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For Consciousness, Organization and Liberation Struggle!

— INTRODUCTION — eliminating the very thing itself. In this

The Indigenous People’s Liberation Party is radical dismantling of the entity we call
a Revolutionary Indigenist organization. Its “north amerika” we see the potential not
primary focus is to unite Indigenous People only for our own liberation, but the
to resist ongoing colonization, genocide liberation of all oppressed peoples on this
and ecocide, and to free our land with an land. It is also possibly the greatest act of
eye towards the development of a genuine solidarity we could send to the masses of
broad-based Indigenous People liberation oppressed and exploited peoples around
movement. the world.
Our struggle is fundamentally a To that end we state openly that the
struggle to achieve and actualize national Party is avowedly revolutionary in its
liberation and decolonization. We do not orientation. We see no value in strategies
seek to seize the reins of power of the that do not recognize the need to remove
settler occupational states, but rather hold parasitic colonial power as the fundamental
that our liberation is to be found in fully prerequisite for our liberation and that
detaching our nations and peoples from would rather grovel at the feet of our
this rotting corpse of an empire. oppressors for piecemeal reforms to the
The material basis for this empire is status quo.
its occupation of our lands and the The Party is also anti-capitalist. We
destruction of our peoples. In detaching consider to be snakes in the grass those
ourselves from it we eviscerate it, in the neocolonial wannabe settlers who
process destroying its ability to wield administer ottawa and washington d.c.’s
continued power over us, eventually colonial regimes and promote ideologies of

“Indian capitalism” that would seek to today. We are the heirs to their struggle.
integrate Indigenous People into the Different conditions, including
parasitic society of the colonial oppressor different imperialist powers who have at
nation. They are enemies of our people. one time or another attempted to exert
Globally we recognize that only the total our power over us, and uneven & unequal
overturning of the current parasitic development, has led to the development
capitalist world-system can ensure not only of new identities and new labels by which
our own liberation, but the liberation of all our peoples have come to define
oppressed and exploited peoples around ourselves. While many of our pre-contact
the world. nations and political formations continue to
In place of the parasitic capitalist- exist—such as the Anishinaabe,
colonial power on this continent we raise Kwakwaka’wakw, Nēhilawē, Očhéthi
up high the revolutionary banner of Šakówiŋ, Rotinonshón:ni, Wabanaki and
Indigenous Socialism. We strive for a others—new nations have emerged
society in which all land, resources and through processes of admixture,
labor are divided in a way that is just too all amalgamation, detribalization and
members of our nations and the proletarianization, including the Xicano,
ecosystems in which we are embedded. Michif, Boricua and Genízaro. All of us,
We seek to live in a way that honors the whether our nations formed pre- or post-
seven generations before us and provides contact are now held as Internal Colonies
for the seven generations that will come of the settler empire. We are all indigenous
after us. to this land.
Many of us have also come to call
WHAT WE WANT & ourselves by all manner of term: Indian,
WHAT WE BELIEVE Native American/Canadian, First Nations,
Aboriginal, Chicano, Latino, Hispano, Métis
— WHAT WE BELIEVE — etc. Many of these labels are terms given
I. We are Indigenous People—We are to us by the imperialists, which attempt to
Indigenous from Aztlán to Borikén to split our people by associating some of us
Anishinaabewaki! with this or that european nation. Thus we
Turtle Island has been the subject of reject these labels and choose Indigenous.
five centuries of continuous genocide, Indigeneity, rooted in our cultures, and our
ecocide, land theft, slavery, oppression and languages unites our nations—Indian
exploitation. As Indigenous People we are (status and non-status), Xicano, Michif,
the descendants of the survivors of this Genízaro and Boricua—through not only
brutal process; of those who never ceased our common history and struggle against
resisting the invasion of this continent. oppression and exploitation, but also in our
Countless millions—named and unnamed shared destiny towards land, independence
—gave their lives so that we can be here and socialism!

We believe that this best covers the We must move beyond the worldview that
historical, geographic, and cultural range of focuses on treaties.
our movement, and we see our individual
indigenous national identities as a III. The United Nations and Other
foundation of a unified continental identity Imperialist Global Bodies Cannot Act as
covering all of Turtle Island. Vehicles for Our Liberation!
Often times combined with the
II. The Struggle Around Treaties is worldview rooted in struggling around our
Ultimately a Dead End! treaties is one that sees the united nations,
The Party holds that while at times it and other like-minded world organizations,
is necessary for Indigenous People to make as vehicles through which We can
struggle around our so-called “treaty “liberate” ourselves, often through the idea
rights” in order to resist the final stages of that We can use them to force the settler
genocide and the assimilation of the empire to obey international law and
remnants of our peoples into imperialist uphold the treaties with our various
society We also understand that at the nations.
same time struggle around treaties and for This has become particularly
our treaty rights cannot be the primary apparent since the adoption by the u.n. of
essence of our struggles. The treaties— the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous
whether the Numbered or the Two-Row People, but it in fact goes back as far as the
or Guadalupe-Hidalgo—were only ever 1977 Conference on Indigenous Affairs.
the formalized legal method to make The Party understands that the u.n. and
official the dispossession from us of the other such bodies are bodies created and
land and resources of this continent. run by the imperialists and their
There is not a single one that was neocolonial allies.
ever entered into by the settler empire’s While there are various bourgeois
constituent compartments (amerika and nationalist and progressive anti-imperialist
kanada) in good mind. So the sidestepping governments the u.n. they are a tiny
or complete bulldozing of our supposed minority. No body primarily run for and by
“treaty rights” by the settler empire to the imperialists and their allies can ever be
access the natural resources on and a vehicle for our liberation.
underneath our residual land base and
otherwise continue the genocidal assault IV. Combat Cultural Nationalism!
on our peoples is neither an unfortunate Our cultures and traditions have
occurrence nor an illegal occurrence. long played a powerful role in our
Rather it is one that is to be fully expected resistance to genocide and conquest. This
in the scope of our 500 years of relations is because our traditional cultural values
with western “civilization”. This is why if are generally speaking communistic values
We as a people are to become truly free and hence are fundamentally at odds with

the western capitalist civilization that has
attempted to encircle and destroy us since V. We Are Prisoners Trapped in the Belly
first contact. Because our traditions of an Imperialist Beast that Exploits and
represented powerful living counter- Oppresses the Entire World!
examples to the expanding capitalist settler The Party understands that the
empire it was not an uncommon current capitalist world-system is one in
occurrence for settlers themselves to flee which the overwhelming majority of the
their own societies and become citizens of people of the world is ground down,
our nations. Even settlers who were oppressed and exploited under the weight
captured in battle often attempted to of a minority of imperialist-led classes.
return to Indigenous People society when, These imperialist-led classes are currently
after this or that treaty and often at the the numerically dominant bloc within the
point of a gun, they had been forcibly imperialist nations of the First World, while
repatriated to the settler empire. Hence the oppressed and exploited reside
our cultures and traditions had to be primarily within the nations of the Third
annihilated. This was the basis for the World and Internal Colonies of the rich
genocidal residential schools run by the u.s. countries.
and kanadian governments which sought to The contradiction between the
“kill the Indian to save the man.” Even masses exploited and oppressed by
today our traditional cultures play a imperialism and the minority of classes
powerful role in inspiring and driving our which benefit from imperialism is primary
resistance movements. today on the world stage.
However, the Party holds that We On the terrain of Occupied Turtle
must beware the trap of cultural Island this struggle manifests in the
nationalism. Cultural nationalism teaches inherently antagonistic contradiction
that our traditional cultures on their own between the constituent compartments of
and devoid of a revolutionary political the settler empire and their attendant
programme can liberate us. It tells us that if garrison populations who physically hold
We drum enough, dance enough, sing the land, and the aspirations to liberation
enough, and smudge enough that We can of the various Internal Colonies which
make ourselves free. This is a reactionary remain submerged and oppressed.
path that takes us away from revolutionary It is the struggle to free the
struggle and turns the battle for the oppressed and exploited masses of the
overturning of our oppressive conditions Third World and Internal Colonies that will
into one that is purely about individualistic bring about the demise on a global scale of
and spiritual self-change. Only when paired the current parasitic capitalist world-
with a revolutionary analysis and system, industrial ecocide and all forms of
perspective do our traditional cultures oppression.
have the ability to free our people.

VI. Modern Class Analysis: The Essential often formed the most important bulwarks
Question is Parasitism! of modern capitalism and colonialism. They
The Party understands that because have organized against the most exploited
of the “wages of imperialism” the majority and oppressed sectors not only within their
of the peoples in the imperialist nations are own countries, but have generally acted as
net-exploiters—regardless of what class agents of fascism and imperialism globally.
they nominally belong to. In other words As the capitalist world-system
they receive an income greater than the descends ever deeper into crisis it is to be
value that they create. This is the result of expected that struggle may again emerge
the heightened exploitation of the majority between these privileged worker elite and
of the Earth’s peoples who are located the bourgeoisie, sometimes even
principally in the Third World and Internal spectacularly so. However, these struggles
Colonies. This combined with other generally take the form of attempts to re-
benefits—such as social democracy and assert imperialist social democracy and
the status of Whiteness—has White Supremacy. In order to genuinely
embourgeoisified the working classes of join the global revolutionary movement
the oppressor nations. they must forgo their long held privileged
The principal effect of this status, giving up their class and national
embourgeoisification has been to deaden interests and throw their lot in with the
the class struggle between the working and oppressed and exploited peoples of the
ruling classes of the imperialist nations, world as they struggle for dignity, justice
creating social peace. Though it has and self-determination.
reached its most mature state in the era of In the final analysis, We must be
capitalist-imperialism, it is not a new clear that overall the overturning of
process. It has undergone a prolonged capitalism and imperialism globally will
developed through several stages reaching mean a revolution not just against the class
all the way back to the parasitic origins of interests of the bourgeoisie, but against the
capitalism, during the process which privileged worker elite as well.
economist and political theorist Karl Marx The Party contends that the failure
scientifically defined as the “primitive to understand the class composition within
accumulation of capital”. the imperialist nations as well as the
Because of this the workers of the general alignment of forces globally is the
imperialist nations are not “those who have key reason for the failure of ostensibly
nothing left to lose but their chains”; rather revolutionary and communist forces to
they are what some have labelled a “labor organize serious opposition to capitalism
aristocracy” or “worker elite”. This strata is and imperialism within the imperialist
petty bourgeois in its outlook and goals. countries, currently and over the course of
Because of this, in the final analysis, these the last century. A correct understanding
workers, historically and currently, have of the internal class composition of the

imperialist nations and an understanding of working class of the oppressor nation, who
class formations globally is essential for the are in fact not our natural ally, but
success of the modern revolutionary historically and presently allies of
project. imperialism and colonialism.
Further, we see that our liberation is
— WHAT WE WANT — dialectically related to the dismantling of
I. National Liberation & Proletarian the oppressor nation, though by this We
Internationalism! do not mean some kind of genocide
The Party is rooted in a against the oppressor nation, but rather
Revolutionary Indigenist orientation. This the elimination of the oppressor nation as
means that as our central demand We seek an entity that has been built up on a
national liberation, not only for the pre- pedestal of 500 years of conquest and
contact, “Indian” nations of north amerika imperialist pillage. In other words the end
but also for the nations born of post- of the so-called “White” nation as the
contact admixture, amalgamation, White nation. We hold that this entire
detribalization and proletarianization: the process—the liberation of oppressed
Xicano, Michif, Boricua, Genízaro and nations, the elimination of the settler
others. We also extend this demand to the empire and the dismantling of the White
Afrikan nation in north amerika, kidnapped nation—is not only central to the
from their homeland of Afrika, enslaved on development of a genuinely revolutionary
this continent, and with whom We have a society on Turtle Island, but is in fact the
long and proud tradition of standing arm– fundamental prerequisite.
in–arm together with to resist genocide Finally, as all true national liberation
and capitalist expansion at the hands of our movement of the past have also been, We
common oppressor in the settler empire. are deeply proletarian internationalist in
The Party seeks the complete our outlook. The Party understands that
political, economic and social any genuine revolutionary project must be
dismemberment of the settler empire and internationalist in practice, and to this end
its constituent compartments, namely the we are uncompromising in our support for
so-called united states and kanada. The the struggles for revolutionary social and
Party further rejects models and national liberation around the world, from
programmes that attempt to assimilate us Occupied Palestine to the Philippines, from
and the other Internal Colonies of the India to Kurdistan, from Oceania to Afrika.
settler empire into some kind of socialized With this revolutionary internationalist
settler dominated state. As an extension of orientation, We believe that the national
that We also reject those programmes liberation struggles of the Internal Colonies
which lend verbal and paper support for of the imperialist countries must be
our liberation solely as a scheme for understood as a detachment of the wider
building supposed “class unity” with the global struggle against the current parasitic

capitalist world-system, industrial ecocide on this continent including those nations
and all forms of oppression. who, by force of colonial policies and
practices that sought to detribalize and
II. Towards a Pan-Indigenous Movement— proletarianize indigenous people, as well as
No to Micro-Nationalisms! general processes of admixture and
While The Party appreciates, amalgamation have become detached from
respects and holds dear the diversity found our traditional pre-contact nations and
within our indigenous nations—our political formations. The new nations that
cultures, our languages, our spiritual grew from this social development—the
traditions etc.—here on Turtle Island, we Michif, Xicanos, Genízaros and Boricua—
do not believe that the movement for our are no less indigenous than the “First
liberation is best served by splitting along Nations” officially recognized by the
lines of various competing micro- constituent compartments of the settler
nationalisms, or single-nation nationalisms. empire. We are all indigenous and heirs to
Thus we reject individual Anishinaabe or struggle against colonial domination.
Kanien’kehá:ka or Kwakwaka’wakw or Together We can drive off the beast
Lenni-Lenape nationalism etc. as too who has occupied our lands and oppressed
narrow for the purposes of our struggle. us for centuries!
This is not to say that we do believe
that we cannot still be Anishinaabe or III. For the Total and Uncompromising
Kanien’kehá:ka or Kwakwaka’wakw or Liberation of Wimmin, Same Gender
Lenni-Lenape, or that the diversity of our Loving & Two-Spirit People!
nations should not be preserved. Rather Prior to the European assault on
We hold that only together, united as Turtle Island many Indigenous People
Indigenous People (indigenous people), can societies included, and indeed deeply
We truly begin to struggle for our honored, people whose gender expression
collective liberation. This is not a simplistic and/or sexual orientation fell outside the
belief that there is a single, overarching traditional euro-christian sex-gender binary.
Indigenous People “nation” but rather that In modern times these people are often
the concept of Indigenous People labelled in the mainstream gay, lesbian or
represents our common history of trans, but none of these european-rooted
resistance to 500 years of genocide, terms truly capture the total complexity of
ecocide and colonization at the hands of what was practiced within our nations, nor
the settler empire. It also represents our do they have a meaningful reference point
common aspirations for liberation. within our cultures. Additionally settler
We also believe that there is fertile society has heaped insulting terms onto
ground to build a common pan-indigenous these members of our societies such
movement that unites under the concept “berdache”. Our collective nations have
of Indigenous People all indigenous peoples had many words for these peoples, but

today We use the modern, but culturally- personal lives.
rooted, terms “two-spirit” and “same Previous revolutionary movements
gender loving” to describe those within our and socialist experiments have more often
nations who fall outside the euro-christian than not devolved into, if they were not
sex-gender binary. born deformed as, good ol’ boys clubs.
Additionally, many Indigenous People Against this the Party uncompromisingly
societies were far more empowering for supports the participation and leadership
wimmin than any period of european social of wimmin, same gender loving and Two-
development. In many nations and Spirit people. The Party supports, should
confederacies while men held superficial they self-determine it to be necessary, that
official power, it was the wimmin, the wimmin, same-gender loving and two-spirit
mothers, the clan mothers, the people have their own, parallel liberation
grandmothers, who held true power. organs, self-defence organizations and mass
Wimmin placed the men into their movements. Only by supporting the total
positions, and could recall them at will if annihilation of patriarchy will our
they did not live up to expectation. revolution ever truly be complete!
Wimmin were also those who often
decided when it was necessary to go to IV. Ecological Revolution is a Necessity!
war. Wimmin, like two-spirit and same As a world—across national, class
gender loving people, were also deeply and gender lines—We are facing a wave of
honored spiritual leaders. ecological devastation and mass extinction
As such, a fundamental aspect of the caused by the development of industrial
european assault on this continent was the capitalist society. Burning fossil fuels,
destruction of our traditionally horizontal overfishing, mining, factory farming, global
social formations and violent warming, commodity production, the
reorganization of our nations in vertical imperialist war machine, exorbitant First
hierarchies defined largely by imposition of World lifestyles, exploitative international
patriarchy and the consequent attempt to trade and the global division of labor,
completely exterminate same gender exportation of waste to the Third World,
loving and two-spirit people and destroy the transformation of Internal Colonies
the traditions of wimmin’s power. into geographies of national sacrifice, and
Against this the Party demands a deforestation are destroying the Earth and
world without patriarchy: a world without threaten all life upon it.
rape, without the sexual exploitation of We now stand on the verge of total
wimmin and children, without gender ecological collapse. Today We are faced
oppression and imposition. A world where with two options: revolution or barbarism.
wimmin, same gender loving and two-spirit Revolutionary forces must not only be
people have total and complete control warriors of the people, but also of all of
over their bodies, their identities and their our relations: the animals, the plants, the

lands, the seas and the skies that surround industrialism and the development of the
and sustain us. The struggle to liberate the productive forces over the power of the
oppressed and exploited nations of the people to make change.
world must also a struggle for the future of
our planet. V. For Genuine Allies—For Class & Nation
The Party demands a paradigmatic Traitors!
shift in how revolutionary forces view the The Party wants genuine allies from
natural world and our relationship to it. among the ranks the oppressor nations of
While believing that sane and non- the world. The Party wants those who
exploitative development of formerly traitors to their nation and their class—
oppressed nations should begin after individual members of exploiter classes
revolution, We believe this “development” who choose to side with the world’s
cannot follow the tried and failed courses oppressed and exploited masses.
followed by either capitalism or past The Party wants them to commit
socialist experiments. class and national suicide, to abandon the
We call for the development of a creature comforts of the parasitic path laid
non-anthropocentric, humanist ecological before them over the last 500 years and to
outlook that rejects a vision of a instead enthusiastically join hands with the
domesticated or pacified natural world. oppressed and exploited and walk down
One that utterly rejects the current the road of struggle and revolution. The
oppressive and exploitative industrial Party wants those who are willing to
capitalist society. One that seeks to not just eschew norms to organize and work for
defend, but actively expand wilderness. revolution; who forsake their own class for
One that restores or revitalizes our deep a better future for humanity at large.
relations with the soil, plants, animals, sun
and the wind. Our new society is one VI. We Need a Revolutionary
based around ideas of deurbanization, Organization!
industrial decentralization, alternative and As Indigenous revolutionaries We
soft-path technologies, organic agriculture believe that to free our people from
& permaculture and limits to growth where ongoing genocide and oppression We must
the ultimate goal is the cultivation of involve every progressive element of our
balance and harmony between human communities in the struggle for self-
society and nature. determination. Only with a well-organized,
Finally, while We are not anti- mobilized, and politicized people, will We
technology, We question the uncritical develop the power necessary to achieve
factory worship and techno-fetishism that liberation. A critical aspect of this point is
has been the view of many past and the need to channel our people’s energy
current revolutionary movements, as well and resources into a disciplined
as the unquestioned reliance on revolutionary party.

In political struggle, individualism is a as a way of identifying our weaknesses and
bourgeois and egotistical trait. We must shortcomings. We must adhere to the
raise these shortcomings and principle of collective decision-making in
contradictions to those who profess being our daily work.
active in political work without To this end we urge all indigenous
accountability to an organization. Central people to join the Indigenous People’s
to this point is the combating of liberalism, Liberation Party, an organization united
which in our movement presents itself as under principles of democratic centralism
unprincipled and opportunistic struggle. and the goal of liberation as the only way
Liberalism stems from selfishness, and to build a movement that is accountable to
places personal interests above the our peoples and capable of leading our
interests of the collective movement. The struggle. Achieving organizational, practical,
Party upholds the importance of engaging and ideological unity is of paramount
in constructive criticism and self-criticism, importance!





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