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Hi, my name is Manuel Perez, I’m 22 years old.

I hope to meet with you guys soon, I live in

Venezuela in the city of San Cristobal state tachira, I study civil engineering, Always I’ve been a
worker person, this is not my first time working as a freelancer so I think that I’m willing to make
an excellent work for you guys and give you my one hundred percent for be a useful worker. I
hope to get an opportunity for seize it. And I want a remote job cause I can earn money, enhance
my skills while I study and in this way I would like to help my family.


Hi, my name is Manuel Perez, It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m 22 years old. I study civil
engineering I hope to been graduated in the next two years, I worked as a freelancer before in
humanatic auditing calls I’m willing to make an excellent work for you guys and give you my one
hundred percent for be a useful worker I’m a responsible person and I able to grown up as a
professional, I’m open to learn new skills too. I live in Venezuela tachira state. I think this
enterprise it’s a wonderful opportunity for the good Venezuelans people that want to arise against
the adversities. I’m available to work at nights around 2 hours and some mornings around 2 hours
too, on weekend I’m available both days I’m available 20 hours per week. I’ve experience with
social medias (Instagram, facebook), I use the entire office package, I use programs like autoCAD
(architectural plans houses, mechanic pieces) and wondershare filmora, I can make translations,
transcriptions and product research, I know how to edit photos, I can handle calendar, schedules
and also the google package.

I grown with good values because of my mom and my grandma

Medium: medio

I consider I have moderate skills using video editors

I consider myself as a person who has moderate skills using filmora

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