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My experience at the Recreation Center was wonderful as it is a place where you can share with
family and have a pleasant time without distractions. During my stay I enjoyed with my family
the different attractions that there were in the Recreation Center. I loved this experience and
would gladly repeat it again as the greatest joy I had of this trip was to see my son happy and
cheerful. On this site we ate, played, laughed very well and had a great time on our holiday in
the Recreation Center. This trip we made in the month of June last year, I decided to take my
mom, my dad, my son and my husband to this place, so we get up early at five in the morning,
we bathe, we enlist and we leave as soon as the house can get there early or the site and not miss
any attraction. Upon arrival we took the snack as a family and toured the place to get to know it
better, then entered the wave pool which was the maximum, the waves dragged us and they
were getting bigger and bigger, enjoy quite as it was the first time I lived this experience. After
being in the waves, we went to lunch, walked and sunbed for a while and at four o'clock in the
afternoon began our return home, to which we arrived safely.

What I learned from this experience to the Recreation Center, is that enjoying as a family is the
best and it is these moments that remain in the memory forever.

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