib na emosyonal na tugon. Maaari
itong pakiramdam ng mga tao, bukod sa iba pang
mga bagay, hindi kanais-nais, nahihiya, at
nalulumbay. Nakaapekto ito sa tiwala ng sarili
ng mga tao, at nagiging sanhi ito ng pinsala
sa sarili o kahit na magpakamatay. Ang
salungatan ng kapootang panlahi ay nangyayari
kapag ang karamihan sa lipunan ay nararamdaman
na ang iba't ibang kultura at halaga ng grupong
minorya ay nagdadala ng pagsira sa lipunan.
Ang isa sa mga problema sa pagharap sa
kapootang panlahi, lalo na sa mga kabataan, ay
ang kahulugan ng iba't ibang bagay sa iba't
ibang tao. Ang lahi ng kapootang panlahi ay
hindi dapat na makitaan at nangangahulugan
lamang ng pinakamataas na pagpapahayag ng
kahalayan ng lahi. Ang lahi ng rasismo ay
tumutukoy sa anumang bagay na may epekto ng di-
makatarungan na pagdadalamhati sa isang tao
batay sa kanilang pinagmulan ng lahi. Ito ay
maaaring ipahayag hindi lamang sa pamamagitan
ng doktrinal na paniniwala at hindi
makatarungan na diskriminasyon, kundi pati na
rin sa pamamagitan ng mga paniniwala,
pagtatangi, pagbibiro at kaswal na mga komento.
Ang stereotyping ng lahi ay isang
problema sa lahat ng nasyonalidad; at mga
Asyano ay hindi ligtas mula dito. Sino ang nag-
iisip dito na ang Asian kid sa iyong klase ay
mas mahusay kaysa sa iyo sa matematika? Sino
ang nag-aakala dito na ang mga batang Asyano
lahat ay henyo sa musika? Sino ang nakikita ng
isang driver ng Asyano at nakakaabala? Ang mga
stereotype ng lahi ay hindi batay sa
katotohanan, ngunit tinatrato sila ng mga tao
bilang katotohanan. Ito ay masakit at mapang-
api kapag ginamit upang bigyan ng kaluguran ang
ibang tao. Hindi namin maaaring gamitin ang mga
matinding halimbawa ng ilang tao upang lagyan
ng label ang mga ito. Tama ba ang tawag ko sa
lahat ng taong agresibo, Aussie? Sa tingin ko
ang karamihan sa tao ay hindi sumasang-ayon sa
komentong ito. Sa South African apartheid.


Nakakatakot ang paraan kung saan maaaring

matukoy ng kulay ng balat kung saan ka
nakatira, kung anong paaralan ang iyong pupunta
sa kahit anong pampublikong banyo na magagamit
Ito ay isang halimbawa kung kailan ang
kalawakan ng mga tao ay maaaring lumawak sa
malubhang mapaminsalang bunga. Sa partikular,
kapag ang mga pagkilos ng isa o kaunting mga
tao mula sa isang lahi ay nagdudulot ng
pagkapoot sa lahat ng miyembro ng lahi na iyon.
Ang Australya ay hindi inosente nito. Kunin ang
2005, Sydney Cronulla riots, kung saan ang apat
na lalaki ng Lebanon ay nagpahihiwatig ng galit
at pagsalakay sa lahat ng mga taong nasa Middle
East sa mga nakapalibot na suburb. Katulad din
ng mga pagkilos ng miyembro ng ISIC at iba pang
mga grupo ng terorista ang nagpalitaw ng
paniniil na lahi laban sa lahat ng iba pang
mapagmahal na mga Muslim. Ang ilang mga tao ay
hindi maaaring kumatawan sa buong grupo.
Dahil sa alarming, ang ilang pananaliksik
ay nagpahihiwatig ng isang makabuluhang pagtaas
sa diskriminasyon sa lahi sa nakalipas na mga
taon. Panahon na para sa amin upang gumawa ng
isang paraan. Maaari naming magsimula sa
pagsali sa mga organisasyon at pagtataguyod ng
mga positibong relasyon. Ngunit mayroong isang
hamon sa para sa ating lahat. Ibinahagi namin
ang isang pangkaraniwang sangkatauhan, at lahat
tayo ay may papel sa paggalang sa karapatan ng
lahat upang pantayin ito nang pantay, na may
karangalan at may parehong mga pagkakataon
upang umunlad. Walang ipinanganak na isang
rasista. Anumang bagay mula sa mga maliliit na
biro upang i-ostracize ang isang tao dahil sa
kanilang lahi ay masakit. Kailangan nating
baguhin. Kailangan naming itigil ang pagtukoy
ng lahi sa pamamagitan ng kung paano tumingin
ang mga tao. Ang rasismo ay hindi kailanman
hihinto, ngunit maaari nating bawasan ito sa
pamamagitan ng pag-impluwensya sa iba na
huminto sa pamamagitan ng pagpapaliwanag ng mga
nagwawasak na bunga ng rasismo at tribalismo sa
iba. Upang matuto nang higit pa tungkol sa mga


taong may kontribyutor mula sa iba't ibang

grupo ng lahi na ginawa sa pag-unlad ng iyong
bansa. Upang maging handa na ibahagi ang
kapangyarihang pampulitika at mga mapagkukunan
sa lahat ng tao. Tulad ng sinabi ni Fred
Hampton, "Kailangan namin na harapin ang
katunayan na ang ilang mga tao ay nagsasabi na
labanan mo ang sunog sa apoy, ngunit sasabihin
namin sa iyo na ilagay ang sunog sa tubig.
Sinasabi naming hindi mo labanan ang rasismo sa
kapootang panlahi. Tatalakayin natin ang
rasismo na may pagkakaisa. "


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