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demure=(of a woman or her behaviour) reserved, modest, and shy

2. petulant=childishly sulky or bad-tempered
3. paramour= lover, mai ales amant
4. succumb=fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force
5. lackluster=lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring// dull
6. berate= scold or criticize someone angrily
7. preamble=a preliminary or preparatory statement; an introduction
8. saunter=walk in a slow relaxed manner
9. quip= a witty remark
10. haggard=looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or suffering
11. ravishing
12. jovial
13. inebriated
14. abate= (of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread
15. bravado= a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate
16. exude
17. askew
18. quaint= attractively unusual or old-fashioned
19. dowdy= unfashionable and unstylish in appearance
20. pungent= having a sharply strong taste or smell
21. entail= involve as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence
22. unnerving= make (someone) lose courage or confidence
23. menace= threat
24. throes= agony, intense or violent pain and struggle(birth, death, or great change)
25. disdain= feeling that smo or smth is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect
26. fickle= changing frequently(especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections)
27. perplex= confuse mentally
28. reverent= showing or feeling deep respect
29. inadequate= insufficient, not enough, deficient
30. decadent= moral or cultural decline
31. relinquish= give up
32. convalescence= recuperation
33. filigree= DELICATE metalwork//wirework//art
34. summa summarum= in total
35. precondition
36. heed= n. careful attention//vb. pay attention or take notice of
37. indigence= extreme poverty
38. destitution=extreme poverty
39. divine= vb discover (something) by guesswork or intuition.
40. protract=prolong // protracted= lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual
41. canaille= derogatory masses, common people
42. contiguity=1. the state of bordering or being in contact with something
2. the sequential occurrence or proximity of stimulus and response, causing
association in the mind
43. render=provide or give//deliver//give up or surrender//cause to be or become//represent or
depict artistically
44. harmonia praestabilita=
45. atavism= a modification of a biological structure whereby an ancestral trait reappears after
having been lost through evolutionary change in previous generations
46. sovereign= supreme ruler, especially a monarch
47. prevalent= widespread in a particular area or at a particular time (archaic: powerful,
48. kinship= blood relationship
49. limbo= an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or
50. surpass
51. amiss= awry=not quite right
52. superfluous= unnecessary, more than enough
53. presupposition= assumption
54. susceptibility= vulnerability
55. vexation= annoyance
56. fakir= a person who is self-sufficient and only possesses the spiritual need for God
57. fester= become rotten
58. importunate= persistent, especially to the point of annoyance
59. tenderminded= nurturing, compassionate, forgiving// idealistic
60. enmity= a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility
61. inimical= tending to harm, hostile, unfriendly
62. industrious= diligent and hard working
63. artless= ingenuous//natural//lacking art knowledge skill//poorly made, inartistic, clumsy
64. impetuous= acting quickly without thought or care, impulsive
65. elude= escape from or avoid typically in a skillful manner//fail to attained by someone
66. allegiance= loyalty
67. requite= repay
68. folly= foolishness
69. sagacity= wisdom
70. dyspeptic= having indigestion or a consequent air of irritable bad temper
71. eidetic= (psych) relating to/denoting mental images having unusual vividness and detail
72. alma mater= the university, school, or college that one formerly attended
73. derision= n. mockery
74. exuberant= full of energy, cheerfulness and excitement
75. gloomy= dark or poorly lit (as to appear depressing or frightening)
76. dejected= sad and depressed
77. chastise= scold
78. poise= graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
79. warble= vb. (of a bird) sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes
80. chaperones= carekeeper, companion (smo who accompanies and looks after another
81. mimicry= imitation, the action or skill of imitating smo or smth
82. anodyne= adj. not likely to cause offence and somewhat dull
83. criterion= sg of criteria
84. pathos= a quality that evokes pity or sadness
85. furtive= attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that
discovery would lead to trouble; secretive
86. de rigueur= necessary according to etiquette, protocol or fashion
87. uncanny= strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
88. endure
89. dithyramb= a wild choral hymn of ancient Greece, especially one dedicated to Dionysus// a
passionate or inflated speech, poem, or other writing.
90. rabble= mob, a disorderly crowd
91. quota= a fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to
92. finis coronat opus= "the end crowns the work" from ovid
93. hipostase
94. to perish
95. in ictu oculi
96. forlorn
97. stymied
98. ab ovo= ab initio
99. in medias res= in the middle of things

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